1 Amendments of Anna Maria CORAZZA BILDT related to 2012/2092(BUD)

Amendment 129 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraphs 77 a, b, c, d, e, f, g (new)
Working arrangements of the Parliament 77a. Believes that, like every directly elected parliament, the Parliament should have the right to decide on its own seat and working place arrangements; 77b. Declares therefore that the Parliament's seat and places of work for Members and officials should be decided upon by the Parliament itself; 77c. Urges the two arms of the budgetary authority (the Council and the Parliament), in order to make financial savings and promote a more sustainable climate- and environment friendly solution, to raise the issue of a single seat and Parliament's working places for Members and officials in the upcoming negotiations on the next MFF for 2014- 2020; 77d. Urges the Member States to revise the issue of the Parliament's seat and working places in the next revision of the Treaty by amending protocol 6; 77e. Calls in the meantime on the Council and the Parliament to start elaborating a road-map towards a single seat and a more efficient use of the Parliament's working places, taking into account specific up to date figures detailing the cost of each place of work and working conditions for staff, as well as economic, societal and environmental factors - to be presented in a report by 30 June 2013; 77f. Believes that, as the most viable place for Parliament's seat would be Brussels, co-located alongside Council, Commission and the EEAS, such a road- map should also include a reasonable solution for Strasbourg and Luxemburg so as to avoid, to the extent possible, any loss of jobs and income for citizens and local and regional authorities in those places of work; such a solution could preferably entail locating other institutions permanently to Strasbourg and Luxemburg that could make full use of the Parliament's buildings; 77g. Suggests that the agreement between the authorities in Luxembourg and the Parliament, on the number of staff to be present in Luxembourg, should be revised taking into account a revision of the Parliament's needs;
Committee: BUDG