3 Amendments of Jeroen LENAERS related to 2020/2146(DEC)

Amendment 44 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 35
35. Supports the Committee and the EESC in the view that in the event of an extension of the current agreement or of a new agreement with Parliament all outstanding issues such as the unbalanced situation for the Committee and the EESC, which transferred a total of 60 translators to Parliament (24 from the Committee) and in exchange obtained only the use of the services of the European Parliamentary Research Service must be settled; notes with concern that as a consequence the Committee and the EESC had to hire contract staff and outsourced their translation services which resulted in an effective budget reduction;deleted
Committee: CONT
Amendment 47 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 35 a (new)
35 a. Underlines the Committee's acknowledgement in its written answers to Parliament that the cooperation with Parliament in 2019 continued to build on the achievements of the previous years and revealed a satisfactory progress on several levels such as the relations between the commissions of the Committee and the committees of Parliament, new ways of cooperation including contributions to implementation reports and fact-finding missions and a successful and impactful cooperation through Parliament's Intergroup on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development; stresses that the Committee has requested that the political cooperation continue to be further developed while respecting the autonomy and the specific approaches of each parliamentary committee and commission of the Committee; notes that through the cooperation with Parliament the Committee gained a guarantee for a sustainable working relationship with Parliament, intensified cooperation with the parliamentary committees, involvement in the European Semester work, a reserved seat during parliamentary committee meetings, the use of the services of the European Parliamentary Research Service, joint projects and synergies on translation, opening of pathways between Parliament and the buildings of the Committees, a service level agreement including provisions of interpretation services and technical support by Parliament, regular use of Parliament buildings in Brussels as well as of Parliament’s Liaison Offices in the Member States for events and activities, intensified cooperation in the area of informatics, mutual access to canteens, several cooperation mechanisms to ensure a coherent approach and create synergies in the field of information and communication and, if required, legal advice in technical or administrative matters from Parliament’s Legal Service;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 52 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 37 a (new)
37 a. Recognises and welcomes the Committee's involvement in Parliament's electoral campaign in 2019 by ensuring the mobilisation of all its internal and external networks in promoting both the "This time I'm voting" ground game and the "Choose your future" online video, as well as through the Committee's social media outreach; encourages further cooperation activities for the creation of synergies in the field of communication;
Committee: CONT