4 Amendments of Brice HORTEFEUX related to 2012/0184(COD)

Amendment 54 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 7
(7) Solid investigation results show that 8% of the accidents involving motorcycles are caused or linked to technical defects. Motorcycle riders are the group of road users with the highest safety risk, with rising trend in the number of fatalities. Moped drivers are overrepresented in the number of fatalities, with more than 1,400 drivers killed on the roads in 2008. The scope of vehicles to be tested shall therefore be extended to the highest risk group of road users, the powered two- or three-wheel vehicles.deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 107 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – indent 7
– two- or three-wheel vehicles – vehicle categories L1e, L2e, L3e, L4e, L5e, L6e and L7e,deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 131 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 1 – point 5
(5) ‘two- or three-wheel vehicles’ means any power-driven vehicle on two wheels with or without sidecar, tricycles and quadricycles;deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 184 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 5 – paragraph 1 – indent 1
– Vehicles of categories L1e, L2e, L3e, L4e, L5e, L6e and L7e: four years after the date on which the vehicle was first registered, then two years and thereafter annually;deleted
Committee: TRAN