371 Written explanations of Barbara MATERA

Listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement (Kosovo) (A8-0261/2016 - Tanja Fajon) IT

Ho espresso voto favorevole al progetto circa la previsione di un elenco dei paesi terzi i cui cittadini devono essere in possesso del visto all'atto dell'attraversamento delle frontiere esterne ed elenco dei paesi terzi i cui cittadini sono esenti da tale obbligo. L'esenzione dal visto non solo consentirebbe i contatti interpersonali, migliorerebbe la cooperazione transfrontaliera e gli scambi culturali, formativi e professionali, ma aiuterebbe anche a contrastare l'immigrazione irregolare, rendendo infruttuose le attività dei criminali.Un regime dei visti liberalizzato offrirà ai cittadini nuove possibilità di recarsi all'estero per scopi turistici e per visitare parenti e amici senza dover affrontare procedure lunghe e costose per l'ottenimento del visto.
Quality of water intended for human consumption (A8-0288/2018 - Michel Dantin) IT

Ho votato a favore della relazione in materia di qualità delle acque destinate al consumo umano. L'accesso all'acqua potabile di qualità rimane un tema importante per i cittadini europei, che tocca la loro vita quotidiana, influenzandone la salute e le attività.
Increasing the efficiency of restructuring, insolvency and discharge procedures (A8-0269/2018 - Angelika Niebler) IT

Ho espresso voto positivo alla direttiva volta ad aumentare l'efficacia delle procedure di ristrutturazione, insolvenza e liberazione dai debiti. L'obiettivo è quello di eliminare gli ostacoli all'esercizio delle libertà fondamentali, quali la libera circolazione dei capitali e la libertà di stabilimento, derivanti dalle differenze tra le legislazioni e procedure nazionali in materia di ristrutturazione preventiva, insolvenza e seconda opportunità.
'Erasmus': the Union programme for education, training, youth and sport (A8-0111/2019 - Milan Zver) IT

Ho votato a favore della proposta. Ritengo che i fondi Erasmus dovrebbero essere utilizzati per contribuire a promuovere una rete di università europee d'eccellenza che ci aiuti a competere con le migliori università del mondo, e si dovrebbe fare di più per promuovere la cooperazione di eccellenza tra i nostri centri di formazione professionale.
Resources for the specific allocation for the Youth Employment Initiative (A8-0085/2019 - Iskra Mihaylova) IT

Ho espresso voto favorevole alla proposta che mira ad un aumento considerevole della dotazione specifica IOG.L'Iniziativa si rivolge soprattutto ai giovani che non studiano, non lavorano e non seguono un corso di istruzione o formazione (NEET), inclusi i disoccupati di lunga durata e quelli che non sono iscritti presso i servizi per l'impiego, e garantisce che, nelle parti dell'Europa che devono affrontare le maggiori sfide, i giovani possano beneficiare di un sostegno mirato.L'Iniziativa sostiene generalmente l'offerta di apprendistati, tirocini, inserimenti professionali e ulteriori studi volti al conseguimento di una qualifica.
General arrangements for excise duty (A8-0117/2019 - Miguel Viegas) IT

Ho espresso voto favorevole alla direttiva che prevede disposizioni generali per le accise.L'obiettivo principale della direttiva è consentire la libera circolazione dei prodotti garantendo nel contempo che il debito d'imposta corretto sia alla fine riscosso dagli Stati membri.
Products eligible for exemption from or a reduction in dock dues (A8-0112/2019 - Iskra Mihaylova) IT

Ho votato a favore della proposta che è intesa ad adeguare l'elenco dei prodotti che possono essere oggetto di una tassazione differenziata in relazione ai recenti cambiamenti economici-locali.Ritengo che ciò compenserebbe gli svantaggi di cui soffrono tali territori, continuando a stimolare la competitività e l'attività economica delle regioni ultraperiferiche, senza pregiudicare la coerenza del mercato interno e dell'ordinamento giuridico dell'UE.
Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (A8-0173/2019 - Pier Antonio Panzeri, Cristian Dan Preda, Frank Engel, Charles Goerens) IT

Ho votato a favore della proposta relativa all'istituzione di uno strumento di vicinato, cooperazione allo sviluppo e cooperazione internazionale.Ritengo che ciò garantirà una migliore governance e un ruolo più incisivo del Parlamento.
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III) (A8-0174/2019 - José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Knut Fleckenstein) IT

Ho votato a favore dell'istituzione di uno strumento di assistenza preadesione.Credo sia indispensabile disporre di uno strumento specifico a sostegno dell'allargamento, assicurandone al contempo la complementarità con gli obiettivi generali dell'azione esterna dell'Unione, in particolare con gli obiettivi dello strumento di vicinato, cooperazione allo sviluppo e cooperazione internazionale.
Framework for the recovery and resolution of central counterparties (A8-0015/2018 - Babette Winter, Kay Swinburne) IT

Ho votato a favore del regolamento. Gli strumenti di risanamento consentiranno di far fronte alle perdite derivanti da eventi diversi dall'inadempimento con conseguente ribilanciamento del portafoglio e ricostituendo le risorse finanziarie della CCP.
European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund (A8-0094/2019 - Andrea Cozzolino) IT

Ho espresso voto favorevole alla proposta di regolamento in materia di FESR e Fondo di coesione. La politica di coesione è la principale politica di investimento comunitario per l'occupazione e la crescita che riduce le disparità territoriali contribuendo a riavvicinare cittadini e territori al progetto europeo.
Emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles (A8-0287/2018 - Miriam Dalli) IT

Ho votato positivamente il regolamento che stabilirà nuovi standard per le emissioni di CO2 da parte delle autovetture nuove e dei veicoli commerciali leggeri nuovi per il periodo post 2020.
Reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment (A8-0317/2018 - Frédérique Ries) IT

Ho votato a favore della proposta che prevede la riduzione dell'incidenza di taluni prodotti di plastica sull'ambiente. Ritengo che la direttiva tornerà a vantaggio sia dell'ambiente che dell'economia. Essa consentirebbe di evitare danni all'ambiente per 22 miliardi di EUR di qui al 2030 e permetterebbe ai consumatori di risparmiare sino a 6,5 miliardi di EUR.
EU fertilising products (A8-0270/2017 - Mihai Ţurcanu) IT

Ho votato positivamente la proposta, la stessa intende aiutare il settore industriale dell'UE a diventare più sostenibile e competitivo, promuovendo la crescita economica sostenibile e creando nuovi posti di lavoro.
Protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work (A8-0382/2018 - Laura Agea) IT

Ho votato positivamente la proposta relativa alla protezione dei lavoratori dai rischi derivanti da esposizione a cancerogeni o mutageni durante il lavoro. Grazie a un insieme di principi generali che consentono agli Stati membri di assicurare l'applicazione coerente delle prescrizioni minime, credo che ciò garantisca un livello coerente di protezione contro i rischi derivanti da agenti cancerogeni e mutageni.
Common rules for certain types of combined transport of goods between Member States (A8-0259/2018 - Daniela Aiuto) IT

Ho votato a favore della direttiva che stabilisce norme comuni per talune tipologie di trasporto combinato di merci e mira a ridurre il trasporto merci su strada riunendo il trasporto su rotaia, quello lungo le vie navigabili interne e quello marittimo. Credo, fortemente, che sia importante agevolare il trasporto combinato per la consegna delle merci.
Disclosure of income tax information by certain undertakings and branches (A8-0227/2017 - Hugues Bayet, Evelyn Regner) IT

Espresso voto favorevole in relazione alla comunicazione delle informazioni sull'imposta sul reddito da parte di talune imprese. Credo che la comunicazione pubblica paese per paese sui dati fiscali delle imprese è un elemento fondamentale per contrastare l'evasione e l'elusione fiscali internazionali e la corsa al ribasso tra i sistemi fiscali.
Representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers (A8-0447/2018 - Geoffroy Didier) IT

Ho votato a favore della presente direttiva.Ritengo che tale azione rappresentativa offra un mezzo efficace ed efficiente di tutela degli interessi collettivi dei consumatori.
Protocol to the EU-Israel Euro-Mediterranean Agreement (accession of Croatia) (A8-0164/2019 - Cristian Dan Preda) IT

Ho votato a favore del protocollo relativo all'accordo euromediterraneo UE-Israele.Il progetto di protocollo dell'accordo euromediterraneo istituirebbe un'associazione tra le Comunità europee e i loro Stati membri, da una parte, e lo Stato di Israele, dall'altra, per tener conto dell'adesione della Repubblica di Croazia all'Unione europea.
EU-Uzbekistan comprehensive agreement (A8-0149/2019 - David McAllister) IT

Ho espresso voto favorevole alla relazione che accoglie positivamente gli impegni assunti e i progressi compiuti dall'Uzbekistan verso una società più aperta con un livello di partecipazione attiva al dialogo politico tra l'UE e l'Uzbekistan.
Common rules for the internal market for electricity (A8-0044/2018 - Jerzy Buzek) IT

Ho votato in maniera favorevole, la direttiva che stabilisce norme comuni per la generazione, la trasmissione, la distribuzione, lo stoccaggio e la fornitura dell'energia elettrica. È opportuno sfruttare meglio il potenziale di misure più efficienti e meno costose attraverso la cooperazione regionale. È necessario dotarsi di un quadro comune di norme e procedure meglio coordinate per garantire che gli Stati membri e altri soggetti possano collaborare efficacemente attraverso le frontiere in uno spirito di maggiore trasparenza, fiducia e solidarietà tra Stati membri.
European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (A8-0040/2018 - Morten Helveg Petersen) IT

Ho votato a favore della proposta. L'Agenzia si trova nella posizione migliore per gestire le proposte di condizioni o metodologie che devono applicarsi a tutta l'UE, ossia quelle che richiedono di essere approvate da tutte le autorità di regolamentazione. Per quanto riguarda le condizioni o le metodologie regionali, la responsabilità primaria dovrebbe appartenere alle autorità di regolamentazione della regione interessata e tali proposte dovrebbero essere sottoposte alla decisione dell'agenzia solo se la questione in esame si ripercuote in modo tangibile sul mercato interno dell'energia, se le autorità di regolamentazione interessate non riescono a trovare un accordo o su loro richiesta congiunta.
Labelling of tyres with respect to fuel efficiency and other essential parameters (A8-0086/2019 - Michał Boni) IT

Ho votato a favore dell'etichettatura energetica, la stessa permetterà ai consumatori di effettuare scelte informate sulla base del consumo energetico dei prodotti connessi all'energia. L'informazione in merito all'efficienza e alla sostenibilità dei prodotti connessi all'energia contribuirà in modo significativo al risparmio energetico e alla riduzione delle bollette energetiche e, al contempo, promuoverà l'innovazione e gli investimenti a favore di prodotti più efficienti dal punto di vista energetico.
Copyright in the Digital Single Market (A8-0245/2018 - Axel Voss) IT

Ho votato in maniera favorevole la proposta.Ritengo che le eccezioni e la limitazione di cui alla presente direttiva tendono al raggiungimento di un giusto equilibrio tra i diritti e gli interessi degli autori e degli altri titolari di diritti, da un lato, e gli utenti, dall'altro. Sono applicabili solo in taluni casi specifici che non siano in contrasto con il normale sfruttamento delle opere o altro materiale e non arrechino indebitamente pregiudizio ai legittimi interessi dei titolari dei diritti.
Contracts for the supply of digital content and digital services (A8-0375/2017 - Evelyne Gebhardt, Axel Voss) IT

Ho votato a favore dell'accordo relativo ai contratti di fornitura di contenuto digitale e servizi digitali. La rivoluzione digitale sta avendo un profondo impatto sulla nostra società. Con l'aumentare della nostra dipendenza dai prodotti e dai servizi della tecnologia dell'informazione, è sempre più importante garantire il rispetto dei nostri diritti nel mondo digitale.
Contracts for the sale of goods (A8-0043/2018 - Pascal Arimont) IT

Ho votato a favore dell'accordo relativo ai contratti di vendita dei beni.Attualmente milioni di consumatori europei acquistano, utilizzano o accedono quotidianamente a contenuti digitali nel senso ampio del termine (ad esempio video in streaming , applicazioni, giochi, servizi cloud o reti sociali), i loro diritti online non sono protetti come quelli nel mondo offline. Tale situazione compromette la fiducia dei consumatori e pregiudica la tutela della vita privata online in quanto i prodotti e i servizi digitali difettosi o non sicuri non proteggono adeguatamente l'ampia quantità di dati personali disponibili online. Per questo ritengo necessario l'adozione di adeguati sistemi di protezione.
Fishing in the GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean) Agreement area (A8-0381/2018 - Linnéa Engström) IT

Ho votato positivamentesulla proposta.Ritengo che la stessa sia coerente con la Politica comune della pesca (PCP). Essa comprende misure di conservazione, misure di gestione, misure di monitoraggio, controllo e sorveglianza e misure di lotta contro la pesca illegale, non dichiarata e non regolamentata.
Alignment of reporting obligations in the field of environment policy (A8-0324/2018 - Adina-Ioana Vălean) IT

Ho votato a favore del regolamento che armonizza gli obblighi di comunicazione nelle normative sull'ambiente.Penso che i miglioramenti proposti consentiranno di ridurre i costi per le parti interessate e di aumentare i benefici, in particolare, estendendo l'applicazione dei processi più efficienti e aumentando l'uso di strumenti elettronici e modelli. Grazie a tali miglioramenti, sarà possibile ottimizzare la raccolta e il trattamento dei dati, fornendo ai decisori politici a livello degli Stati membri e dell'Unione valutazioni complete più rapide.
Low carbon benchmarks and positive carbon impact benchmarks (A8-0483/2018 - Neena Gill) IT

Ho votato a favore della proposta che introduce ulteriori requisiti, per rendere la metodologia delle nuove categorie di parametri di riferimento trasparenti, al fine di consentire il miglioramento dei processi decisionali dai gestori di portafoglio.
Specific provisions for the European territorial cooperation goal (Interreg) (A8-0470/2018 - Pascal Arimont) IT

Ho votato a favore della relazione, che ha l'obiettivo di garantire una maggiore cooperazione territoriale europea. La componente cooperazione transnazionale e cooperazione marittima, dovrebbe puntare a rafforzare la cooperazione tramite azioni che producano uno sviluppo territoriale integrato, in relazione alle priorità della politica di coesione dell'Unione e dovrebbe comprendere altresì, la cooperazione transfrontaliera marittima.
Report on financial crimes, tax evasion and tax avoidance (A8-0170/2019 - Jeppe Kofod, Luděk Niedermayer) IT

Ho votato a favore della relazione.Il Parlamento europeo apporterebbe così un contributo sostanziale alla lotta contro i reati finanziari, l'evasione fiscale e l'elusione fiscale.
EU-Switzerland Institutional Framework Agreement (A8-0147/2019 - Doru-Claudian Frunzulică) IT

