6 Amendments of Nicole KIIL-NIELSEN related to 2012/2137(INI)

Amendment 66 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital I
I. whereas the vasTibet aAutonomous provinces of TibetRegion and other Tibetan autonomous areas, and the Xinjiang are vital for the PRC from the viewpoint of ‘unity of the countUyghur Autonomous Region have become important territories for China's regional, military and because of their great strategic, military and economic importanceonomic ambitions and therefore are seen as core issues of 'territorial integrity' by the current Chinese Government;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 72 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital I d (new)
Id. whereas as of 1st September 2012, 52 Tibetans have self-immolated in Tibetan populated areas of the People's Republic of China, including the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) and Tibetan Autonomous Areas within the Gansu, Sichuan and Qinghai provinces ;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 120 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Joins with the public commitment made by the EU and China during their High- Level Strategic Dialogue of 9-10 July 2012 in Beijing to set a good example of international cooperation in the 21st century through their Strategic Partnership; supports and encourages the almost sixty sectoral dialogues between the EU and China with the conviction that an enhanced and highly developed partnership will be mutually beneficial to both the EU and China; wishes, however, to see a strengthening of these dialogues in the fields of the environment, security, energy and in particular the fight against counterfeit products, in view of its impact on public health and safety;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 201 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Admires the courage and the social responsibility of numerous Chinese citizens for defending precious social rights in their country, but denounces the tragic state of affairs whereby several of them are being officially persecuted and punished for their efforts toactivism of those Chinese citizens acting in socially responsible ways to promote and defend universally recognized human rights, and to challenge and correct well- known social dangers/criminal acts by Chinese officials, such as corruption, abuse of office, environmental damage, AIDS infection, food poisoning, construction fraud concerning schools, and illegal land and property expropriation, often committed by local party authorities; urges the Chinese leadership to encourage civil responsibility for observing social human rights and to rehabilitate officially persecuted and punished defenders of these right; denounces all incidences of official retaliation against these Chinese citizens; alsond expects a responsible Chinese leadership to comply strictly with individudomestic and international human rights law;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 234 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Recognises the enormoussignificant efforts made by the Chinese Government to develop Tibet and Xinjiang economically; urges the Chinese Government to act in a politically responsible way by respecting and protecting Tibetan and Uighur traditional cultures and lifestyles; believes that Beijing cannot win the hearts and minds of the and the impact of such efforts on nomad communities and traditional livelihoods; urges the Chinese Government to act in a politically responsible way by meaningfully engaging the Tibetan and Uighur peoples in governance issues, including resource management and economic development priorities, and respecting rather than diluting cultural elements such as language and religion; strongly asserts that the Chinese Government will not achieve lasting stability in Tibet or Xinjiang or comity among Chinese, Tibetan and Uighur peoples by way of through forcible assimillations of surveillance cameras, by systematically curtailing cultural autonomy or repressive police and security methods;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 246 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
11. Stresses that, notwithstanding a harsh policy of repression, a religious revival is taking place in China which is demonstrated by the reopening or reconstruction of countless places of worship; urges the Chinese authorities to replace their ineffective policy of controlling religion with one offering realpull back on policies and practices that curtail any citizen's fundamental right to freedom of religion and belief ;
Committee: AFET