6 Amendments of Bas EICKHOUT related to 2021/2124(DEC)

Amendment 1 #
Proposal for a decision 1
Citation 1 a (new)
— having regard to the Court of Auditor's Review No 01/2021 on 'The EU’s initial contribution to the public health response to COVID-19,
Committee: CONT
Amendment 4 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3 a. Notes with concern the conclusion of the Court’s Review No 01/2021 on 'The EU’s initial contribution to the public health response to COVID-19' ('the Court's review'), that it was challenging for the Centre to manage the timeliness, quality and completeness of information received from Member States; stresses however the Court’s observation that the different surveillance and testing strategies used by the Member States make comparisons and assessments difficult, and that more in general, the Union’s public health competences are limited, which means that the Centre is to a considerable degree dependent on Member States for its effectiveness; notes that it took for instance almost a year since the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe before Member States used a common colour code system, and showed commitment to submitting their data to the Centre; notes that the Centre responded to the Court's review by cautioning that considerable work still needs to be done to establish robust population-based surveillance of COVID- 19, and remarks that since then the Centre has taken steps to address this matter;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 5 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 b (new)
3 b. Welcomes that, separate from the Court’s review, the Centre initiated its own strategic analysis by an external contractor on the Centre's response to COVID-19 from January to September 2020; notes that this strategic analysis shows that the Centre provides high- quality surveillance data that is widely relied upon, and that its guidance is a critical input for decision makers, but that simultaneously, there is clear potential for the Centre to be more effective; notes the recommendations of the strategic analysis, stating that the Centre should place larger emphasis on the practicality of recommendations, should place a larger emphasis on forward guidance, and should more systematically support learning and exchanges of experience between Member States; notes the recommendations of the strategic analysis for a senior strategic lead function, better differentiation of internal processes for producing technical outputs, and the enhancement of its capabilities; calls on the Centre to report on the measures taken in this regard and inform the discharge authority about the progress made;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 c (new)
3 c. Notes that the Centre’s external strategic assessment indicates that in the long term, there are important questions about the role that the Centre should play in the larger European public health security landscape; notes that those questions relate to the appropriate degree of European coordination of public health policies and data, the relevant roles of various actors and the strategic focus of the Centre; notes that the Commission has discussed these questions in its review of the Centre’s role, and that since then, changes in the European public health security landscape have been made;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4 a. Notes that the institutional context in which the Centre operates is changing as a consequence of the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic; calls upon the Court to expand in its audit for the next financial year in relation to how the Centre is operating within this adjusted institutional context, and whether, within the adjusted institutional setting, the Centre has enough resources to implement its mandate effectively;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Notes that the Centre has adopted a policy on protecting the dignity of the person and preventing harassment; takes note that two cases of alleged harassment have been reported and one case was brought to the Court of Justice of the European Union in 2020; calls on the Centre to inform the discharge authority about the status of that case; calls on the Centre to ensure continuous measures aiming at strengthening ethical framework at the workplace, preventing burnout and harassment;
Committee: CONT