1 Reports of Maurizio TURCO related to 2003/0806(CNS)

Report 1. on the initiative by the Kingdom of Denmark with a view to adopting a Council Act amending the Council Act of 3 November 1998 adopting Rules on the confidentiality of Europol information (13875/2002 - C5-0553/2002 - 2002/0823(CNS)); 2. on the initiative of the Kingdom of Denmark with a view to adopting a Council Act amending the Staff Regulations applicable to Europol employees (13873/2002 - C5-0555/2002 - 2002/0822(CNS)); 3. on the initiative of the Hellenic Republic with a view to the adoption of a Council Decision adjusting the basic salaries and allowances applicable to Europol staff (6314/2003 - C5-0066/2003 - 2003/0806(CNS)) - Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs PDF (158 KB) DOC (55 KB)
Committee: LIBE
Dossiers: 2002/0823(CNS)2002/0822(CNS)2003/0806(CNS)
Documents: PDF(158 KB) DOC(55 KB)