8 Amendments of Arnaud DANJEAN related to 2022/0219(COD)

Amendment 63 #
(5) Such a new instrument will contribute to reinforce common defence procurement and, through the associated Union financing, to strengthen EU defence industrial capabilities. It is critical for the security of Europe to rely on a strong and autonomous European defence industry pillar.
Committee: AFETITRE
Amendment 69 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 6
(6) Reinforcing the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base shouldmust therefore be at the core of those efforts. Indeed difficulties and gaps still exist and the European defence industrial base remains highly fragmented, lacking sufficient collaborative action and inter- operability of products. However, the equipment needs of the European armed forces in the short term can be efficiently met by the know-how and skills of the EDTIB. The Short Term Instrument allows the ramp-up of the quantities produced, and mobilises the strong potential of European companies through the support of joint procurements.
Committee: AFETITRE
Amendment 96 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 13
(13) The Short Term Instrument should offset the complexity and risks associated with such joint actions while allowing economies of scale in the actions undertaken by Member States to reinforce and modernise the European Technological and Industrial Base, increasing thereby the Union’s capacity resilience and security of supply. In that context, the content of the defence product originating from the EU, for all its components, shall represent at least 80% of the value of the defence product commonly procured. Incentivizing common procurement would also result into diminished costs in terms of exploitation, maintenance and withdrawal of the systems.
Committee: AFETITRE
Amendment 108 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 8 – paragraph 10 – point c a (new)
(c a) The content of the defence products originating from the EU, for all its components, shall represent at least 80% of the value of the defence products commonly procured. No components shall be sourced from non-associated third countries that contravene the security and defence interests of the Union and its Member States, including respect for the principle of good neighbourly relations.
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 132 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 18
(18) Furthermore, the common procurement procedures and contracts shall also include a requirement for the defence product to not be subject to control or restriction by a non-associated third country or a non-associated third country entity with unrestricted ability for Member States to use, maintain, modernize and transfer it.
Committee: AFETITRE
Amendment 145 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 21
(21) To generate the incentive effect, the level of Union contribution may be differentiated based on factors such as (a) the complexity of the common procurement, for which a proportion of the anticipated size of the procurement contract, based on experience gained in similar actions, may serve as an initial proxy, (b) the characteristics of the cooperation, such as joint usage, stockpiling, ownership or maintenance, as well as replacement of stockpiles of Soviet-era legacy defence systems with European solutions, developed under an EU design authority and with unrestricted ability for Member States to use, maintain and modernize them, which are likely to induce stronger interoperability outcomes and long-term investment signals to industry, and (c) the number of participating Member States or associated countries or the inclusion of additional Member States or associated countries to existing cooperations.
Committee: AFETITRE
Amendment 196 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 2
2. The objectives shall be pursued with an emphasis on strengthening and developing the Union defence industrial base to allow it to address in particular the most urgent and critical defence products needs, especially those revealed or exacerbated by the response to the Russian aggression against Ukraine, taking into account the work of the Defence Joint Procurement Task Force. This can be achieved with unrestricted ability for Member States to use, maintain, modernise and transfer the defence products. The content of the defence products originating from the European Union, for all its components, shall represent at least 80% of the value of the defence products commonly procured. No components shall be sourced from non- associated third countries that contravene the security and defence interests of the Union and its Member States, including respect for the principle of good neighbourly relations.
Committee: AFETITRE
Amendment 311 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 11 – paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. In order to increase the strategic autonomy of the European Union, Member States will identify and provide the Commission with the list of non- European origin components for which no alternative exists in the European Union, and take appropriate measures to ensure their development in the Union, including through research and development, and in particular, through the European Defence Fund.
Committee: AFETITRE