2 Amendments of Kathleen VAN BREMPT related to 2023/0260R(NLE)

Amendment 142 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 29
29. Welcomes the fact that the chapter on trade and sustainable development (TSD) contains ambitious and binding commitments on environmental and labour standards; notes that in their joint statement on trade and sustainable development attached to the Agreement, the EU and Chile commit to reviewing the Agreement’s TSD provisions upon its entry into forcehighlights that these commitments must be strengthened and made credible by subjugating the TSD chapter to the agreement's dispute resolution mechanism, with the possibility of introducing sanctions as a measure of last resort; notes in this respect, that in their joint statement on trade and sustainable development attached to the Agreement, the EU and Chile commit to reviewing the Agreement’s TSD provisions upon its entry into force; strongly underlines the importance of an ambitious review as soon as possible, to bring the EU-Chile FTA in line with the objectives of the EU Green Deal and the EU's TSD Reform proposals as introduced in the 2022 Communication: 'The power of trade partnerships: together for green and just economic growth'; stresses that a implementation roadmap with concrete targets and milestones for their delivery, set-up with involvement of civil society, would be a useful tool to address TSD challenges;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 142 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 29
29. Welcomes the fact that the chapter on trade and sustainable development (TSD) contains ambitious and binding commitments on environmental and labour standards; notes that in their joint statement on trade and sustainable development attached to the Agreement, the EU and Chile commit to reviewing the Agreement’s TSD provisions upon its entry into forcehighlights that these commitments must be strengthened and made credible by subjugating the TSD chapter to the agreement's dispute resolution mechanism, with the possibility of introducing sanctions as a measure of last resort; notes in this respect, that in their joint statement on trade and sustainable development attached to the Agreement, the EU and Chile commit to reviewing the Agreement’s TSD provisions upon its entry into force; strongly underlines the importance of an ambitious review as soon as possible, to bring the EU-Chile FTA in line with the objectives of the EU Green Deal and the EU's TSD Reform proposals as introduced in the 2022 Communication: 'The power of trade partnerships: together for green and just economic growth'; stresses that a implementation roadmap with concrete targets and milestones for their delivery, set-up with involvement of civil society, would be a useful tool to address TSD challenges;
Committee: AFETINTA