Ho votato positivamente la relazione, che esorta al miglioramento delle relazioni tra l'UE e la Svizzera.La Svizzera è fortemente integrata con l'UE, che è un partner dalla mentalità simile e che condivide con l'UE le sfide europee a livello regionale e globale, accogliendo con favore la dichiarazione svizzera, secondo cui, è nel loro interesse rinnovare e consolidare l'approccio bilaterale nonché creare relazioni sempre più strette.
Draft Agreement on Cooperation between Eurojust and Georgia (A8-0065/2019 - Sylvia-Yvone Kaufmann) IT

Ho votato a favore del progetto di accordo sulla cooperazione tra Eurojust e la Giorgia. Ritengo che tale accordo potrebbe favorire una maggiore cooperazione nella lotta contro la criminalità organizzata, rappresentando essa un problema transnazionale.
Framework for screening of foreign direct investments into the European Union (A8-0198/2018 - Franck Proust) IT

Ho votato a favore del provvedimento volto all'istituzione di un quadro per il controllo degli investimenti esteri diretti nell'Unione europea. Credo sia necessario che l'Unione si doti di un quadro di cooperazione molto più stretta fra Stati membri e Commissione europea per lo scambio di informazioni sull'esistenza di investimenti.
Computerising the movement and surveillance of excise goods (A8-0010/2019 - Kay Swinburne) IT

Ho votato a favore della proposta relativa all'informatizzazione dei movimenti e dei controlli dei prodotti soggetti ad accisa. Ciò al fine di semplificare la procedura e consentire controlli adeguati di tali movimenti.
Law applicable to the third-party effects of assignments of claims (A8-0261/2018 - Pavel Svoboda) IT

Ho votato a favore della legge relativa all'opponibilità ai terzi della cessione dei crediti. L'obiettivo del presente regolamento è fornire certezza giuridica stabilendo norme di conflitto comuni che designano la legge nazionale applicabile all'opponibilità ai terzi della cessione dei crediti.
Exchange, assistance and training programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting for the period 2021-2027 (Pericles IV programme) (A8-0069/2019 - Dennis de Jong) IT

Ho votato a favore del programma di azione in materia di scambi, assistenza e formazione per la protezione dell'euro contro la contraffazione monetaria. Credo sia necessario raggiungere un livello uniforme di protezione dell'euro nell'Unione mediante misure di assistenza e formazione nonché un rinforzato scambio di informazioni e di personale.
EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (A8-0053/2019 - David Martin) IT

Ho votato a favore dell'accordo relativo al libero scambio tra l'Unione europea e la Repubblica di Singapore. Singapore è un centro nevralgico della regione e il presente accordo accrescerà i flussi commerciali dell'UE con il resto dell'ASEAN. L'accordo è fondamentale anche per evitare che gli esportatori dell'UE subiscano uno svantaggio competitivo rispetto alle imprese di paesi con cui Singapore ha già concluso accordi commerciali, quali l'accordo globale e progressivo di partenariato transpacifico.
EU-Singapore Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (A8-0020/2019 - Antonio López-Istúriz White) IT

Ho votato a favore dell'accordo di partenariato e cooperazione UE-Singapore. Ritengo che tale accordo fornirà un quadro giuridico per durature relazioni bilaterali, rafforzando ed ampliando la cooperazione nei forum regionali e internazionali e in settori come la stabilità internazionale, la giustizia, la sicurezza e lo sviluppo.
Treaty establishing the Transport Community (A8-0022/2019 - Karima Delli) IT

Ho votato a favore del trattato che istituisce la Comunità dei trasporti. Credo che con esso si miri ad adottare approcci più globali della cooperazione.
2018 Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina (A8-0467/2018 - Cristian Dan Preda) IT

Ho espresso voto favorevole circa la relazione 2018 della Commissione concernente la Bosnia-Erzegovina. Credo sia preoccupante il netto rallentamento delle riforme e pertanto necessaria un'attuazione coerente delle riforme previste dal programma, a vantaggio dei cittadini indipendentemente dalla loro appartenenza etnica e religiosa.
Common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund Plus, the Cohesion Fund, and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and financial rules for those (A8-0043/2019 - Andrey Novakov, Constanze Krehl) IT

Ho votato a favore della proposta in materia di politica di coesione. Ritengo che la presente proposta sia di fondamentale importanza politica e pratica, dal momento che stabilisce le norme principali in materia di politica di coesione dell'Unione per i prossimi sette anni.
Justice programme (A8-0068/2019 - Josef Weidenholzer, Heidi Hautala) IT

Ho votato a favore del programma giustizia, con esso si contribuirà all'ulteriore sviluppo di uno spazio europeo di giustizia fondato sulla democrazia, sullo Stato di diritto e sui diritti fondamentali, sul riconoscimento reciproco e sulla fiducia reciproca.
The state of the debate on the Future of Europe (A8-0427/2018 - Ramón Jáuregui Atondo) IT

Ho votato in maniera favorevole la relazione circa il dibattito sul futuro dell'Europa. Ritengo che l'Unione deve affrontare le sfide del futuro con una maggiore e migliore integrazione politica, rispettando pienamente e promuovendo i diritti umani, le libertà fondamentali e i principi democratici, nonché agendo di concerto; credo fortemente che i cittadini vogliono un'Europa che protegga i loro diritti, il loro benessere e il loro modello sociale sulla base della sovranità condivisa, che richiede un'adeguata integrazione politica.
Cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters (A8-0477/2018 - Emil Radev) IT

Ho votato a favore del programma giustizia. Il trattato sul funzionamento dell'Unione europea (TFUE) prevede la realizzazione di uno spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia nel rispetto dei diritti fondamentali nonché dei diversi ordinamenti giuridici e delle diverse tradizioni giuridiche degli Stati membri. Credo sia necessario che l'Unione possa adottare misure per sviluppare la cooperazione giudiziaria in materia civile e la cooperazione giudiziaria in materia penale, nonché promuovere e sostenere l'azione degli Stati membri nel campo della prevenzione della criminalità.
Service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters (A8-0001/2019 - Sergio Gaetano Cofferati) IT

Ho votato in maniera favorevole sulla proposta relativa alla notificazione e comunicazione negli Stati membri degli atti giudiziari ed extragiudiziali in materia civile o commerciale.Credo fortemente che ciò servirà a migliorare l'efficienza e la rapidità delle procedure giudiziarie, assicurando la corretta amministrazione della giustizia.
Streamlining measures for advancing the realisation of the trans-European transport network (A8-0015/2019 - Dominique Riquet) IT

Ho votato a favore del regolamento volto a promuovere la realizzazione della rete transeuropea dei trasporti. Ritengo che l'Unione necessita di una rete di infrastrutture moderne ed efficienti, estesa a livello europeo, che colleghi i cittadini e le imprese e sostenga il mercato unico.
Insurance of motor vehicles (A8-0035/2019 - Dita Charanzová) IT

Ho votato a favore della proposta in materia di assicurazione degli autoveicoli.Ritengo che essa miri a facilitare i viaggi e le attività commerciali transfrontaliere.
Deliberations of the Committee on Petitions 2018 (A8-0024/2019 - Cecilia Wikström) IT

Ho votato in maniera favorevole la relazione relativa alle deliberazioni della commissione per le petizioni nel corso del 2018. Ritengo essenziale che sia stata istituita e mantenuta una buona cooperazione tra la commissione per le petizioni e la Commissione europea.
Fisheries Partnership Agreement between Côte d’Ivoire and the EU (2018-2024) (A8-0030/2019 - João Ferreira) IT

Ho votato a favore dell'accordo di partenariato nel settore della pesca tra l'Unione e la Repubblica della Costa d'Avorio. Con tale accordo si offrirebbe possibilità di pesca ai pescherecci dell'Unione nelle acque della Costa d'Avorio, sulla base dei migliori pareri scientifici disponibili e nel rispetto delle raccomandazioni della Commissione internazionale per la conservazione dei tonnidi dell'Atlantico (ICCAT). Il nuovo protocollo consentirà inoltre all'Unione europea e alla Repubblica della Costa d'Avorio di collaborare più strettamente al fine di promuovere lo sfruttamento responsabile delle risorse alieutiche nelle acque della Costa d'Avorio e di sostenere gli sforzi della Costa d'Avorio volti a sviluppare l'economia blu, nell'interesse di entrambe le parti.
EU-Morocco Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (A8-0027/2019 - Alain Cadec) IT

Ho votato in favore dell'accordo di partenariato relativo alla pesca UE-Marocco.Ritengo necessario garantire che le attività di pesca e di acquacoltura siano sostenibili dal punto di vista ambientale nel lungo termine, applicando l'approccio precauzionale e l'approccio ecosistemico alla gestione delle attività di pesca. Per realizzare tali obiettivi occorre adottare una serie di misure di conservazione, quali piani pluriennali, misure tecniche e disposizioni riguardanti la fissazione e la ripartizione delle possibilità di pesca, nel rispetto dei migliori pareri scientifici disponibili.
Agreement to prevent unregulated high seas fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean (A8-0016/2019 - Norica Nicolai) IT

Ho votato a favore della proposta relativa alla conclusione di un accordo volto ad impedire la pesca non regolamentare nelle acque d'altura del Mar Glaciale Artico centrale. Credo che la pesca sperimentale non deve compromettere l'obiettivo dell'accordo e deve essere limitata per durata, portata ed estensione, al fine di minimizzare l'impatto sugli stock ittici. Qualsiasi autorizzazione alla pesca commerciale dovrebbe basarsi sulle misure di gestione derivanti dalle informazioni scientifiche fornite dal Programma comune o sulle misure di conservazione e gestione adottate da un'organizzazione regionale o subregionale di gestione della pesca (ORGP), che opererebbe nella zona di applicazione dell'accordo conformemente al diritto e alle norme internazionali.
EU Anti-Fraud Programme (A8-0064/2019 - José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra) IT

Ho espresso voto favorevole al programma antifrode dell'UE.Ciò al fine di garantire una maggiore tutela degli interessi finanziari dell'UE, individuando eventuali irregolarità mediante sistemi informatici.
Minimum requirements for water reuse (A8-0044/2019 - Simona Bonafè) IT

Ho votato in favore della proposta di regolamento del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio recante prescrizioni minime per il riutilizzo dell'acqua. È necessario ricercare soluzioni adeguate a livello UE per salvaguardare l'acqua diventata dunque di fondamentale importanza per mantenere elevato il benessere dei cittadini e preservare l'ambiente. Credo inoltre che sia fondamentale garantire un utilizzo sicuro delle acque depurate, in modo da incoraggiare il riutilizzo dell'acqua a livello dell'Unione e rafforzare la fiducia del pubblico in tale pratica.
Programme for single market, competitiveness of enterprises and European statistics (A8-0052/2019 - Nicola Danti) IT

Ho votato a favore della relazione che modifica e rettifica il regolamento (UE) n. 167/2013 relativo all'omologazione e alla vigilanza del mercato dei veicoli agricoli e forestali. Ritengo necessario correggere, ed adeguare, alcuni punti al progresso tecnico.
VAT: Definitive system for the taxation of trade between Member States (A8-0028/2019 - Fulvio Martusciello) IT

Ho votato a favore della proposta volta a modificare le regole dell'IVA.Credo che la creazione di un sistema IVA sia una priorità della legislatura, garantendo che affari commerciali intraunionali siano trattati allo stesso modo.Sono convinta che un elevato livello di non conformità comporterebbe non solo perdite economiche per i soggetti passivi rispettosi della legislazione fiscale, ma minacci altresì la coesione e la coerenza del sistema fiscale, creando un senso generalizzato di ingiustizia dovuto alla distorsione della concorrenza. Un sistema efficiente e comprensibile è fondamentale per generare entrate pubbliche e per responsabilizzare sia i cittadini che le imprese.
Implementation of the Treaty provisions related to EU Citizenship (A8-0041/2019 - Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz) IT

Ho votato a favore circa l'attuazione delle disposizioni relative alla cittadinanza dell'Unione. Ritengo sia fondamentale creare uno statuto di cittadinanza degli Stati dell'UE simile al pilastro europeo dei diritti sociali. È necessario che si aggiunga e non si sostituisca la cittadinanza europea a quella nazionale.
Implementation of the Treaty provisions concerning enhanced cooperation (A8-0038/2019 - Alain Lamassoure) IT

Ho votato a favore dell'attuazione delle disposizioni del trattato relative alla cooperazione rafforzata. Ritengo sia opportuno ricercare soluzioni al fine di migliorare e rafforzare la cooperazione tra gli Stati, auspicando progressi sul funzionamento futuro.
Implementation of the Treaty provisions on Parliament’s power of political control over the Commission (A8-0033/2019 - Mercedes Bresso) IT

Ho votato a favore circa l'attuazione delle disposizioni del trattato relative alle prerogative del Parlamento in materia di controllo politico sulla Commissione. Credo fortemente che il controllo parlamentare è condizione preliminare della legittimità democratica. I recenti cambiamenti del processo legislativo e l'accresciuto ruolo legislativo dell'esecutivo rendono necessario rafforzare le procedure di controllo parlamentare.
Implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the EU institutional framework (A8-0051/2019 - Barbara Spinelli) IT

Ho votato a favore della relazione che chiede l'integrazione della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea nel quadro istituzionale dell'UE. Credo fortemente che un'inadeguata attuazione della Carta a livello nazionale ne metta a repentaglio la coerenza e l'efficacia globali.
A comprehensive European industrial policy on artificial intelligence and robotics (A8-0019/2019 - Ashley Fox) IT

Ho votato a favore della relazione che insiste su una politica industriale europea globale in materia di robotica e intelligenza artificiale. Credo che ciò incrementerebbe la produttività e, di conseguenza la produzione. Tale rivoluzione tecnologica non porterà alla diminuzione del lavoro, ma al contempo ne sarà creato dell'altro. Ecco perché ritengo necessario che si miri alla riqualificazione dei lavoratori nei settori industriali più colpiti dall'avvento dell'automazione.
Sustainable use of pesticides (A8-0045/2019 - Jytte Guteland) IT

Ho votato a favore della relazione circa l'utilizzo dei pesticidi. Ritengo che l'utilizzo dei pesticidi abbia un ruolo importante nella produzione agricola europea poiché mantiene le piante in salute e previene la loro distruzione da parte di malattie e infestazioni. Tuttavia l'attuale dipendenza dai pesticidi come mezzo prevalente per il controllo degli organismi nocivi ovviamente non è compatibile con l'agricoltura sostenibile, rendendo necessario un equilibro tre le due fattispecie.
Expedited settlement of commercial disputes (A8-0396/2018 - Tadeusz Zwiefka)

There exists a discrepancy between Member States and a company’s ability to access online tools on company law – this leads to a disparity. This report provides for this disparity and outlines a need to add to the already existing business regulation to harmonise this legislation. Therefore, I voted in favour.
Establishing the space programme of the Union and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (A8-0405/2018 - Massimiliano Salini)

