18 Amendments of Nirj DEVA related to 2007/2219(INI)

Amendment 1 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Is of the opinion that, from its inception, the CFSP, including the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP), has helped to strengthen the European identity and the EU's role as a global player;deleted
Committee: AFET
Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Strongly believes that the European Union can make an impact and conduct a genuine, effective and credible CFSP only if it speaks with one voice, has the appropriate instruments at its disposal and enjoy, but that this CFSP must visibly possess the strong democratic legitimacy afforded by Parliament's authentic scrutiny;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Calls on the Member States to commit themselves tonsider consulting their EU partners and the High Representative before adopting strategic decisions in the area of foreign policy, particularly in multilateral organisations, which may affect the coherence and cohesion of the EU's external action and may undermine the EU's credibility as a global player vis-à- vis third countries;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
6. While recognising progress in the structure of the report, especially the inclusion of more forward-looking planning alongside the description of activities carried out in the previous year, inviteexpects the Council, where appropriate, to take into account for the next annual report the relevant resolutions and/or recommendations adopted by Parliament;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 15 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Is of the view that Parliament should more systematically adopt positions on each successive stage of CFSP and ESDP decision–making; recommends that, in order to enhance their democratic legitimacy, common positions and joint actions should where appropriate contain references to those positions adopted by Parliament (where the positions in question do not override the interests of individual Member States);
Committee: AFET
Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Welcomes the growing recognition that the legitimacy and coherence of the CFSP/ESDP depend to a great degree on the growing willingness of the High Representative and his services to cooperate with Parliament, as well as the Council Presidency's readiness to engage with Parliament – not to mention the willingness in practice of Member States to surrender their sovereignty with respect to these key national prerogatives;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 44 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
12. Is of the view that the importance of the foreign policy dimension of energy security, including the Union's dependence on energy and other strategic supplies from unstable or undemocratic countries and regions, will continue to increase in 2008; recommends wide-ranging diversification of energy sources and energy transport routes and increased energy efficiency as well as solidarity in energy policy among EU Member States; deplornotes the use of energy by third parties as a political instrument and the uncoordinated signing of bilateral energy agreements by Member States, which may undermine the interests of the EU as a whole and of other Member States; reiterates its call for the creation of the post of High Official for Foreign Energy Policy under the authority of the future double- hatted High Representative/Vice-President of the Commission, with responsibility for coordinating the Union's activities in this field;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 50 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Reiterates that terrorism constitutes one of the main threats to the EU’s security but that the fight against terrorism must be conducted with due respect for the universal values of democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the protection thereof, in close cooperation with international partners and in keeping with the strategy laid down by the United Nato the relevant international conventions;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 54 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
14. Reiterates that strengthening global governance, international institutions and the value of international law remains a vital interest for the Union's external action; underlines in this regard the crucial role to be played by the United Nations in support of effectivecan only serve to further alienate and remove the people from the decision-making process pursued in their name; underlines in this regard the corruption and vested interests latent within the unelected United Nations and protected under the shield of multilateralism, and stresses that the Union must stand united while urging its partners to pursue the development and consolidation of democracy, human rights and the rule of law, as a common basis for a prosperous and secure world;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 68 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
16. Is of the view that the Union's enlargement process remains a key issue for 2008 and that it should be based on the Union's capacity to integrate new Member States (taking account of the impact of enlargement on its institutions, its financial resources and its capacity to pursue its political objectives as well as a proven demonstrable affinity of the applicant state with the values and ideals of the existing Member States);
Committee: AFET
Amendment 130 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 31
31. Draws attention to its extensive resolutions and reports concerning the different geographical areas of interest, since they contain valuable contributions to the debate onwhich must play their necessary part in shaping the way in which the EU's policy vis-à-vis those geographical areas should evolve;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 33
33. Reiterates its call on EU Member States that are also members of the UN Security Council to improve their coordination within that framework in order to enhance the effectiveness of the Union's action on the world stage, and, with a view to the longer term, to strive to secure a seat for the EU on the Security Council;deleted
Committee: AFET
Amendment 136 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 35 a (new)
35a. Is ashamed to note that, whilst this very resolution (paragraph 2) states that “the values which the European Union and its Member States cherish, notably democracy…”, that declaration itself is void of any moral authority due to the fact that the governments of various Member States of the EU promised their citizens a referendum on the new Treaty when they thought they could win, and then promptly rescinded that pledge when they realised they would lose; therefore laments the fact that, like charity, democracy must begin at home; furthermore, draws the sad conclusion that Parliament far prefers to talk about democracy than to understand what that term means;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 137 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 36 – introductory wording
36. Welcomes the improvement of the institutional framework of the Union in the field of the CFSPUnequivocally regrets the severe diminution of democratically accountable national sovereignty by unnecessary unelected bureaucratic expansion, mainly by:
Committee: AFET
Amendment 140 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 38
38. Recalls that the establishment of the Union's legal personality raises the question of its status within international organisations such as the United Nations; takes the view that the Union's future status within the UN should be commensurate with its financial and political contribution, and asserts that this potential future development must not be at the expense of those EU Member States that are members of the UN Security Council in their own right;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 154 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 54
54. Regards the total amount of EUR 1 740 million allocated to the CFSP for the period from 2007 to 2013 as insufficient to achieve the ambitions and specific goals of the EU as a global player, while recognising that the CFSP funding agreed for 2008, amounting to EUR 285 million, represents an important step forward compared to previous allocations of funds (and an increase of EUR 125 million on 2007); underlines that this increase should be accompanied by stronger measures for parliamentary control and improved cooperation by the Council;deleted
Committee: AFET
Amendment 156 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital A
A. whereas a clear definition of the interests of the Union is essential in order to attain the goals of the Union's external action and in particular its foreign affairs policy (where those goals do not override the nationally determined priorities of any of the Member States),
Committee: AFET
Amendment 164 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C
C. whereas, in order to be credible, the CFSP and the future Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) must be allocated resources in line with their ambitions and specific targets, and whereas in this regard a significant increase is considered necessary during the mid–term review of the Financial Perspectives in 2009 and from other financial sources,deleted
Committee: AFET