4 Amendments of Rolandas PAKSAS related to 2011/2158(BUD)

Amendment 5 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Recalls the institutions’ commitment to ensuring a smooth and rapid procedure for the adoption of the decisions on the mobilisation of the EGF, providing one- off, time-limited individual support geared to helping workers who have suffered redundancies as a result of globalisation and the financial and economic crisis; emphasises the role that the EGF can play in the reintegration of workers made redundant, in particular the most vulnerable and least skilled workers, into the labour market;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Stresses that, in accordance with Article 6 of the EGF Regulation, it should be ensured that the EGF supports the reintegration of individual redundant workers into employment; further stresses that the EGF-financed may only co-finance active labour market measures should leading to long- term employment; reiterates that assistance from the EGF must not replace actions which are the responsibility of companies by virtue of national law or collective agreements, nor measures restructuring companies or sectors;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Notes that the information provided on the coordinated package of personalised services to be funded from the EGF includes information on the coordination and complementarity with actions funded by the Structural Funds; reiterates its call to the Commission to present a comparative evaluation of these data in its annual reports as well;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Stresses that the Member States must see to it that the necessary mechanisms are in place to avoid duplicate financing under EU financial instruments, pursuant to Article 6(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1927/2006;
Committee: BUDG