5 Amendments of Franziska Katharina BRANTNER related to 2010/2311(INI)

Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Recognises that international terrorism, as stated in the European Security Strategy1 and its Implementation Report2 , remains a major threat to international stabilityEuropean societies and to European societies that requires a globalzens living and working in those respgionse; welcomes, in and countries theat area of CSDP, the ongoing update of the military database and the European Defence Agency's contribution to combating terrorism; affirms that human intelligence, on top of all technical means available, remains indispensable in tackling terrorist network specifically faced by international terrorism; reminds that international terrorism is a phenomenon which requires a comprehensive approach; calls for an open and public debate on the threat posed by international terrorism to the EU and on the European responses to international terrorism especially regarding the need to address the root causes;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Promotes a holistic approach tothe need to view very cautiously a possible role for CSDP in EU counter- terrorism policy by suggesting the harmonisation of the European Security Strategy and the Internal Security Strategy3 , and the strengthening of existefforts; reminds that relevant documents4 prepared by the Council and the bodies of the European External Action Service such as the Terrorism Working Party show that no concept for the role of CSDP ing coordination mechanisms between Justice and Home Affaiunter terrorism is available; welcomes that since several years Ccouncil structures, agencies and the European External Action Service in order to better coordinate external and internal policy instruments; encourages the Cter terrorism efforts in Europe are characterized by a criminal justice approach mainly relying on national justice and police and cooperation with identical authorities in other countries; warns that the integration of CSDP into EU counter-T terrorism Co-ordinator topolicy could lead to a militarisation of EU countinue his efforts in this field; __________________ 3 er terrorism and thus lead to the weakening of the criminal justice approach, downgrading of human rights, civil liberties and humanitarian law standards; __________________ 4 Bringing together internal and external counter terrorism, 21 January 2011, Brussels, 101/st05/st05842-re02.en10152.en11.pdf Conceptual Framework on the ESDP dimension of the fight against terrorism, 18 November 2004, 04/st14/st14797.en04.pdf
Committee: AFET
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Emphasises the strategicNotes the cooperation between the Union and the US reflected by various agreements; stresses therereminds that according to the report of the European Parliament's Temporary Committee on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA fore that the EU-US Agreement on the Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme, the Toledo declaration on aviation security and the Ce transport and illegal detention of prisoners US and European governments have cooperated with regard to both the illegal abduction, transport and detention of terrorist suspects; stresses that these activities violated several European and international norms like the European Convention on Human Rights or the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1984; urges Council, Commission, the External Action Service and EU Member States to take into account recommendations issued by both Fava reports adopted on 6 July 2006 and on 14 February 2007; reminds that a counter-T terrorism Declaration are positive examples to bepolicy based on other concepts and instruments other than criminal justice e.g. an approach based on secret services puts into question foullowed in the Union's relations with other third countries; compliance with international norms and human rights standards; stresses therefore that a possible future EU-US Agreement on the Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme has to be in compliance with human rights norms and the highest standards when it comes to privacy, fundamental rights and civil liberties; recalls that the Toledo declaration on aviation security promotes the use so called body scanners which cause severe health problems, violate privacy and are also an offense to human dignity;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 28 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. UnderlinNotes that counter-terrorism is an integral part of themight play a role in Union's relations with third countries; asks for an increase in the funding of counter-terrorism assistance measures in the next Instrument for Stability in order to prevent state failure; agrees, in this respect, with the priority areas being South Asia, in particular Pakistan and Afghanistan, the Sahe once a counter terrorism strategy for external relations has been defined; regrets that the European Commission and the European External Action Service did not set up a standard mechanism for monitoring if a third country which was provided support for a counter terrorism measures (Article 4.1.a) funded under the Instrument for Stability "ensures full respect for their international human rights obligations and applicable humanitarian law" as set out in the Declaration of the European Commission on the Instrument for Stability adopted in 2006; urges the European Commission and the External Action Service to immediately stop funding and supporting the African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT) based in Algiers, Algeria, because of failure to monitor compliance with human rights standards; deplores the fact that neither the Council Pregion (Mauretania, Mali, Niger) and Yesidency nor the External Action Service did inform the relevant European Parliamen;t callommittees on the Council to adopt acontent of the Comprehensive Union Strategy for tackling terrorism in the Saharo-Sahelian region in consultation with the European Parliament; welcomes the adoption ofprior to its adoption on 21 March 2011 at the Foreign Affairs Minister meeting; considers the use of the Instrument for Stability funds for further counter- terrorism clauses in international agreementsmeasures acceptable in case a mechanism for human rights monitoring has been established by relevant services of the External Action Service;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Points out the common values that the Union shares with other international organisations, especially the UN; sStresses the need for the universal ratification and implementation of the UN conventions and protocols againstrelevant to terrorism; advocates the adoption ofnd calls for a UN Comprehensive Convention on Terrorism; asks for greater flexibility in theconsiders that the EU and its Member States must ensure procedures regarding terrorist blacklisting and asset-freezing, including those emanating from UN Sdecurity Council process of listing terrorist organisations and individualsisions, are placed in a sound framework in conformity with all relevant legal instruments and court rulings allowing individuals and organisations suspected of terrorist activities to seek judicial review;
Committee: AFET