I support the rapporteur’s report on the proposal of the European Commission to merge into a single programme the existing Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus whilst adding two new initiatives, SSA and Govsatcom. This synergy will lead to many benefits including cost efficiency. I further support the importance placed on the cybersecurity of both space and ground infrastructures. Europe is a leader in space, and it must maintain its status as such. I also see eye to eye with the rapporteur on strengthening the Commission’s proposal in terms of means to maintain and develop a strong, innovative, competitive and diversified industrial base in Europe.
Establishing the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-2027 (A8-0408/2018 - Angelika Mlinar)

European Digital Single Market cohesion is still lacking due to the absence of digitalisation in the EU economy. Therefore, I voted in favour of this report as it calls on the need for additional funds to provide for this, citing the increase in economic investment as a whole that would follow such integration as well as remaining a European endeavour.
Draft amending budget No 6/2018: Reduction of payment and commitment appropriations (own resources) (A8-0399/2018 - Siegfried Mureşan)

I voted in favour of the draft as it agrees with taking into account the final picking up of programmes outlined in the budget, as well as the adjustment for the change in the UK as well as the updates in VAT legislation.
EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (A8-0366/2018 - Pedro Silva Pereira)

Since the combined efforts of the EU and Japan would account for over one third of the world’s GDP, coupled with congruent values on human rights, sustainable development, and rule of law, making an agreement is indispensable. Therefore, as this proposal outlines the need to better integrate Japan into European markets to aid in developing both nations, I voted in favour.
EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (resolution) (A8-0367/2018 - Pedro Silva Pereira)

The agreements on many contentious areas in creating the EPA agreement, the monitoring system to attain continual improvements, as well as having plain transparency from both parties show that this agreement will be a successful and protective one and, therefore, I voted in favour.
EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Agreement (resolution) (A8-0385/2018 - Alojz Peterle)

I voted in favour of this report as it outlines Japan’s improvements in security and reforms that have shown its ability for further development as well as compatibility with the European Union’s values and targets.
EU-Jordan Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement (accession of Croatia) (A8-0371/2018 - Keith Taylor)

It is beneficial to the EU to have direct flight connections with countries that are deemed available to do so as it will aid in investment and support both the EU and the third country. This report outlines this need with Jordan, as well as providing for provisions with Croatia who joined after this report. Therefore, I voted in favour.
Findings and recommendations of the Special Committee on Terrorism (A8-0374/2018 - Monika Hohlmeier, Helga Stevens)

I voted in favour of this report because I believe that it is essential for horizontal cooperation at an EU level to ensure security and prevent threats of terrorism. The exchange of information, hence greater knowledge and awareness between Member States, is an essential component in the fight against crime and terrorism. The Report cites that 92% of respondents agreed that national authorities should share information with the authorities of the other EU Member States to better fight crime and terrorism. Collaboration will increase the efficiency of prevention of attacks, and guarantee a higher degree of security and safety to the Union’s citizens.
Annual report on the implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (A8-0392/2018 - David McAllister)

I voted in favour of this proposal because I sustain that the EU should embrace its role as a fully-fledged, sovereign political and economic power in international relations that helps to resolve conflicts worldwide and shapes global governance. The common security and foreign policy of the EU would increase solidarity in the Union and take away the burden on single Member States that have been left alone to deal with many global issues. The united voice of the 500 million citizens of Europe will carry more weight on the global stage that the voice of a single Member State, and thus provide the EU with stronger geopolitical influence.
Annual report on the implementation of the Common Security and Defence Policy (A8-0375/2018 - Ioan Mircea Paşcu)

There have been challenges to the EU at a political/military level and at a commercial/economic level. An EU-level approach is necessary to tackle all challenges, from cyber-attacks to military threats and environmental disasters, relieving the responsibility of single Member States to deal with a common threat to our political culture.
Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2017 and the European Union’s policy on the matter (A8-0373/2018 - Petras Auštrevičius)

It is of upmost importance that the manner in which the European Union implements the Human Rights Charter is invaluable to continuing its goal for equality and its implementation within the EU. This report shows where the European Union falls short in implementing this, as well as what is currently being done and how it can be improved. Therefore, I voted in favour.
Establishing the European Defence Fund (A8-0412/2018 - Zdzisław Krasnodębski)

I voted in favour of the European Defence Fund. I support funding for technologies in general and in terms of the advancement of defence capabilities. Furthermore, in an ever—changing geopolitical world, I am in favour of the EU’s strategic autonomy.
Education in the digital era: challenges, opportunities and lessons for EU policy design (A8-0400/2018 - Yana Toom)

I voted in favour of this report. The rapid advancements and developments in technology have brought changes to traditional jobs and industry. It is of vital importance to sustain education in order to increase the digital competence of the Union’s citizens. I support education in digital technologies across all age groups, starting with teachers in schools.
Establishing a Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) (A8-0397/2018 - Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this report as it outlines the need for an increase in funding for the LIFE Programme. This programme is important as it facilitates the mainstreaming of its funds to better improve the way in which its programmes are undertaken and supported. This program also focuses on those programmes that are most viable and efficient and have a mechanism to ensure this.
Protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work (A8-0142/2018 - Claude Rolin)

. ‒ With cancer being one of the main causes of work related deaths within the EU, the proposals put forth by the Commission are timely and relevant. Yet, the addition of regular checks on just practices as well as the need to find better and more descriptive solutions for the most common workplace carcinogens is necessary. Therefore, I voted in favour of this report.
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) (A8-0274/2017 - Czesław Hoc)

With the Cedefop, Eurofund, and EU-OSHA realignment in progress, it is important that redundancies are taken into account and do not happen. Plus, it is important that transparency and certain evaluations are incorporated to retain the effectiveness of the agency and increase its legitimacy with the people. This report outlines the need for these changes. Therefore, I voted in favour.
Full application of the provisions of the Schengen acquis in Bulgaria and Romania (A8-0365/2018 - Sergei Stanishev)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this report for various reasons. The draft Council decision represented a significant departure from the text approved by Parliament and the Council failed to consult Parliament, creating legal ambiguity. The proposal for a ‘two-step’ approach for Bulgaria and Romania’s accession to the Schengen area may cause delays for the two Member States and place an unnecessary burden on the economy. I believe that accession to the Schengen area should be achieved through one single act.
Military mobility (A8-0372/2018 - Tunne Kelam)

. ‒ This report stresses the need to increase efficiency in defence for the EU through its infrastructure. In addition, this would increase the infrastructure and connectivity between the Member States and bring closer relations with the Member States and NATO. This is crucial for increasing harmonisation in the European Union and providing for its citizens a higher quality life, therefore I voted in favour.
New European Agenda for Culture (A8-0388/2018 - Giorgos Grammatikakis)

‘United in diversity.’ Culture is a fundamental part of what makes each member state unique, but is also an underlying shared bond that unites the Union. I support the Report because soft power is an essential tool to ensure a successful society. I support the rapporteur’s idea to elaborate on the mobility scheme for artists and cultural professionals and the rapporteur’s calls for removing remaining obstacles such as visas and the risk of double taxation. I further support the view that arts should play a more prominent role in Europe’s educational systems. I see eye to eye with the rapporteur on the call for the doubling of the budget of Creative Europe and for the development of a holistic and coordinated strategy for mainstreaming culture in other policy areas.
Persistent organic pollutants (A8-0336/2018 - Julie Girling)

I voted in favour of this as it presents the need for the EU to be up to date with its chemical policies and therefore must align itself with the current standards as well as work to update policy and examine the impact of these changes to maximise their effects while minimising their negative impacts.
Care services in the EU for improved gender equality (A8-0352/2018 - Sirpa Pietikäinen)

It is absolutely crucial that equality for women is achieved. The discrepancy between men and women in care services has led to the expansion of the pay and pension gender gap. Therefore, I voted in favour of this report as it strongly opposes this trend and works towards providing these high—quality care services which give women the freedom to pursue their careers and to not be pushed from the labour market solely based on the societal expectation that they will be care givers.
State aid rules: new categories of State aid (A8-0315/2018 - Sander Loones)

The EU must improve the interplay of EU funding programmes with state aid rules. The Council regulation proposed ensures that nationally managed funds and centrally managed EU funds will be combined as smoothly as possible, without distorting competition in the Single Market.
Empowering competition authorities and ensuring the proper functioning of the internal market (A8-0057/2018 - Andreas Schwab)

I am in favour of the proposal for a directive on empowering competition authorities and ensuring the proper functioning of the internal market. This directive bolsters the path for a competitive and consumer-oriented internal market. This directive will further bring significant economic gains to Member States. I strongly support the impartiality of NCAs and their protection against political and corporate influence.
European Electronic Communications Code (A8-0318/2017 - Pilar del Castillo Vera)

I support the proposal for a directive on the European Electronic Communications Code. I voted in favour because the directive will ensure that businesses adapt better to the current digital and technological advancement. The Commission proposal to add infrastructure at the core of the framework is necessary for greater connectivity between smart cars, cities, energy, industry, health, banking, education, research and public services. I support the full development of the Digital Single Market to ensure the objectives of the directive. With VHCN, the EU will be perfectly equipped to be a data-economy leader, the key competitive advantage of this century. I believe the EU should take all steps to be at the forefront of the digital economy.
Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (A8-0305/2017 - Evžen Tošenovský)

BEREC is composed of a Board of Regulators, composed of the representatives of the national regulatory authorities established in each Member State. Consequently, BEREC is well anchored in the realities of 28 national telecoms markets to provide relevant expertise. BEREC is aiming to ensure a consistent implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic communications. I support the Commission’s proposal to make BEREC an official EU agency. However, I voted against amendments that jeopardised Member-State subsidiarity. The BEREC should not overstep its authority.
Implementation of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement (A8-0320/2018 - Andrejs Mamikins)

The relations with the EU and Georgia have been quite favourable with the signing of the association agreements, seeing increases in democratic processes and trade relations. Yet the report outlines a few glaring issues that are hazardous to democracy as well as being out of the scope of EU values and therefore outlines ways to regulate this track before harder action must be taken. Therefore I voted in favour.
Implementation of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement (A8-0322/2018 - Petras Auštrevičius)

Relations between the EU and Moldova have caused a great increase in finance and energy, yet recently there have been movements away from democratic values. This report highlights these concerns as well as providing suggestions in allocating/withholding EU funds correctly to rectify these issues to continue on the prior course in the future. This shows a strong regard for the rule of law when dealing with third countries, therefore I voted in favour.
Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Latvia (A8-0357/2018 - Inese Vaidere)

I voted in favour of this report, as it provides for a fair amount of aid to be given to Latvia following the crisis, an amount within the confines of the rules for implementing ESF funding. Furthermore, it provides for the solidarity of the Union as a whole.
EU development assistance in the field of education (A8-0327/2018 - Vincent Peillon)

Education is one of the most important fundamental human rights, and this report outlines that fact and ways in which education can be strengthened within the Union as well as outside of the Union. Furthermore, the report refers to the need to monitor the quality of education as well as the discrepancies between Member States, implementing checks on implementation so as to enable high-quality education to be maintained across all nations. Therefore, I voted in favour.
Energy efficiency (A8-0391/2017 - Miroslav Poche)

. ‒ The ensuing climate issues are a great concern of the EU, yet the solutions must neither harm the Union in the process nor must it hinder progress. I voted in favour of this report as it highlights the need for increasing energy efficiency while at the same time, increasing our economy, safeguarding the safety of our citizens, and holding all states accountable.
Governance of the Energy Union (A8-0402/2017 - Michèle Rivasi, Jakop Dalunde)

. ‒ With the ensuing climate crisis, it is important that we as the European Union hold ourselves to a high standard to fix this issue. Therefore, I voted in favour of this report as it calls on the need to take advantage of the low prices in harvesting renewable energy and work with others to optimise costs to meet the climate goals of the Union as well as benefit from it economically at the same time.
Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (A8-0392/2017 - José Blanco López)

With the ensuing climate crisis, it is important that we as the European Union hold ourselves to a high standard to fix this issue. Therefore, I voted in favour of this report, as it outlines the need to increase our desired renewable energy target and to do so must work with those who cannot pay for it as well as break down the traditional barriers that limit this change to renewable energy.
Multiannual plan for small pelagic stocks in the Adriatic Sea and the fisheries exploiting those stocks (A8-0337/2018 - Ruža Tomašić)

I believe in the adoption of multiannual plans based on scientific, technical, and economic advice, and which have to contain conservation measures to restore and maintain fish stocks above levels capable of producing the maximum sustainable yield. Measures cannot be included in multiannual plans unless their economic and social impact is taken into account. I further support the idea that regionalisation should be used to create tailor-made measures that take into account the specificities of each fisheries area and safeguard their environmental conditions.
The rule of law in Romania (B8-0522/2018)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this resolution because I strongly support the values of the European Union. All Member States and aspiring members have the duty fully to implement and to uphold the Union’s values, as set out in the TEU and in accordance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.The current Government of Romania has passed legislation that undermines the independence of the judicial system and hinders the rule of law. I am further concerned with the police response, most significantly the excessive violence used against protesters in Bucharest this past August. I strongly encourage the Romanian Parliament to uphold our Union’s values if it wishes to achieve further integration. I also praise the strength and tenacity of the Romanian people in speaking out against a worrisome Government.
Minimum standards for minorities in the EU (A8-0353/2018 - József Nagy)

. ‒ I voted in favour of the minimum standards for minorities in the EU. As a member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, I believe that the EU must guarantee decent standards to minorities. It is of vital importance to sustain and protect minority rights, especially concerning the protection of language.I disagree with the minority report that states that the EU is attempting ‘to establish permanent, undue control over the Member States’. It is the responsibility of the Member States to implement political and legislative measures to safeguard and promote the identity and rights of minorities, including ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic rights. It is the duty of the EU’s institutions and its Member States to adhere to the European Convention on Human Rights.
Digitalisation for development: reducing poverty through technology (A8-0338/2018 - Bogdan Brunon Wenta)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this report as it outlines the large need in all sectors of our modern economy to provide for the bridging of the digital gap. Most specifically those groups that require more empowering such as women and other marginalised peoples. Further, this report outlines the need to support smaller businesses and farmers as well as developing nations that require this to integrate further into the world economy; that will also benefit the EU.
Import of cultural goods (A8-0308/2018 - Alessia Maria Mosca, Daniel Dalton)

The illegal trade of cultural goods is often linked with more illegal activities and the loss of third country cultures, yet there is no EU-level methodology for handling this issue. This report outlines the need for a common definition and procedure for handling these goods so as to ensure their legality and enforcing more deterrents to prevent people participating in such an act. Therefore, I voted in favour.
Authorisation and supervision of medicinal products for human and veterinary use (A8-0035/2016 - Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu)

