4 Amendments of Sergio Paolo Francesco SILVESTRIS related to 2012/0288(COD)

Amendment 50 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 5
(5) Based on forecasts of biofuel demand provided by the Member States and estimates of indirect land-use change emissions for different biofuel feedstocks it is likely that greenhouse gas emissions linked to indirect land use change are significant, and couldwill negate some or all of the greenhouse gas savings of individual biofuels. This is because almost the entire biofuel production in 2020 is expected to come from crops grown on land that could be used to satisfy food and feed markets. In order to reduce such emissions, it is appropriaFurthermore, increased use of biofuels produced from food crops contributes to distinguish between crop groups such as oil crops, cereals, sugars and other starchfood price volatility and could have negative impacts on for global food security. This has had significant negative social impacts on livelihoods and the ability to realise human rights incl. the right to food or access to land for local communities living in poverty in countaining crops accordinglyries outside the European Union In order to reduce such emissions and such negative social impacts, it is appropriate to in particular, focus on reducing the projected use of biofuels grown on land..
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 54 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 6
(6) Liquid renewable fuels are likely to be required by the transport sector in order to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. Advanced biofuels, such as those made from wastes and algae, provide high greenhouse gas savings with lowno risk of causing indirect land use change and do not compete directly for agricultural land for the food and feed markets. After prior scientific assessment about their merits and their true sustainability. It is appropriate, therefore, to encourage greater production of such advanced biofuels as these are currently not commercially available in large quantities, in part due to competition for public subsidies with established food crop based biofuel technologies. Further incentives should be provided by increasing the weighting of advanced biofuels towards 10% target for transport set in Directive 2009/28/EC compared to conventional biofuels. In this context, only advanced biofuels with lowhich meet sustainability criteria, which do not compete with food for land, water or other resources and which have no estimated indirect land use change impacts and high overall greenhouse gas savings should be supported as part of the post 2020 renewable energy policy framework.
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 85 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – point 1 – subpoint b a (new)
Directive 98/70/CE
Article 7a – paragraph 6a new
(6a) Member States shall ensure that the maximum contribution of biofuels produced from cereal and other starch rich crops, sugars and oil crops or dedicated energy crops for the purpose of compliance with the target referred to in the first subparagraph shall not exceed an energy quantity corresponding to 5%, the estimated share at the end of 2011, of the final consumption of energy in transport in 2020.
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 131 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – point 5 – subpoint -a new
Directive 2009/28/EC
Article 17 – paragraph 1
(- a) in paragraph 1, the following subparagraph is added after the last subparagraph: "Energy from biofuels and bioliquids produced from cereal and other starch rich crops, sugars and oil crops or dedicated energy crops taken into account for the purposes referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) shall be no more than 5%, the estimated share at the end of 2011, of the final consumption of energy in transport in 2020."
Committee: AGRI