1 Amendments of Jean-Paul DENANOT related to 2016/2051(BUD)

Amendment 5 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Observes that the adoption of Draft amending budget No 2/2016 will unfortunately reduce the share of GNI contributions from Member States to the Union budget in 2016 by EUR 1 349 million; once again urges the Member States to use the opportunity of such a reflow to honour their pledges in relation to the refugee crisis and to match the Union contribution to the two dedicated Union Trust Funds; notes with concern that in spring 2016 Member States have only contributed EUR 82 million to the Africa Trust Fund and EUR 60 million to the Madad Trust Fund on the Syrian crisis, while the Union's contributions stand at EUR 1,8 billion and more than EUR 500 million respectively;
Committee: BUDG