I support the proposal to bring together the rules on Veterinary Medicines under one Regulation on veterinary medicinal products, repealing and replacing Directive 2001/82/EC on veterinary medicinal products and amending Regulation (EC) No 726/2004, in order to delete any references to veterinary medicines and thus completely decouple provisions governing veterinary medicines from those governing human medicines. Due to the specific needs of the veterinary sector, I support the decoupling of veterinary and human medicines. The proposal safeguards expenditures and fees that may hurt the veterinary industry.
Veterinary medicinal products (A8-0046/2016 - Françoise Grossetête)

I voted in favour of this proposal for a regulation because it tackles important issues. Firstly, it defines the separation between the veterinary medicines from the human medicines market.The proposal improves access to medicinal products; it further makes them more widely available, in particular for the so-called ‘minor species’. Another aim I support is the reduction of the administrative burden. This proposal promotes innovation and competitiveness within the sector and it ensure that the internal market for veterinary medicinal products functions properly. This proposal also tackles the important point of antibiotic resistance. The draft report clearly defines the conditions under which veterinary medicine professionals can prescribe and sell antibiotics.
Charging of heavy goods vehicles for the use of certain infrastructures (A8-0202/2018 - Christine Revault d'Allonnes Bonnefoy)

I am in favour of the transport White Paper objective of fully applying the ‘polluter pays’ and ‘user pays’ principles on the trans-European road network. Only about 25 % of the overall trans-European road network is covered by distance-based charges on heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs). HDVs that weigh over 12 tonnes are unfairly paying the burden, hence why I believe that it is time to eliminate distortions of competition. This directive will ensure a level playing field and secure the objectives of the White Paper.
Promotion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles (A8-0321/2018 - Andrzej Grzyb)

The struggle to provide for cleaner energy modes of transportation while not harming already established industries is a difficult one. Yet, in this directive, it outlines the need to support and provide funds for these clean energy initiatives while also making sure that those from third countries are kept in mind and are not forced to harm their own economic health. Therefore, I voted in favour.
Multiannual plan for fish stocks in the Western Waters and adjacent waters, and for fisheries exploiting those stocks (A8-0310/2018 - Alain Cadec)

I voted in favour of this as the author outlines the need to include different aspects of civilian participations as well as the value of including scientific backing in making decisions that allow for the continued maximal yield. These are necessary components that allow for efficiency as well as keeping workers and consumers in mind.
Location of the seat of the European Banking Authority (A8-0153/2018 - Othmar Karas, Pervenche Berès)

I voted in favour of this as the upcoming Brexit requires the creation of a new headquarters prior to the completion of Brexit. In addition, it implores the other bodies to recognise the European Parliament as equal in all decisions of this nature.
Employment and social policies in the euro area (A8-0329/2018 - Krzysztof Hetman)

Europe has seen significant increases in its economy following the recession. Yet, these numbers are not a tell—all, nor do they account for the future. Therefore, I voted in favour of this report as it outlines this fragility and the need for further integration of people within the labour market and the need to push the country—specific recommendations to fix the problems before they can get worse again and thereby create an inclusive and understanding, while at the same time, stronger economy.
Deployment of infrastructure for alternative fuels in the EU: time to act! (A8-0297/2018 - Ismail Ertug)

I fully support the Paris Agreement on climate change. There must be a significant reduction on emissions and greenhouse gases in order to meet the necessary goals set out by the agreement. The transport industry is a significant contributor to emissions and the rise of global temperature. I strongly believe that Europe will have to increase efforts in decarbonising its economy. By using waterways and railways when possible there will be a reduction in emissions. Shifting to alternative fuels and alternative powertrains is a direct method of decarbonisation; however, there needs to be legislation to foster its uptake. The decarbonisation process has been slower than expected, most notably in a lack of a significant number of charging points and alternative fuels. The directive defines three types of fuels as alternatives: electricity, hydrogen and gas (CNG and LNG). Of these three alternatives, electricity and hydrogen are significantly better for the environment.
Harnessing globalisation: trade aspects (A8-0319/2018 - Joachim Schuster)

Globalisation is one of the best things for the improvement of the economy and peaceful interconnectedness of the globe. Yet, without proper checks can leave many behind. Therefore, this report explains this need for balance and therefore, I voted in favour.
Reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment (A8-0317/2018 - Frédérique Ries)

. ‒ In our society today, the use and disposal of plastic has caused significant harm to our oceans, causing over 85% of marine pollution. The whole range of marine fauna will be affected if we do not take action: turtles, birds, cetaceans, fish and crustaceans all swallow plastic, with a negative impact on their survival and as yet unknown consequences for human health. We must take action. I fully support the reduction of plastics in our oceans. To achieve this goal, we must introduce an EU level ban on single-use plastics (SUP) when there is a viable replacement option, from plastic forks and knives to balloon sticks. We must also improve the collecting of plastic bottles. This directive would reduce the harm on the environment and benefit the economy by cutting costs and creating new jobs.
Establishment, operation and use of the Schengen Information System in the field of border checks (A8-0347/2017 - Carlos Coelho)

The current SIS has been widely successful despite delays and over budgeting. I support the Commission’s proposals, as it further strengthens the SIS, maintains its main characteristics and addresses some of the shortcomings at national level. I support the amendments that specify the roles of specific agencies and their ability to obtain and use information. The SIS will improve the internal border blocks that are currently rising in the EU. It is necessary to establish a legal framework for the SIS.
Establishment, operation and use of the Schengen Information System in the field of police cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal matters (A8-0349/2017 - Carlos Coelho)

I support the establishment, operation and use of the Schengen Information System in the field of police cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal matters. I supported the rapporteur’s amendments on strengthening the structure of the IT system. I further support the rapporteur’s amendment in regards to access to the system. This amendment is a prefect compromise between data protection and efficient exchange of information. The SIS system will help prevent the return of illegal third country citizens through an alert notification.
Use of the Schengen Information System for the return of illegally staying third-country nationals (A8-0348/2017 - Jeroen Lenaers)

It is necessary to strengthen the return system of third country nationals that are illegally in the Union. Less than 50% of the over 500 000 illegal immigrants that have entered the EU have been returned to their countries. These numbers prove that it is necessary to develop a Union-wide system for sharing information between Member States on returns. The Union wide approach and information sharing ensure the return of third country nationals, residing illegally, regardless in what EU member state they may be staying.
Harmonisation of the structures of excise duties on alcohol and alcoholic beverages (A8-0307/2018 - Miguel Viegas)

I voted in favour of this report as it outlines the need to update the structure of the excise duty on alcohol. As, over the years, there has been changes without must reporting on the duty, market distortions are occurring. These distortions can only harm the Union, and so this report highlights the need to update this Directive to alleviate the burden added for the Union by distortion.
Discharge 2016: European Asylum Support Office (EASO) (A8-0299/2018 - Bart Staes)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this report because it outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the European Asylum Support Office budget for 2016. It indicates where more investigation is needed and stresses the need to pinpoint the faults, as they harm the Union as a whole. Plus, it looks at the positives in terms of corrective measures taken thus far.
Electronic publication of the Official Journal of the European Union (A8-0323/2018 - Pavel Svoboda)

Until 2014 the only legally binding publication of the Official Journal was the printed edition. The electronic version, which has been available on the Internet since 1998, was considered an information tool only, devoid of any legal value. It is important to adapt to the digital age and make the electronic publication legally valid. The aim of the proposal is to update the procedure for validating the electronic version of the Official Journal by an electronic signature. The use of such an advanced electronic seal would make it possible to automate the electronic signature and accelerate the procedure for publication of the Official Journal on the EUR-Lex database.
EU-Bahamas Agreement on the short-stay visa waiver (A8-0304/2018 - Emilian Pavel)

The EU has ever-deepening relations with the Bahamas, one of the wealthiest Caribbean countries. Therefore, I voted in favour of this amendment, as it allows for cost-efficient ways of travel between the EU and the Bahamas and hence the deepening of relations between the two, with a legal backing that also continues positive feelings. In addition, this amendment will aid in harmonising Member State visa policy.
EU-Mauritius Agreement on the short-stay visa waiver (A8-0303/2018 - Emilian Pavel)

Being a successful, though small and isolated, country, Mauritius would create mutual benefits by deepening relations with the EU. Therefore, I voted in favour of this amendment, as it would deepen this bond as well as enabling all citizens to derive benefits from more cost-efficient travel. Also, it enables the EU to harmonise its visa policy.
EU-Antigua and Barbuda Agreement on the short-stay visa waiver (A8-0305/2018 - Emilian Pavel)

Since it already has increasing relations with the EU, Antigua and Barbuda is a country that would create mutual benefits by deepening relations with the EU. Therefore, I voted in favour of this amendment, as it would deepen this bond as well as enabling all citizens to derive benefits from more cost-efficient travel. Also, it enables the EU to harmonise its visa policy.
EU-Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis Agreement on the short-stay visa waiver (A8-0306/2018 - Emilian Pavel)

Having already increasing relations with the EU as well as a thriving tourist industry, Saint Kitts and Nevis is a country that would create mutual benefits in deepening relations with the EU. Therefore, I voted in favour of this amendment as it would allow for the deepening of this bond and allow all citizens to derive benefits from more cost-efficient travel. Also, it allows for the EU to harmonise its visa policy.
EU-Barbados Agreement on the short-stay visa waiver (A8-0301/2018 - Emilian Pavel)

Having already increasing relations with the EU as well as diversifying its monoculture economy and having quality of life, Barbados is a country that would create mutual benefits in deepening relations with the EU. Therefore, I voted in favour of this amendment as it would allow for the deepening of this bond and allow all citizens to derive benefits from more cost-efficient travel. Also, it allows for the EU to harmonise its visa policy.
EU-Seychelles Agreement on the short-stay visa waiver (A8-0302/2018 - Emilian Pavel)

Having already increasing relations with the EU coupled with its vulnerable yet expanding economy, the Seychelles is a country that would create mutual benefits in deepening relations with the EU. Therefore, I voted in favour of this amendment as it would allow for the deepening of this bond and allow all citizens to derive benefits from more cost-efficient travel. Also, it allows for the EU to harmonise its visa policy.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2018/002 PT/Norte – Centro – Lisboa wearing apparel (A8-0311/2018 - José Manuel Fernandes)

. ‒ I support the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund because it is of most importance to provide additional assistance to workers suffering from the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns.
Resources for economic, social and territorial cohesion and resources for the investment for growth and jobs goal (A8-0282/2018 - Iskra Mihaylova)

. ‒ I fully support increasing the funds for Youth Employment Initiative (YEI). YEI is a necessary tool in combating long-term unemployment through targeted training and accurate funding for those in need. YEI funds the provision of apprenticeships, traineeships, job placements and further education courses leading to a qualification of Europe’s younger generations. YEI is part of Youth Guarantee.
Alignment of reporting obligations in the field of environment policy (A8-0324/2018 - Adina-Ioana Vălean)

As an outspoken environmentalist, I fully support the streamlining of reporting obligations on environmental policy. This legislative proposal derives from an updated action plan to streamline environmental reporting, one of the outcomes of the fitness check evaluation on reporting and monitoring of Union environment policy. Moreover, this Commission proposal complements the recently adopted decision on procedural rules in the field of environmental reporting.
The role of employee financial participation in creating jobs and reactivating the unemployed (A8-0293/2018 - Renate Weber)

The EFP plays a significant role across EU Member States. Employee share ownership variation between Member States is due to a lack of adequate legislation. Offering employees shares and business capitals creates more jobs, secures higher rates of employment, wages and sets up a healthier pension plan. I support EU—level facilitation to optimise the benefits that EFP will have on employees and companies.
EU Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) (A8-0320/2017 - Axel Voss)

. ‒ There is a need for a crackdown on many crimes that are committed across borders within and outside of the EU. This proposal calls for the working together of Member States’ judicial sections. This will allow for more efficiency in investigating and prosecuting these crimes, thereby snuffing them out quicker and more effectively, reducing the burden on the EU. Therefore, I voted in favour.
Mutual recognition of freezing and confiscation orders (A8-0001/2018 - Nathalie Griesbeck)

I voted in favour of this as it stresses the need for the creation of a Public Prosecutor’s Office that does not leave any gaps with Eurojust as well as works with Eurojust in an ever-expanding world of new crimes. Further, it is aligned with the framework set out by Eurojust.
Free flow of non-personal data in the European Union (A8-0201/2018 - Anna Maria Corazza Bildt)

The free movement of data is essential to the single market, and with this proposal, it is possible to see substantial economic growth through open markets, while also working to restrict illegal/sensitive data and allowing it to be given to the proper authorities. I voted in favour.
Harmonising and simplifying certain rules in the VAT system (A8-0280/2018 - Jeppe Kofod)

. ‒ VAT is an important way of achieving goals within the EU, yet to provide a more complete experience with VAT, it is important to always be updating it. Therefore, I voted in favour of this proposal as it provides for a way to fix the glaring inefficiencies and fraud as well as provide for a framework for a definite VAT system.
VAT: period of application of the reverse charge mechanism and of the Quick Reaction Mechanism (A8-0283/2018 - Sirpa Pietikäinen)

The faraway date for the full implementation of any full-time and swift mechanism to combat fraud requires the extension of articles 199a and 199b so as to not allow for any gaps in fraud prosecution. The need of the Member States to be able to prosecute for and recover VAT fraud, coupled with the lack of negative budgetary implications, makes them essential to maintain, therefore I voted in favour.
Administrative cooperation in the field of excise duties as regards the content of electronic register (A8-0285/2018 - Ivana Maletić)

I voted in favour of this, as it provides for mandatory registration of goods for transport, as well as lending to the fully automated movement of goods. In addition, it maintains the fundamental right to data protection and imposes no financial burden on the EU budget, and therefore is non-contentious.
Health technology assessment (A8-0289/2018 - Soledad Cabezón Ruiz)

. ‒ One of the greatest feats of the European Union has been the extension and integration of health services for each and every citizen. Yet, over time, further extension has become harder, with redundancies and a lack of harmonisation among Member States. The proposal before us will address this barrier through regulation of the acceptance process for medicines without infringing on Member States’ rights and expanding on the Commission’s proposal to end market-distorting effects. Therefore, I voted in favour of it.
Rates of value added tax (A8-0279/2018 - Tibor Szanyi)

The current VAT system is fragmented and relatively inefficient. This proposal will allow for the rates to be regulated as well as lists to be made more accessible and, all in all, allow for a more robust VAT area. Therefore, I voted in favour.
EU Agenda for Rural, Mountainous and Remote Areas (B8-0399/2018)

It is fundamental to support the rural, mountainous and remote areas of the Union. The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) contributes significantly to economic and social cohesion, in particular in rural areas. EAFRD spending will continue to be linked with cohesion policy, also with a view to facilitating integrated and complementary funding and to simplifying procedures for beneficiaries, so that regions can draw from different EU sources in order to optimise funding opportunities and invest in rural areas. Therefore, I voted in favour.
Third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement (A8-0290/2018 - Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg)

