2 Amendments of Carl HAGLUND related to 2010/2003(BUD)

Amendment 4 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Reiterates its conviction that interinstitutional cooperation is essential to exchange best practices and explore further the scope for improving effectiveness and efficiency and, where possible and appropriate, finding savings and sharing resources better; believes that useful gains could also be made by extending this concept to other areas which have not so far been considered in this context, such as EMAS, non-discrimination policies, and teleworking; suggests that possibilities to usefor using open software with sufficient safety guarantees and teleworkingbe explored, subject to clearly defined feasibility criteria and taking into account both direct and indirect costs; points out that efforts should continue in areas already under consideration such as for example translation capacity and recruitment (EPSO);
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 27 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Considers that follow-up and analysis are important on a number of fronts with clear budgetary links such as, inter alia, the restructuring of Directorates-General, the pursuit of a more effective and professional staff policy, a cost- and energy-efficient buildings policy, including with regard to location, non-discrimination action, EMAS, public procurement and action taken following budget discharge recommendations; emphasises the need for continuous follow-up and analysis of Parliament's budget implementation in general;
Committee: BUDG