4 Amendments of Alin Lucian ANTOCHI related to 2008/2337(INI)

Amendment 2 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Notes that the Commission, as announced in its above-mentioned Communication of 5 September 20071, has, in the annual report under review, described the priority actions it intends to pursue in certain areas of complaint and infringement management; welcomes the statements according to which priority will continue to be given to ‘problems having a wide-ranging impact on fundamental rights and free movement’2 and, with regard to the environment, to ‘large infrastructure projects, especially those receiving Community finance; infringements where citizens are on a significant scale or repeatedly exposed to direct harm or serious detriment to their quality of life’3; supports the Commission, therefore, in setting up networks of responsible officials in the Member States for transposition of new directives and for online exchange of questions and answers; calls on the Commission to provide the parliamentary committees responsible with a detailed plan setting out the time limits and deadlines for the specific actions it intends to launch in these areas;
Committee: JURI
Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
11. Urges all Commission departments to keep complainants fully informed of the progress made in the processing of their complaints at the end of each predefined period (letter of formal notice, reasoned opinions, proceedings before the Court), or closure of a case), to provide, where appropriate, recommendations on handling the case through alternative dispute settlement mechanisms, and to state the reasons for their decisions and to communicate them in detail to complainants in accordance with the principles laid down in the 2002 Communication;
Committee: JURI
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Calls for greater cooperation between the national parliaments and the European Parliament and their respective Members in order to promote and step up the proper monitoring of European issues at national level, as well as to facilitate the flow of information especially during the adoption of European legislative acts; considers that national members of parliament have a valuable role to play in monitoring the application of Community law, thereby helping to strengthen the European Union’s democratic legitimacy and bringing it closer to the citizens;
Committee: JURI
Amendment 14 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Notes that the national courts play a vital role in applying the Community law and fully supports the Commission’s efforts to identify supplementary training courses for national judges, legal professionals and, officials and civil servants in the national administrations; stresses the need to support improved availability of databases on national court rulings concerning Community law;
Committee: JURI