The report provides a simple and clear representation of those nations which will and will not require a visa. Therefore, I voted in favour of this report.
EU-Morocco Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation: terms and conditions for the participation of Morocco in the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) (A8-0281/2018 - Aldo Patriciello)

The Partnership on Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) is essential for targeting a specific geographical area (the Mediterranean basin). PRIMA incorporates the participation of neighbouring countries. It connects research capacities of the Union with Mediterranean countries. Cooperation facilitates the development and the implementation of innovative and integrated solutions for more efficient, secure, and sustainable agro-food and water provision and management systems in the Mediterranean area. Root causes of migration will be tackled by PRIMA through EU science diplomacy. PRIMA resolves the causes, and not just the effects of political cleavages. At this point, 19 countries are jointly undertaking PRIMA: 11 EU Member States, 3 countries associated with Horizon 2020 and 5 third countries with which the Union needs to conclude international agreements for scientific and technological cooperation. Therefore, I voted in favour.
EU-Canada air transport agreement (A8-0254/2018 - Francisco Assis)

The need to continuously expand the single market to different aspects of the EU is a driving force for arrangements. When a country has a possibility for mutual benefits, it is important to act and to integrate slowly yet efficiently. This report outlines the ability to do this with Canadian flights and the economic benefits through expanding this aspect of the single market. Therefore, I voted in favour of this report.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2018/001 NL/Financial service activities (A8-0294/2018 - Ivana Maletić)

I voted in favour of this proposal as it is important to always be examining how the ever-changing global markets affect the EU citizens, and specifically those hurt the most by the economic crisis. This report shows the need to help the Dutch citizens affected by this, and presents a reasonable budget for reintegrating these people and lowering the unemployment rates.
Provision of audiovisual media services (A8-0192/2017 - Sabine Verheyen, Petra Kammerevert)

The revision of the AVMS Directive will alleviate the ambiguous lines that challenge the traditional and on-demand services. The review will have a necessary impact at this critical juncture for audiovisual services. The revision of the Directive aims to adapt the current rules to the increasing convergence of media markets and technologies in Europe, in order to foster a level playing field. Therefore, I voted in favour.
Eurojust and Albania Cooperation Agreement (A8-0275/2018 - Laura Ferrara)

I voted in favour of this legislative resolution. After the information provided by the UN and Europol regarding Albanian criminal groups and their involvement in international organized crime, this resolution will critically improve cooperation and security for both the EU and Albania. The Eurojust-Albania Cooperation Agreement would grant easier access to vital information in the fight against organized crime, terrorism and human trafficking. This agreement would improve the serenity of both Albanians and EU citizens who suffer the consequences of that crime. The Cooperation Agreement with Eurojust with Albania will add to an already growing number of measures in the prevention of crime.
Protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and free movement of such data (A8-0313/2017 - Cornelia Ernst)

This regulation is meant to increase protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and the free movement of such data. This regulation is to be adapted to the principles of the Council’s General Data Protection Regulation. The free movement of data is crucial to enhance law enforcements’ time efficiency and effectiveness. I voted in favour because I support the protection of personal data processing by EU institutions and agencies established under the Lisbon Treaty. I support an EU wide approach on the protection of personal data and the flow of such data. It aims at ending standalone regimes in the field of law enforcement and strengthens EU cohesion.
Single Digital Gateway (A8-0054/2018 - Marlene Mizzi)

I voted in favour of this regulation because I support the idea that both citizens and businesses should have the right to take full advantage of the benefits offered by new digital tools and e-government strategies when they travel, work, study or do business in any EU Member State. The single digital gateway would do precisely this. This will provide citizens and businesses with easy access to updated information. For the single digital gateway to meet users’ needs, it must be held to a high standard of quality information. The resolution aims to make information available to as many people as possible, ensuring access to people with disabilities.
A European Strategy for Plastics in a circular economy (A8-0262/2018 - Mark Demesmaeker)

I voted in favour of this as with the Chinese ban on plastic waster importation as well as the heavy need to control the abuse of plastics within the EU and its effects on the environment, economy, and health of the citizens. Therefore, this outlines a plan to both increase recycling, stops the unnecessary production of plastic, and turn this ban into a positive for the EU. Therefore, it is indispensable to acquire for the continuation of the EU to be at the forefront of stopping pollution and climate change.
A European One Health Action Plan against Antimicrobial Resistance (A8-0257/2018 - Karin Kadenbach)

I voted in favour of this as the fear of untreatable diseases is a real fear of the future. It is therefore necessary, to prevent further antibiotic microbial resistance, to provide funds to educate the population on this phenomenon and find better solution to traditional antibiotics, limit the overall use of antibiotics, as well as provide for vaccinations that will limit the need for those in the long-term.
Europe on the Move: an agenda for the future of mobility in the EU (A8-0241/2018 - István Ujhelyi)

I voted in favour as the transportation industry needs to advance with the advancement in technology, but also we cannot allow social gaps to appear. We need to provide training to those in the industry on new standards of technology as well as make sure that all people have access to this transportation. This is done to possibly lower the gap between people while increasing safety and works to reduce the environmental burden.
Copyright in the Digital Single Market (A8-0245/2018 - Axel Voss)

I support this because in the ever changing and constantly developing digital world it is necessary to protect individual rights and freedoms. The copyright directive is targeted at big platforms that have become more powerful than certain states. Giant platforms not only yield astonishing power in the field of information distribution but also in terms of lobbying power. The directive also aims at granting creators of original ideas the right, and deserved, reimbursement from the giant platforms. The platforms have in many cases used content on their sites without giving any remuneration to its creator and producer. This directive would ensure a level playing field and protect free speech and ensure quality journalism. Furthermore, this will have no negative impact on censuring free speech, it is a measure to ensure the survival of Europe’s cultural industries.
Controls on cash entering or leaving the Union (A8-0394/2017 - Mady Delvaux, Juan Fernando López Aguilar)

I support this resolution because it is important to maintain order and security. The controls would severely impair the financing of terrorism and organised crime within and outside the EU borders. The CIS IT data exchange system will have to be implemented by all Member States. If used by all states, it will make financial checks more secure and swift for EU citizens. An EU-wide approach is necessary for the security of citizens, the internal market and companies. The Commission proposes to tighten controls on those entering or leaving the EU with over EUR 10 000 and on smaller amounts if there is any suspicious activity.
Countering money laundering by criminal law (A8-0405/2017 - Ignazio Corrao)

I voted in favour of this because it combats money laundering that can support criminal activities such as terrorism. It is important to impede terrorist financing to prevent future attacks and strengthen the rule of law. The directive will counter money laundering by means of criminal law. Being a member of the LIBE Committee I strongly support the directive. Money laundering is both a threat to our citizens and to our businesses. The directive aims at giving the EU judicial organisation and authority in the fight against money laundering.
State of EU-US relations (A8-0251/2018 - Elmar Brok)

I voted in favour of this as it recognises the long history between Europe and the US due to its congruent desires and values and the need to continue favourable and prosperous trade agreements and relations. This report will aid in leading to a more secure and stable world and therefore will continue said history and these values to be at the forefront of the international community and not let it succumb to others.
State of EU-China relations (A8-0252/2018 - Bas Belder)

I voted in favour of this report as over the years, China has become one of the most important partners for the EU and therefore it is essential to promote its human rights, military nonaggression, and healthy trade. This will allow for proliferation of healthy relations between the two parties that will, in turn, allow for each party’s sphere of influence to benefit from stability and access.
The impact of EU cohesion policy on Northern Ireland (A8-0240/2018 - Derek Vaughan)

I voted in favour of this because the findings have shown that within Northern Ireland, the economic deficit has been vastly decreased. There has been an increase in cross-border relations with the Republic of Ireland, as well as an increase in the quality of life within the most deprived areas. Small and medium-sized businesses and youth employment has increased, yet more time is needed to solidify these improvements.
Specific measures for Greece (A8-0244/2018 - Pascal Arimont)

I voted in favour of this report because this emphasises EU cohesion and solidarity. The EU Structural and Investment Funds are the two major sources of direct investment in Greece. When one nation is in need of help, the Union and the other nations are there for support. Investments from the ESF and other EU funding mechanisms went to finance projects that otherwise would have failed, toppling the Greek economy and losing the funds already invested. The EU’s dedication and specific measures, coupled with the Greek’s ambition and willingness to come out of the crisis, created more jobs and finalised projects, from projects in the fields of transport and social infrastructure and environment. Taking into account the success of these programmes due to how targeted they were to the specific Greek situation, I support the rapporteur.
Pathways for the reintegration of workers recovering from injury and illness into quality employment (A8-0208/2018 - Jana Žitňanská)

I voted in favour of this because the studies show that there is a substantial need for more age- and disability-related programs that support the reintegration of this population. There also exists substantial evidence that shows that a more age-diverse or even older workforce, as well as those with disabilities, overall shows more dedication to the job and for that, more productivity. Therefore, it is favourable to all Member States and the EU as a whole to support the reintegration of the older workers and those with disabilities and measures that will bring them back in swiftly as to increase economic prosperity and lower social stigma against these groups from re-entering the labour market.
Relationships between the EU and third countries concerning financial services regulation and supervision (A8-0263/2018 - Brian Hayes)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this resolution because it will bring greater security and stability, both political and financial, for the EU’s relationship with third countries. It would limit market fragmentation and maintain a certain financial standard. This directive would encourage a sustainable world platform that would better deal with global economic shocks.
Boosting growth and cohesion in EU border regions (A8-0266/2018 - Krzysztof Hetman)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because it is vital to support EU border regions. These regions make up over a third of the EU’s territory. It is necessary to eliminate blocks that cause complexities that hinder them. We must facilitate the flow of people and capital within our Union. All obstacles that prevent trade and movement within the EU at its inner borders should be removed. National, regional and local governments have to trust each other and collaborate. Both the EU and Member States will have to have more focused and intensive measures in regards to many boarder region issues to improve access to public services and rights. The proposal aims at eliminating the border region complexities that hurt both citizens and businesses. The European Territorial Cooperation programs have been successful, however there is still work to be done. ETC should be preserved and its budget increased. A Border Focal Point within the Commission will offer advice to national and regional governments on how to best tackle legal and administrative boarder obstacles.
European Solidarity Corps (A8-0060/2018 - Helga Trüpel)

I voted in favour of this because securing a sustainable future full of consistent and equal opportunities for all of Europe’s young people is a necessary and an important step to improve European solidarity. Volunteer work has already brought necessary aid to many. The effect of this project bolsters solidarity among Union citizens, which is one of the universal values that the Union is built upon. This platform for European solidarity will help thousands of people in need, promoting EU values and combating euroscepticism, whilst not taking away from other agencies, the Erasmus program or the functioning labour market. Training Europe’s future generations for successful and yieldful employment is a central mechanism for a stronger Europe. The ESC will help foster a lifestyle that will lead to a united Europe through a show of cohesion amongst young people which are the future of the Union. This ESC will help engage young people in aiding those in need during times of tragedies.
Structural Reform Support Programme: financial envelope and general objective (A8-0227/2018 - Ruža Tomašić)

I voted in favour of this because it would specify the need for support to aid those Member States on their way to the adoption of the euro as well as provide an additional EUR 80 million to aid in supporting social programmes. As the lack of economic equality is experienced within the Member States, and not between, the increase in funding to already implemented social programmes, coupled with the commitment of Member States, would allow for members to raise their economies and be ready for euro integration faster.
Measures to prevent and combat mobbing and sexual harassment at the workplace, in public spaces, and in political life in the EU (A8-0265/2018 - Pina Picierno)

I voted in favour of this because it is important that women are able to feel safe in all aspects of their lives. There is a need to end the instances of harassment and provide for the education of all people on what it is and what is not considered appropriate. Further, it is crucial to uphold the fundamental rights of the victim and provide them opportunities to report their attack, speak their voice, and feel safe in the process of beginning to heal as to not allow these instances to affect their prospects in life.
Language equality in the digital age (A8-0228/2018 - Jill Evans)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because it would ensure the survival of languages in the digital age. Language is unique and must be preserved, but it is also a barrier in the Union that must be overcome. The proposal aims at eliminating the burdens of a language barrier whilst at the same time strengthening the individual cultures of Europe by ensuring the preservation of their languages.The language barrier, caused by the technology gap between more and less spoken languages, has caused complications vis-à-vis the fundamental values of the EU such as mobility across borders, causing cultural, social and also economic difficulties. Europe’s language technology community has to work together and communicate. Europe is the world leader in linguistic diversity and equality, which is a foundation for European culture. Online, fewer languages are available through services, and minority and smaller languages are being placed at risk of extinction.In order to ensure that less prominent languages do not become digitally extinct, the use of public data for language technology resources should be optimised. The proposal will seek the establishment of large-scale and long-term funding for a programme of research and development and innovation.
Common system of value added tax, with regard to the obligation to respect a minimum standard rate (A8-0124/2018 - Roberto Gualtieri)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because it aims to harmonise VAT within the EU VAT area, and specifies that VAT rates must be within a certain range.
Prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing (A8-0056/2017 - Krišjānis Kariņš, Judith Sargentini)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because key transparency standards should be binding and guide the negotiation and renegotiation of European Union trade agreements and partnerships. Moreover, when negotiating any trade, association or partnership agreement between the Commission or any Member State and a high-risk third country, the following points should be taken into consideration: the existence of robust systems to ensure that information on beneficial ownership of corporations is available to competent authorities; the powers, procedures and political independence of the third country’s competent authorities; the effectiveness of the AML/CFT system in addressing money laundering or terrorist financing risks of the third country; the exchange of information between competent authorities and EU Member States; and measures in place to protect whistle-blowers.
Approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles (A8-0048/2017 - Daniel Dalton)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because it would ensure effective enforcement and market surveillance. The proposal obliges manufacturers to cooperate and exchange information with approval and market surveillance authorities, and requires market surveillance authorities to carry out spot-checks on cars in circulation. In addition, the proposal requires type-approval documentation to be made publically available.
Organic production and labelling of organic products (A8-0311/2015 - Martin Häusling)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because taking into account the fact that European Union farmers face increased problems in receiving a fair income from the food chain, this regulation should also contribute to helping farmers and consumers to reconnect through direct marketing in short food chains and so create a fair share of the added value of food and positive externalities created in organic farming.
Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States (A8-0140/2018 - Miroslavs Mitrofanovs)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because the employment guidelines set out common priorities and objectives for national employment policies. Moreover, the guidelines, other than framing the scope and direction for Member States’ policy coordination, also provide the basis for country specific recommendations in the respective domains. In addition, they support the aims of the European Semester for economic policy coordination.
Estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2019 – Section I – European Parliament (A8-0146/2018 - Paul Rübig)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because the guidelines from last year were reasonably met.
Annual Report on Competition Policy (A8-0049/2018 - Ramon Tremosa i Balcells)

