2 Amendments of Ska KELLER related to 2015/2121(BUD)

Amendment 5 #
2. Notes the extra amounts proposed for Frontex, especially for Triton and Poseidon operations; insists that saving lives at sea should be the primary focus of those operations; considers that in view of Frontex' increased operational capacity, at least two of the 16 posts should be allocated to the Fundamental Rights Office.
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Considers that the relevant agencies, especially EASO, should not be subject to reduction or redeployment of staff; stresses that, given the large number of arrivals on the Union’s southern shores, and a clear call for support in frontloading reception conditions, the proposal to increase EASO staff by only 4 is clearly insufficient and should be increased;
Committee: LIBE