6 Written declarations of José BOVÉ

Written declaration on regulation of the milk market

Written declaration on setting up a European strategy for the management, control and possible eradication of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax)

Written declaration on shale gas and oil exploration

Documents: PDF(95 KB) DOC(44 KB)
Authors: Philippe JUVIN, José BOVÉ, Edite ESTRELA, Corinne LEPAGE, Anna ROSBACH
Written declaration on improving accident prevention measures and environmental liability provisions in the extractive industries

Documents: PDF(97 KB) DOC(42 KB)
Authors: Daciana Octavia SÂRBU, János ÁDER, José BOVÉ, Chris DAVIES, Csaba Sándor TABAJDI
Written declaration on the equitable distribution of agricultural subsidies between the new and old Member States