I voted in favour because it welcomes the improvement in human resources management in DG Competition. It also emphasises, once again, that corruption in public procurement has serious market-distorting effects on European competitiveness; and it reiterates that public procurement is one of the government activities most vulnerable to corruption.
Implementation of the European Protection Order Directive (A8-0065/2018 - Soraya Post, Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio)

I voted in favour of this because this instrument is based on the principle of mutual recognition, which means that protection orders issued in one Member State have to be recognised and enforced in another Member State. Moreover, it is important to improve and jointly enhance cooperation and communication in relation to the EPO as this would set in motion much more efficient procedures and simultaneous cross-border action among the Member States.
Implementation of the Bologna Process – state of play and follow-up (B8-0190/2018)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this motion because widely differing education and training systems in Europe have traditionally made it hard for Europeans to use qualifications from one country to apply for a job or a course in another. Increased compatibility between education systems makes it easier for students and job seekers to move within Europe.
Fixing the period for the ninth election of representatives to the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage (A8-0145/2018 - Danuta Maria Hübner)

I voted in favour of this because the Council has reached an agreement among the Member States that it would prove impossible to hold the next European Parliament election during the normally applicable dates and have proposed, pending the consultation of the European Parliament, to hold the elections in the period from 23 to 26 May 2019.
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions – 2019

I voted in favour of this because it aids in organisation
EU-Australia Framework Agreement (A8-0110/2018 - Francisco José Millán Mon)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this recommendation because the purpose of the agreement is to establish a strengthened partnership between the parties; provide a framework to facilitate and promote cooperation across a broad range of areas of mutual interest; and enhance cooperation to develop solutions to regional and global challenges.
EU-Australia Framework Agreement (Resolution) (A8-0119/2018 - Francisco José Millán Mon)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this motion for a resolution because the purpose of the agreement is to establish a strengthened partnership between the parties, provide a framework to facilitate and promote cooperation across a broad range of areas of mutual interest, and enhance cooperation in order to develop solutions to regional and global challenges.
Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism (A8-0131/2018 - Helga Stevens)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because it introduces criminal offences related to terrorism, for which the Union has competence based on Article 83(1) TFEU. It aims to enhance the efforts of the parties, both by measures taken at national level and through international cooperation, in preventing terrorism and its negative effects on the full enjoyment of human rights.
Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism (Additional Protocol) (A8-0132/2018 - Helga Stevens)

. ‒ I voted in favour of measure because it aims to prevent and curb the flow of foreign terrorist fighters to conflict zones by promoting a common understanding of, and response to, foreign-terrorist-fighter-related offences.
Packaging and packaging waste (A8-0029/2017 - Simona Bonafè)

I voted in favour of this report because we need to build a new paradigm based on the reuse, recycling and recovery of waste. The resources we depend on are becoming increasingly scarce. Unless structural measures are taken, world economy demand for raw materials could increase by more than 50% in the next 15 years. In order to reverse this trend, we must adopt a circular development model which keeps materials’ value in circulation for as long as possible. To do that, we need to optimise the integrated waste cycle in order to put resources to efficient use.
End-of-life vehicles, waste batteries and accumulators and waste electrical and electronic equipment (A8-0013/2017 - Simona Bonafè)

I voted in favour of this report because we should simplify the obligations of Member States concerning reporting obligations and align the obligations with the reporting provisions in the Waste Framework Directive, the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive and the Landfill Directive. The introduction of a quality check in the Batteries Directive would help with that simplification. The Commission should also develop a common methodology for collection, organisation and processing of data in cooperation with national statistical offices in order to ensure comparability of quality data.
Waste (A8-0034/2017 - Simona Bonafè)

I voted in favour of this because our resources are becoming increasingly scarce and our inefficient use of the resources we have left produces unnecessary waste. When it comes to maximising the use of our resources, a clear and stable legislative framework is the first step in promoting the transition.
Landfill of waste (A8-0031/2017 - Simona Bonafè)

I voted in favour of this report because it supports effective action to foster the efficient use of resources and a reduction in the production of waste and in its environmental impact. The amount of waste that is landfilled is astounding. A reduction in the amounts of landfilled waste can only be accomplished through – and must go hand in hand – with higher targets for the collection and recycling of waste. Landfilling should only be a last resort for waste that can be neither avoided nor recycled or recovered, or at least minimised and decontaminated.
Procedural rules in the field of environmental reporting (A8-0253/2017 - Francesc Gambús)

I voted in favour of this because the SRD aimed at rationalizing and improving, on a sectorial basis, the provisions on the transmission of information and the publication of reports. The SRD currently covers 28 environmental acts. After several repeals, one regulation, nine directives and 23 decisions with references to the SRD remain in force, although most of these references have become obsolete and have no legal effect anymore.
Implementation of the EU external financing instruments: mid-term review 2017 and the future post-2020 architecture (A8-0112/2018 - Marietje Schaake)

I voted in favour of this because a review of our external finances provides for an opportunity to improve at least the current institutional structure of EU external funding. It should directly contribute to greater efficiency, flexibility and transparency of EU external relations, with the aim of strengthening EU values and interests worldwide.
Annual reports 2015-2016 on subsidiarity and proportionality (A8-0141/2018 - Mady Delvaux)

I voted in favour of this report because these principles ensure an efficient European legislative process whilst respecting national sovereignty. It is our duty to make sure that the application of these principles maintains that balance. However, for a number of years, Eurosceptic politicians have been distorting these principles to use them as a weapon to use against European integration. This report emphasises that these principles are used to support the functioning of the European Union, and are not an obstacle to its effectiveness.
Discharge 2016: EU general budget - Commission and executive agencies (A8-0137/2018 - Joachim Zeller)

I voted in favour of this because it calls on the Commission and the Member States to align the Union’s policy objectives and financial cycles, the legislative period of the Parliament and the mandate of the Commission.
Discharge 2016: Court of Auditors' special reports in the context of the 2016 Commission discharge (A8-0130/2018 - Joachim Zeller)

I voted in favour of this because it calls on the Commission to take measures with the Member States by the end of 2018 to ensure that enhanced annual implementation reporting in 2019 provides clear and comprehensive information on programme achievements and that the required answers to common evaluation questions provide an improved basis for the next programming period.
Discharge 2016: EU general budget - 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th EDFs (A8-0123/2018 - Barbara Kappel)

I voted in favour of this because the report welcomed the continuous efforts made by the Commission’s services to ameliorate the overall financial management of the EDFs with regard to old outstanding pre-financing commitments and payments.
Discharge 2016: EU general budget - European Parliament (A8-0105/2018 - Derek Vaughan)

I voted in favour of this report because Members noted that Parliament’s final appropriations for 2016 totalled EUR 1 838 613 983, or 19.39% of heading V of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) set aside for the 2016 administrative expenditure of the Union institutions as a whole, representing a 2.4% increase over the 2015 budget.
Discharge 2016: EU general budget - European Council and Council (A8-0116/2018 - Ingeborg Gräßle)

I voted in favour of this because it notes the existence of a gender balance policy in the General Secretariat of the Council and welcomes the positive trend of women’s representation in management posts. It also calls on the Council to continue with the gender balance policy toward a truly balanced presentation of both genders in management posts.
Discharge 2016: EU general budget - Court of Justice (A8-0122/2018 - Ingeborg Gräßle)

I voted in favour of this report granting the Registrar of the Court of Justice of the European Union discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Court of Justice of the European Union for the financial year 2016.
Discharge 2016: EU general budget - Court of Auditors (A8-0089/2018 - Ingeborg Gräßle)

I voted in favour of this report granting the Registrar of the Court of Justice of the European Union discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Court of Justice of the European Union for the financial year 2016.
Discharge 2016: EU general budget - European Economic and Social Committee (A8-0097/2018 - Ingeborg Gräßle)

I voted in favour of this report because it welcomes the overall prudent and sound financial management of the Committee in the 2016 budget period. it also expresses support for the successful paradigm shift towards performance-based budgeting in the Commission’s budget planning introduced by Vice-President Kristalina Georgieva in September 2015 as part of the ‘EU Budget Focused on Results’ initiative and encourages the Committee to apply that method to its own budget-planning procedure.
Discharge 2016: EU general budget - Committee of the Regions (A8-0117/2018 - Ingeborg Gräßle)

I voted in favour of this report because it welcomes the administrative cooperation agreement between the Committee and the European Economic and Social Committee. This agreement will ensure also further efficiency in both committees’ performance and economic savings.
Discharge 2016: EU general budget - European External Action Service (A8-0128/2018 - Marco Valli)

I voted in favour of this because Members noted that the EEAS has continued to implement its administrative budget without being affected by major errors and that the overall level of error in the spending related to the ‘Administration’ budget has been estimated by the Court of Auditors at 0.2%. The EEAS is asked to continue its efforts to actively support and monitor the implementation of procurement rules and procedures in the delegations in order to improve the overall compliance and effectiveness of their tendering procedures and contract management.
Discharge 2016: EU general budget - European Ombudsman (A8-0100/2018 - Ingeborg Gräßle)

I voted in favour of this report because Members welcomed the overall prudent and sound financial management of the Ombudsman in the 2016 budget period. They expressed support for the successful paradigm shift towards performance-based budgeting in the Commission’s budget planning. The Ombudsman is encouraged to apply that method to its own budget-planning procedure.
Discharge 2016: EU general budget - European Data Protection Supervisor (A8-0099/2018 - Ingeborg Gräßle)

I voted in favour of this report because it welcomed the overall prudent and sound financial management of the Supervisor in the 2016 budget period and expressed support for the successful paradigm shift towards performance-based budgeting in the Commission’s budget planning. It encouraged the Supervisor to apply that method to its own budget—planning procedure.
Discharge 2016: Performance, financial management and control of EU agencies (A8-0115/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report because it emphasised that the agencies are highly visible in the Member States and have significant influence on policy and decision—making and programme implementation in areas of vital importance to European citizens, such as health, safety, security, freedom and justice, research and industrial development, economic and monetary affairs, employment and social progress.
Discharge 2016: Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) (A8-0074/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this because it grants the Director of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators discharge in respect of the implementation of the Agency’s budget for the financial year 2016.
Discharge 2016: Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) (A8-0069/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this because it grants the Management Committee of the Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications discharge in respect of the implementation of the Office’s budget for the financial year 2016.
Discharge 2016: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) (A8-0106/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this because it approves the closure of the accounts of the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union for the financial year 2016. It also grants the Director of the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union discharge in respect of the implementation of the Centre’s budget for the financial year 2016.
Discharge 2016: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) (A8-0068/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this because it stresses the particular importance of further strengthening the democratic legitimacy of the Union institutions by improving transparency and accountability, and implementing the concept of performance—based budgeting and good governance of human resources.
Discharge 2016: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) (A8-0098/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this because the Court of Auditors stated that it had obtained reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the College for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and regular. They made, however, a number of recommendations that needed to be taken into account when discharge was granted.
Discharge 2016: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) (A8-0066/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this because the report observed that in 2016 the Agency filled all available posts authorised in its establishment plan. What is highly appreciated is the fact that the Agency did not receive any complaints, lawsuits or reported cases linked to hiring or firing of staff in 2016. However, they regretted that the gender imbalance within the Agency management board members, with a ratio of 78% to 22%.
Discharge 2016: European Banking Authority (EBA) (A8-0067/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this because it has been noted by the Court of Auditors that it had obtained reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the Authority for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and regular. They made, however, a number of recommendations that needed to be taken into account when discharge was granted.
Discharge 2016: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) (A8-0085/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report, noting that the Court of Auditors stated that it had obtained reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the Centre for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and regular.
Discharge 2016: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) (A8-0086/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report because, noting that the Court of Auditors stated that it had obtained reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the Agency for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and regular, Members called on Parliament to approve the closure of the Agency’s accounts.
Discharge 2016: European Environment Agency (EEA) (A8-0090/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this because the Court of Auditors stated that it had obtained reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the Agency’s underlying transactions were legal and regular.
Discharge 2016: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) (A8-0107/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this because the Court of Auditors stated that it had obtained reasonable assurance that the annual accounts for the Agency were legal. Grants the Executive Director of the European Fisheries Control Agency discharge in respect of the implementation of the Agency’s budget for the financial year 2016.
Discharge 2016: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (A8-0091/2018 - Indrek Tarand)

