2 Amendments of Joanna Katarzyna SKRZYDLEWSKA related to 2013/0110(COD)

Amendment 26 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 15
(15) Diversity of competences and views of the members of administrative, management and supervisory bodies of companies, including gender diversity, facilitates a good understanding of the business organisation and affairs. It has been acknowledged that gender diversity, especially in top positions, contributes to corporate governance, quality of decision- making and to the company's performance. Moreover, board diversity represents a benefit for the companies as board composition reflects demographic characteristics of key stakeholder groups such as employees, customers and investors. Furthermore, it enables members of these bodies to exercise a constructive challenge of the management decisions and to be more open to innovative ideas, addressing the similarity of views of members, the "group-think" phenomenon. It contributes thus to effective oversight of the management and a successful governance of the company. It would therefore be important to enhance transparency regardand to harmonise issues relating to the diversity policy, especially gender diversity, companies have in place. This would inform the market of corporate governance practices and thus put indirect pressure on companies to have more diversified boards.
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 27 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 15 a (new)
(15a) Companies should ensure that gender considerations are taken into account in all of their operations to the same degree as other considerations, support the development of human resources, and guarantee a safe and healthy working environment.
Committee: FEMM