2 Amendments of Eduard KUKAN related to 2012/2138(INI)

Amendment 68 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Recalls the political, strategic and symbolic importance of the EU engagement in the Western Balkans, which remains a credibility test for the Union; calls on the High Representative / Vice- President of the Commission and the Council to reassess the EU's security contribution in the region;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 73 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
18. Welcomes the positivSupports the role played by the EULEX Kosovo mission, which is operating in a difficult political environment, to help this country establish the rule of law and aindependent judicial, police and customs apparatus free from all political interference, in line with internationally recognized, as well as European, best practices; recognizes, however, that much remains to be done if EULEX is to fully accomplish the missions assigned to it and enjoy the full confidence of theKosovo population, especially the Kosovo Serb community; calls on the mission; calls on the mission to strengthen its activities on the north of Kosovo, to engage more thoroughly in investigation and prosecution of high level corruption cases and to answer with the greatest care and rigour the questions raised by the Council of Europe report on the veracity of allegations of organ trafficking and to implement, with the States concerned, a witness protection programme so that rigorous judicial proceedings can establish the facts;
Committee: AFET