I voted in favour of this because there has been reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the Authority for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and regular. Therefore, general recommendations are in order.
Discharge 2016: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) (A8-0087/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report because there has been reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the Institute for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and regular. On the other hand, I have noticed that, having regard to the number of all posts occupied on 31 December 2016, the gender balance ratio was 72% female to 28% male. I have also noted furthermore the gender imbalance in the management board, with a ratio of 80% to 20% and called on the Institute to aim for a more gender—balanced staff composition.
Discharge 2016: European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) (A8-0088/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report because there has been reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the Authority for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and regular.
Discharge 2016: European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) (A8-0096/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour in this because there has been reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the Institute for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and regular.
Discharge 2016: European Medicines Agency (EMA) (A8-0103/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favor of this report because, noting that the Court of Auditors stated that it had obtained reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the Agency for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and regular, Members called on Parliament to approve the closure of the Agency’s accounts.
Discharge 2016: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) (A8-0081/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report, noting that, according to the Court’s report, for two framework contracts, with maximum values of EUR 135 000 and EUR 650 000, one of the Centre’s employees acted as authorising officer by delegation when appointing the evaluation committee, taking the award decisions and signing the contracts.
Discharge 2016: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) (A8-0078/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report because there has been enough assurance that the annual accounts of the Agency for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and in order. There are a series of observations regarding transfers, the prevention and management of conflicts of interests, procurement and staff policy, and internal audits and controls.
Discharge 2016: European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) (A8-0114/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this because there has been reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the Agency for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and in order. Moreover, what is highly appreciated is the fact that the Agency has – with the aim of ensuring a cost—effective and environment—friendly workplace, recycling paper, glass and plastics – been encouraging staff to avoid printing documents and has introduced an electronic system for internal workflows which has significantly reduced the use of physical files.
Discharge 2016: European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) (A8-0079/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report because the Agency published a revised strategic vision, including the preparation for a strategy for international relations and the implementation of a communications strategy. It implemented an updated governance structure and adjusted the Agency’s organisation in the light of the new Agency regulation, and the Agency further implemented its Integrated Management System (IMS) in order to obtain ISO 9001 certification in the course of 2017.
Discharge 2016: European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) (A8-0101/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this because it met targets for achieving all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in 2016. It also managed 105 requests for assistance from the Commission and Commission delegations, covering 52% of partner countries. The report notes that the satisfaction with services provided by the Foundation was 100% positive with regard to the Foundation’s quality of work, usefulness and timeliness of support.
Discharge 2016: European Training Foundation (ETF) (A8-0080/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report because the Foundation met the targets for achieving all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in 2016. It also managed 105 requests for assistance from the Commission and Commission delegations, covering 52% of partner countries. The report notes that the satisfaction with services provided by the Foundation was 100% positive with regard to the Foundation’s quality of work, usefulness and timeliness of support. It also supported policy analysis and development in 25 of its partner countries through the Torino process
Discharge 2016: European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA) (A8-0111/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report because the Agency implemented a corporate quality management system. Additionally, it ensured stable and continuous operations of the systems entrusted to it and at the same time provided broad support to the Commission in the development of a number of key legal proposals.
Discharge 2016: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) (A8-0084/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour because there has been reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the Agency for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and in order.
Discharge 2016: Euratom Supply Agency (ESA) (A8-0102/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report because there has been reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the Agency for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and in order. I have also pointed out that the Agency processed 344 transactions in 2016, including contracts, amendments and notifications in order to ensure the security of supply of nuclear materials.
Discharge 2016: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) (A8-0092/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report because there has been reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the Foundation for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and regular.
Discharge 2016: EU Judicial Cooperation Unit (Eurojust) (A8-0113/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this because the Court of Auditors has noted that it had obtained reasonable assurance that the annual accounts of the Office for the financial year 2016 were reliable and that the underlying transactions were legal and regular. Moreover, according to Eurojust, there are substantial financial and operational risks due to the Brexit. Eurojust is called on to remain proactive in identifying and addressing those risks and to keep the discharge authority fully informed of the future impact of Brexit on Eurojust.
Discharge 2016: European Police Office (Europol) (A8-0109/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report because, as it states, Europol pioneered innovative investigative support tools, including the ‘Europe’s Most Wanted Fugitives’ website in 2016 with, as of November 2017, information on 115 fugitives published, 41 high—profile fugitive arrests, including 13 arrests, due to the launch of the website. The report also notes that Europol’s Cybercrime Centre (EC3) deployed a new Image and Video Analysis Solution to facilitate, in particular, the identification of child victims of sexual exploitation including, in 2017, the support given by Europol to 38 unique operations against online child sexual exploitation.
Discharge 2016: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) (A8-0093/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this because, in line with its strategic priority to develop timely and targeted responses to fundamental rights emergencies, the Agency published monthly reports on the situation in the Member States most affected by the refugee crises and deployed expert staff to Greece in order to provide Union and local actors on the ground with fundamental rights expertise.
Discharge 2016: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) (A8-0108/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report because the Agency launched the first steps of the common vulnerability assessment methodology. It is also committed to promoting the use of public and eco—friendly transportation, with the Agency helping to cover the costs of public transportation costs for its staff.
Discharge 2016: European GNSS Agency (GSA) (A8-0082/2018 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this because the Agency completed negotiations for, and signed, a working arrangement with the European Space Agency (ESA) on Galileo.
Discharge 2016: Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI) (A8-0071/2018 - Brian Hayes)

I voted in favour of this because the Court of Auditors issued a statement of assurance as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions for the financial year 2016.
Discharge 2016: Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (A8-0070/2018 - Brian Hayes)

I voted in favour of this report because the Court of Auditors issued a statement of assurance as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions for the financial year 2016.
Discharge 2016: ECSEL Joint Undertaking (A8-0072/2018 - Brian Hayes)

I voted in favour of this report because the Court of Auditors issued a statement of assurance as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions for the financial year 2016. Moreover, it has also been noted that the Joint Undertaking has adopted rules on the prevention and management of conflicts of interests to mitigate the risks related to its governance structure.
Discharge 2016: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH2) (A8-0073/2018 - Brian Hayes)

I voted in favour of this because the Court of Auditors issued a statement of assurance as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions for the financial year 2016. Moreover, the report stressed the importance of highlighting the real improvements achieved as a consequence of its work, which are an important part of its mandate.
Discharge 2016: Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (IMI) (A8-0075/2018 - Brian Hayes)

I voted in favour of this report because it calls on the Commission to ensure the direct involvement of the IMI 2 Joint Undertaking in the process of the Horizon 2020 mid—term review in the sphere of further simplifications and harmonisation of joint undertakings.
Discharge 2016: ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy Joint Undertaking (A8-0095/2018 - Brian Hayes)

I voted in favour of this report because it recognises the need for the Joint Undertaking to communicate with Union citizens through the institutions, stresses the importance of highlighting the real improvements achieved as a consequence of its work, which are an important part of its mandate, as well as the fact that it works with other joint undertakings in promoting public awareness of the benefits of their work.
Discharge 2016: SESAR Joint Undertaking (A8-0077/2018 - Brian Hayes)

I voted in favour of this report because it notes that the low implementation rate for payment appropriations is mainly due to delays in implementation of the studies and developments conducted by the members of the Undertaking; takes note that, at the end of 2016, for SESAR 1 the cumulative cash contribution from the Union was EUR 597.1 million, compared to total in-kind contributions of EUR 476.9 million from Eurocontrol and EUR 566.5 million from the air traffic sector members, whereas, for SESAR 2020, the cumulative cash contribution from the Union was EUR 56.8 million, and no in—kind and cash contributions were validated from other members because projects were in their early stages.
Discharge 2016: Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (S2R) (A8-0076/2018 - Brian Hayes)

I voted in favour of this report because it draws attention to the fact that in two cases out of eight, the Joint Undertaking awarded grants to project consortia, despite the fact that the checks of the financial viability of the beneficiaries performed by the Research Executive Agency indicated that the financial capacity of the coordinating industry members of the consortia was weak; notes that this implies an unnecessarily high financial risk for the completion of those projects and the financial risk was particularly high in one case, in which the coordinating partner had been assigned over 45% of the total project funding; calls on the Joint Undertaking to provide before the end of 2018 the clear reasons why it decided to take such risk and to inform in written the discharge authority about the development of both projects as a part of the discharge follow up; draws attention to the ongoing and substantial need for a proper risk assessment system that should be followed in a comprehensive fashion.
EU-Lebanon Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation: participation of Lebanon in the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) (A8-0352/2017 - Sofia Sakorafa)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because PRIMA will be launched on 1 January 2018 for a period of ten years with the aim of developing and adopting innovative and integrated solutions for the sustainable management of water provision and agro-food systems in the Mediterranean area. Moreover, it represents one of the few attempts by the EU science diplomacy that could also help to resolve the issue of forced displacement of Mediterranean residents and thus address some of the root causes of migration.
EU-Mauritius Fisheries Partnership Agreement: fishing opportunities and financial contribution (A8-0053/2018 - Norica Nicolai)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because an agreement with the Government of Mauritius would prove jointly beneficial. This Protocol would provide fishing opportunities for 40 tuna seiners and 45 surface long-liners, as well as a maximum of 20 supply vessels to assist the operations of the EU fishing vessels.
EU-Norway Agreement concerning additional trade preferences in agricultural products (A8-0126/2018 - Tiziana Beghin)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because the proposed agreement will offer new trade opportunities for EU exporters and deepen trade relations between the EU and Norway. It seeks to increase the degree of liberalisation further, enlarging the current tariff rate quotas, opening new tariff rate quotas for additional agricultural products and addressing certain pending trade irritants.
A European strategy for the promotion of protein crops (A8-0121/2018 - Jean-Paul Denanot)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because we need to re-examine the European Union’s dependency on externally grown sources of protein. Imported protein crops are necessary for European livestock. With the amount of arable land decreasing, our protein crop supply may be in danger. The use of synthetic fertilizers that contribute to climate change are used in the EU’s imported protein crops.
Inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry into the 2030 climate and energy framework (A8-0262/2017 - Norbert Lins)

. ‒ I voted in favour because this proposal seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase removals from forests in order to combat climate change. For the period after 2030, Member States shall endeavour to increase their removals so that they exceed their emissions. The Commission shall propose a framework for targets after 2030, which includes such increased removals, in line with the Union’s long-term climate objectives, and the commitments made under the Paris Agreement.
Binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductions to meet commitments under the Paris Agreement (A8-0208/2017 - Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy)

I voted in favour of this because Members stated that the general objective of this Regulation is to set the Union on track to a low-carbon economy through the establishment of a predictable long-term pathway to reducing by 2050 the greenhouse gas emissions of the Union by 80 to 95% compared to 1990 levels.
Statute and funding of European political parties and European political foundations (A8-0373/2017 - Mercedes Bresso, Rainer Wieland)

I voted this way because this proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amends the regulation on the statute and funding of European political parties and European political foundations.
Energy performance of buildings (A8-0314/2017 - Bendt Bendtsen)

I voted in favour because in order to fulfil our international commitments under the COP21 Agreement and to achieve the Union’s own targets for decarbonisation and energy efficiency in a cost-effective manner, the buildings and transport sectors must deliver on their potential. The Union’s building stock consumes a substantial part of Europe’s final energy demand, in particular for fossil fuels. A better performing building stock holds out significant potential for improved energy security and reduced energy imports to Europe, lower energy bills for European energy consumers, and healthier living conditions.
Implementation of the 7th Environment Action Programme (A8-0059/2018 - Daciana Octavia Sârbu)

I voted in favour of this text because it sets out to protect, conserve and enhance the Union’s natural capital. This would maximise the benefits of Union environment legislation by improving implementation.
Gender equality in the media sector in the EU (A8-0031/2018 - Michaela Šojdrová)

I voted in favour because Members called on the Member States to promote content on gender equality in public media. They highlighted the fact that violent and sexist media content is negatively affecting women and their participation in society and may be causing psychological or physical damage to children and young people. The relevant stakeholders and authorities are urged to address the issue of advertising that indirectly encourages eating disorders such as anorexia, and to take other steps to protect particularly vulnerable persons, including girls and young women, against such content.
Empowering women and girls through the digital sector (B8-0183/2018)

I voted in favour because digitalisation has revolutionised and fundamentally changed the way in which people access and provide information, communicate, socialise, study and work. This creates new opportunities to participate in public and political discussions, education and the labour market, opening up new prospects for a self-determined life. It gives us the opportunity to empower young women to enter the digital workforce.
Implementation of the Development Cooperation Instrument, the Humanitarian Aid Instrument and the European Development Fund (A8-0118/2018 - Enrique Guerrero Salom)

I voted in favour of this, because climate change threatens the very future of humanity and increases the frequency and intensity of natural disasters. The world’s developing nations are more vulnerable to the poverty—inducing effects of climate change. Peace cannot prosper in the midst of poverty, injustice and exclusion. The disproportionate levels of growth and lack of life opportunities feed conflict.
Enhancing developing countries' debt sustainability (A8-0129/2018 - Charles Goerens)

I voted in favour of this, because we need an assessment of developing—country debt. Its objective is to provide the European Union with a few basic ground rules, which may at least help to prevent any further transgressions. It is important to examine the whole as the sum of its principal parts and the interaction between them. This will try to ensure that loans to developing countries are managed more efficiently.
Strengthening economic, social and territorial cohesion in the EU (A8-0138/2018 - Marc Joulaud)

I voted in favour of this because it is important to better understand the relationship between the EU and its people. Every three years, a Cohesion Report on the EU’s ability to connect with its citizens is presented. The report emphasises the existence of pockets of poverty, the risk of territorial fragmentation and the widening of intraregional disparities, including in more prosperous regions. This is an issue which should receive particular attention, e.g. through the establishment of an integrated territorial objective alongside the thematic objectives.
EU-Comoros fisheries partnership agreement: denunciation (resolution) (A8-0055/2018 - João Ferreira)

I voted in favour because the continued cooperation between the EU and the Comoros, notably in terms of development policy, is important for the policy of the EU and its Member States vis-à-vis this country to focus on the strategic priorities, of which the fisheries sector is a central strand. The EU should thus continue to promote transfers that will enable the Comoros to improve its system for fisheries administration and governance in legal terms, develop its capacities with regard to monitoring and scientific assessment, create or renovate facilities for refrigerating, construct and upgrade landing and security infrastructure at ports and harbours, and promote the renewal of the small-scale fleet to improve safety.
Europass: framework for skills and qualifications (A8-0244/2017 - Thomas Mann, Svetoslav Hristov Malinov)

I voted in favour because the new Europass framework will build upon its past employment rules with easy-to-use tools to help people identify and communicate their skills and qualifications in all EU languages. There will be an improved online tool for creating CVs and skills profiles, free self-assessment tools to help you evaluate your skills, tailored information on learning opportunities across Europe, and information and support to help you get possible employees’ qualifications recognised.
Creative Europe Programme (2014 to 2020) (A8-0369/2017 - Silvia Costa)

I voted in favour because the proposal aims to include a reference to the European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO). EUYO should therefore provide regular training for young musicians, seek financial support from sources other than Union funding, ensure cost-efficiency in its management, guarantee the transparency of the selection process, actively engage in audience development, and have as its Honorary President the President of the European Union.
Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (A8-0051/2018 - Alain Lamassoure)

I voted in favour of this because it provides for the determination of a single set of rules for the calculation of the corporate tax base. Companies operating across borders in the EU would no longer have to deal with 28 different sets of national rules when calculating their taxable profits.
Rail transport statistics (A8-0038/2018 - Karima Delli)

I voted in favour of this because it stresses the importance of having comprehensive and accurate statistics on freight and passenger transport, as well as data concerning cross-border connections or railway infrastructure equipment fitted with an ERTMS system. This aids in obtaining a clear picture of the evolution of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T), and in particular the rail network.
Measures for the control of Newcastle disease (A8-0026/2018 - Adina-Ioana Vălean)

I voted in favour because the proposal provides that the Commission shall designate, by means of implementing acts, a European Union reference laboratory for Newcastle disease. For the sake of clarity, it sets out the function and duties of the European Union reference laboratory for New Disease as well as the criteria applicable to the contingency plans to be establish by Member States in the onset of the disease.
Further macro-financial assistance to Georgia (A8-0028/2018 - Hannu Takkula)

I voted in favour because the Commission proposes EUR 45 million, of which EUR 35 million is in loans and EUR 10 million is in grants to help the country to cover part of its external financing needs for the period 2017-2020. It is clear that Georgia continues to face a weak external environment, its fiscal deficit has widened, and the lari has depreciated sharply over the recent years, which has resulted in higher public debt to GDP ratio. Moreover, Georgia’s financial system remains sound and well capitalised overall, particularly thanks to prudent supervision and regulation by the central bank.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2017/008 DE/Goodyear (A8-0061/2018 - Ingeborg Gräßle)

I voted in favor of this because the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) aims to provide support for workers made redundant and self-employed persons whose activity has ceased as a result of major structural changes in world trade patterns due to globalisation, as a result of a continuation of the global financial and economic crisis, or as a result of a new global financial and economic crisis, and to assist them with their reintegration into the labour market.
The next MFF: Preparing the Parliament’s position on the MFF post-2020 (A8-0048/2018 - Jan Olbrycht, Isabelle Thomas)

