3 Amendments of Rolandas PAKSAS related to 2011/0901(COD)

Amendment 37 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 5
(5) As a consequence of the progressive expansion of its jurisdiction since its creation, the number of cases before the General Court is now constantly increasing and delays in proceedings are also rising.
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 38 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 9
(9) Consequently, the necessary measures should be taken to address this situation, and the possibility, provided for by the Treaties, of increasing the number of Judges of the General Court is such as to enable it to increase its efficiency and reduce both the volume of pending cases and the excessive duration of proceedings before the General Court to be reduced within a short timewithin a short time, and to be able to deal with the ‘other proceedings’ category as a priority.
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 39 #
(10a) Temporary Judges must be subject to obligations of independence, impartiality, competence and aptitude and enjoy the same rights, in the performance of their duties, as permanent Judges.
Committee: AFCO