3 Amendments of Reinhard BÜTIKOFER related to 2020/2114(INI)

Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Underlines that the rules-based multilateral trading system has been a key driver of global trade liberalisation, which has powered economic growth, job creation and the promotion of sustainable economic development; notes furthermore its role in fostering a predictable trade environment through the development of more transparent trade rules and regulations; believes, however, that there is a need to rebuild trust in multilateral institutions in the face of global challenges andpoints out that a multilateral system to govern trade remains essential, regrets, however, that the current WTO framework has not kept its promises to deliver development, promote shared prosperity, and ensure sustainability in trade as foreseen in the Doha development agenda; emphasizes that future of humanity is threatened by climate change and more generally by the far-reaching damages to the environment; notes therefore the need for fostering a predictable trade environment through the development of more transparent trade rules and regulations that are put at the service of shared prosperity, environmental sustainability, and the achievement of the SDGs; believes that it is urgent to rebuild trust in multilateral institutions in the face of global challenges, in particular as regards the need to implement common initiatives for the provisions of global public goods, and in a context of shifting world power dynamics;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 21 #
2. Regrets the growing tendencies towards protectionism and trade weaponisation that have developed in parts of the global economy; welcomes calls for further strengthening of the EU’s trade enforcement efforts and the development of a toolbox of autonomous trade instruments to respond to these emerging challenges; stresses the need, however, to remain fully engaged in efforts to reinvigorate the World Trade Organization (WTO) as the cornerstone of a liberalised global economymultilateral rules-based trade system and to deal with the challenges posed by non-market economies;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 30 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Notes the need to work closely with like-minded partners, and to engage with all members of the WTO that are committed to a positive agenda for reform; recognises that historically it has been EU-US cooperation that has been the main driving force for progress withine instrumental role played EU-US cooperation as regards multilateral trade negotiations, and therefore welcomes the positive statements on WTO reform made by the current US administration, which should provide a basis for renewed engagement on actionable outcomes; supports a forward- looking transatlantic agenda based on common interests and shared values, aiming to achieve meaningful WTO reform, including of dispute settlement; calls, in addition, for a renewed engagement with countries form the global south as a necessary condition for a meaningful WTO reform;
Committee: INTA