. ‒ I voted in favour because the report noted that the multiannual financial framework (MFF) 2014-2020 quickly proved its inadequacy in meeting actual needs and political ambitions, as, from the outset, it was called upon to address a series of crises and new challenges in the areas of investment, migration and refugees, youth employment, security, the environment and climate change, which had not been anticipated at the time of its adoption.
Reform of the European Union’s system of own resources (A8-0041/2018 - Gérard Deprez, Janusz Lewandowski)

I voted in favour of the creation of a new transparent, simpler and fairer system of own resources, based on elements of the current system where they have proved their effectiveness, in order to provide stable finances at the Union level. In this context, the report stressed the need to link revenues to policy objectives, in particular to the single market union, and environment, climate and transport policies. Moreover, the reform would include a revised value-added tax (VAT), a share of corporate tax, a financial transaction tax (FTT) at European level, a taxation of companies in the digital sector and environmental tax and levies.
European Semester for economic policy coordination: Annual Growth Survey 2018 (A8-0047/2018 - Hugues Bayet)

I voted in favour because, according to Commission forecasts, while the expansion of the European economy is expected to continue, the pace of job creation and household purchasing power implies a slight loss of momentum over the next two years, with growth reaching 2.4% in 2017 in the EU and then marginally slowing down to 2.2% in 2018 and to 2.0% in 2019. Further policy action will nonetheless be required to address unresolved legacies of the global economic crisis, such as investment and growth, responsible public finance, structural reforms, convergence and inclusion and budgets.
European Semester for economic policy coordination: employment and social aspects in the Annual Growth Survey 2018 (A8-0052/2018 - Krzysztof Hetman)

I voted in favour, because one of the solutions to tackle the high unemployment rate is to address the mismatch between labour market demands and workforce skills. Therefore, adaption of education policy and improved skills training frameworks are desired. Moreover, structural reforms are needed in order to boost investments and improve productivity and at the same time ensure adequate social protection systems. The Commission and Member States should support new production technologies as they have the potential to boost productivity and create new jobs.
Implementation of the Protocol on the financial consequences of the expiry of the ECSC Treaty and on the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (A8-0034/2018 - Jean Arthuis)

I voted in favour, because the aim of the Commission’s proposal for a decision is to allow the de-commitments made in the RFCS research programme since 2003 to be used. The Commission estimates the potential gains for this recycling at EUR 40.3 million. The adoption of the proposal would thus enable the Commission to increase the RFCS budget for 2018 to EUR 40 million and to use the remainder on the date of publication of the Regulation (6 February 2003).
EU-New Zealand agreement on cooperation and mutual administrative assistance in customs matters (A8-0029/2018 - Daniel Caspary)

I voted in favour because this agreement is aimed at benefiting trade by creating a more predictable and trade-friendly exchange, further enabling exchange of information and cooperation of customs authorities in order to facilitate the use of instruments or increase the efficiency of existing tools. It is also aimed at promoting modern and simple procedures in order to save time and money in getting goods through customs, fully in line with the commitments made under the Trade Facilitation Agreement, thus creating a level playing field for economic operators on both sides, and is aimed at helping to prevent, investigate and combat breaches of customs legislation, thus helping to protect consumers by stopping harmful or illegal goods reaching the European market.
A European strategy on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (A8-0036/2018 - István Ujhelyi)

I voted in favour because it is crucial for all industrial sectors– the telecommunications, car manufacturing, energy and transport sectors – to join forces so that the results of digital advances can be properly put in place and applied. Most vehicles in use in the EU are old and were constructed with technologies which preclude them from being connected to the latest technologies and digital dialogue. Moreover, the same is true for road systems which are not part of the Trans-European Networks and are not motorways.
Cross-border parcel delivery services (A8-0315/2017 - Lucy Anderson)

I voted in favour of this because it improves cross—border delivery service by increasing price transparency and efficiency. Parcel delivery is a competitive, new and lucrative industry. Around four billion parcels annually are ordered online and delivered across the European Union. Regulating parcel delivery minimises concerns about the delivery of items bought and sold across borders.
Initial qualification and periodic training of drivers of certain road vehicles and driving licences (A8-0321/2017 - Peter Lundgren)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because it improves the safety of the roads by clarifying the requirements of drivers of trucks and busses. The legislation aims to increase drivers’ awareness of the risks, in order to increase road safety and the Directive lays down standards on professional skills to ensure fair competition throughout the EU.
Establishing the European Defence Industrial Development Programme aiming at supporting the competitiveness and innovative capacity of the EU defence industry (A8-0037/2018 - Françoise Grossetête)

. ‒ I voted in favour of this because this is a means of strengthening EU independence in the area of defence. Strategic autonomy is essential to ensuring that the EU is free to take action worldwide. It can only be enhanced by better cooperation between Member States and undertakings, which must be based on the Member States’ common capability priorities.
Gender equality in EU trade agreements (A8-0023/2018 - Eleonora Forenza, Malin Björk)

I voted in favour because trade and investment affect women and men differently due to structural inequalities: women are paid less and the global gender gap remains significant. Gender Equality is a universal goal encompassed by international tools such as the Charter of the UN, the Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the Convention of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW, 1979). The EU has firmly committed itself to promoting and ensuring gender equality in its fundamental Treaties, amongst which the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Lagging regions in the EU (A8-0046/2018 - Michela Giuffrida)

I voted in favour because the solutions envisaged by the Commission include better relations between businesses and with higher education institutions, investment in infrastructure and education, improved links between cities and their surrounding areas, greater investment in public institutions to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public services and to strengthen the link between the European Semester and the cohesion policy identifying areas of investment.
The role of EU regions and cities in implementing the COP 21 Paris Agreement on climate change (A8-0045/2018 - Ángela Vallina)

I voted in favour of this because climate change’s symptoms and consequences are becoming more and more noticeable. The temperature increase in the EU over the past decade has been faster than in the rest of the planet. There has been a rise in extreme temperatures, forest fires, droughts, floods, storms and loss of biodiversity. Many EU sectors are being effected.
Composition of the European Parliament (A8-0007/2018 - Danuta Maria Hübner, Pedro Silva Pereira) IT

Ho votato in favore della relazione in merito alla composizione del Parlamento europeo. Il recesso del Regno Unito dall'UE porterà a una riduzione del numero dei deputati in Parlamento, da 751 a 705. Penso che la nuova ripartizione corregga tutte le violazioni al principio della proporzionalità degressiva senza comportare alcuna perdita di seggi per gli Stati membri e riducendo al contempo il numero di deputati al Parlamento. Credo inoltre sia di fondamentale importanza per assicurare certezza giuridica, mantenere l'attuale ripartizione dei seggi, applicabile fintanto che il Regno Unito apparterrà ancora all'Unione europea.
Revision of the Framework Agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission (A8-0006/2018 - Esteban González Pons) IT

Ho votato in favore della relazione in merito all'accordo quadro sulle relazioni tra il Parlamento europeo e la Commissione europea. Credo infatti sia importante che nelle prossime elezioni europee ogni partito politico presenti uno Spitzenkandidaten nominato attraverso una competizione aperta, democratica e trasparente. Sono inoltre dell'avviso che lo Spitzenkandidaten rifletta l'equilibrio interistituzionale tra il Consiglio europeo e il Parlamento europeo; è una pratica costituzionale e politica che non può essere rovesciata, fondamentale per la rappresentatività dell'Unione europea.
Zero tolerance for female genital mutilation (B8-0068/2018) IT

Sostengo fortemente la proposta di risoluzione per la tolleranza zero verso le mutilazioni genitali femminili. Molte, troppe volte all'interno dell'Unione europea pensiamo erroneamente che queste pratiche sono lontane da noi. Secondo l'associazione italiana Donne per lo sviluppo, sono 200 milioni le donne che in tutto mondo ne sono vittime e 500 mila solo in Europa. Dobbiamo allora capire che il tessuto sociale dei nostri paesi sta cambiando. I fenomeni migratori in aumento portano con sé tradizioni e culture che non possono essere ignorate. Si pensi a tutte quelle donne e ragazze di seconda generazione, donne europee, nate e cresciute con le nostre usanze, schiacciate tra due culture. Risulta allora di fondamentale importanza dare voce a queste giovani donne con centri di supporto e d'informazione per loro e le loro famiglie, per poter finalmente mettere fine a questa terribile usanza.
Geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on customers' nationality, place of residence or place of establishment (A8-0172/2017 - Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein)

I voted in favour of this because Geo-blocking impedes cross-border sale by prohibiting the use of a website based on the location of the user. Geo-blocking exclude an internet user based on his or her location. This regulation eradicates the unjustified uses of geo-blocking and forms of discrimination based on place of residence. Ending unjustified geo blocking is a priority within the EU.
Cost-effective emission reductions and low-carbon investments (A8-0003/2017 - Julie Girling) IT

Ho votato in favore della relazione sulla riduzione delle emissioni più efficace sotto il profilo dei costi e investimenti a favore di basse emissioni di carbonio. Nel luglio 2015 la Commissione europea ha presentato una proposta di revisione della direttiva sull'ETS UE volta a conseguire l'obiettivo dell'Unione di ridurre le emissioni interne di gas a effetto serra almeno del 40% entro il 2030. Rimane ad oggi di notevole importanza, alla luce del recente accordo di Parigi, che l'UE continui a stimolare adeguate riduzioni delle emissioni, evitando nel contempo di imporre indebiti costi del carbonio ai settori che ottengono i migliori risultati. Penso pertanto sia importante cogliere le numerose opportunità correlate alla trasformazione in un'economia a basse emissioni di carbonio continuando a stimolare l'innovazione industriale.
European Central Bank Annual Report for 2016 (A8-0383/2017 - Jonás Fernández) IT

Ho votato in favore della relazione annuale della Banca centrale europea per il 2016. Riconosco infatti che le politiche monetarie accomodanti messe in opera dalla BCE nel corso del periodo 2012-2016, soprattutto in merito ai bassi tassi d'interesse, hanno riscontrato dei buoni risultati.Inoltre la previsione di una crescita del PIL dal 2,2% del 2017 al 2,3% nel 2018 è sicuramente un ottimo risultato previsionale per l'Unione europea. Per contro, sostengo la preoccupazione riguardante il forte tasso di disoccupazione in molti Stati membri. Trovo pertanto necessaria l'attuazione di efficaci politiche per la crescita della produttività con un'attenzione particolare alla creazione di nuovi impieghi lavorativi.
Accelerating clean energy innovation (A8-0005/2018 - Jerzy Buzek)

I voted in favour of this report because transitioning to a low-carbon competitive economy is a central challenge of our time. Moving to clean energy creates a safer environment, with less pollution for the people. Opening up the economy to more clean energy will bring about more opportunities and growth. Clean energy innovation can bring jobs and investment in Europe. This gives the European Union the opportunity to be the world leader in renewable energy.
Marrakesh Treaty: facilitating the access to published works for persons who are blind, visually impaired, or otherwise print disabled (A8-0400/2017 - Max Andersson) IT

Il trattato di Marrakech, è volto a facilitare l'accesso delle persone con disabilità visive e altre disabilità alla lettura di opere in formato accessibile, tutelando nel contempo i titolari dei diritti. Credo sia importante armonizzare le deroghe al sistema internazionale dei diritti d'autore consentendo lo scambio transfrontaliero di copie in formato accessibile. Pertanto ho votato a favore.
Jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of decisions in matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility, and international child abduction (A8-0388/2017 - Tadeusz Zwiefka) IT

Ho votato a favore della rifusione relativa alla competenza e al riconoscimento e all'esecuzione delle decisioni in materia matrimoniale, in materia di responsabilità genitoriale, e sottrazione internazionale di minori. La nuova disposizione prevede il diritto del minore di essere ascoltato in tutti i procedimenti in materia di responsabilità genitoriale e io credo che l'Unione europea debba garantire e tutelare le sue famiglie internazionali, in crescente aumento, da eventuali situazioni di sottrazioni di minori. Questa proposta di rifusione permetterà non solo di porre fine ai molti casi di confusione e incertezza giuridica ma eviterà anche eventuali ritardi e complicazioni legislative, compiendo grandi progressi nel settore del diritto di famiglia.
Implementation of the Youth Employment Initiative in the Member States (A8-0406/2017 - Romana Tomc) IT

Ho votato a favore dell'attuazione dell'iniziativa per l'occupazione giovanile negli Stati membri.L'Unione europea ha conosciuto un forte aumento della disoccupazione giovanile negli ultimi anni: si pensi che siamo passati dal 15% del 2008 al 24% del 2013. Questo aumento rivela non solo la necessità di politiche mirate verso l'impiego giovanile, ma anche forti divergenze territoriali all'interno dell'UE. Pertanto, risulta di fondamentale importanza l'istituzione di una garanzia per i giovani con la quale tutti gli Stati membri si impegnano ad assicurare che i giovani ricevano un'offerta di lavoro entro quattro mesi dall'inizio della disoccupazione o dall'uscita dal sistema d'istruzione formale.
Implementation of the Professional Qualifications Directive and the need for reform in professional services (A8-0401/2017 - Nicola Danti) IT

Ho votato in favore dell'attuazione della direttiva sulle qualifiche professionali e alla necessità di riforma dei servizi professionali. Credo infatti sia necessario assicurare una maggiore mobilità professionale all'interno degli Stati membri garantendo quindi omogeneità sull'intero territorio.Risulta allora di fondamentale importanza un miglioramento della trasparenza facilitando la comparabilità dei requisiti nazionali che disciplinano l'accesso o l'esercizio alle professioni regolamentate.
Management, conservation and control measures applicable in the Convention Area of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (A8-0377/2017 - Linnéa Engström) IT

Ho votato a favore delle misure di gestione, conservazione e controllo, applicabili nella zona della convenzione dell'Organizzazione regionale di gestione della pesca per il Pacifico meridionale (SPRFMO). Credo infatti che nell'ambito della SPRFMO, così come in altre zone oceaniche, occorre avvalersi di misure efficaci e favorire le buone pratiche in merito alla pesca. Con la Convenzione per la protezione delle risorse marine viventi in Antartide (CCAMLR), risulta infatti una riduzione del 90% della mortalità degli uccelli marini nella pesca, grazie ad adeguamenti tecnici efficaci e relativamente semplici.
Implementation of EU macro-regional strategies (A8-0389/2017 - Andrea Cozzolino) IT

Ho votato in favore dell'attuazione delle strategie macroregionali dell'Unione europea. Riconosco infatti la fondamentale importanza delle Strategie macroregionali (SMR) nella creazione di un unico quadro integrato e nella promozione di un'azione coordinata, per affrontare le sfide comuni, in una zona geografica delimitata comprendente 19 Stati membri e 8 paesi terzi. Le SMR permetterebbero quindi una cooperazione rafforzata, realizzando una concreta coesione economica, sociale e territoriale.
International ocean governance: an agenda for the future of our oceans in the context of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (A8-0399/2017 - José Inácio Faria) IT

Ho votato in favore della relazione, in merito alla governance internazionale degli oceani: un'agenda per il futuro dei nostri oceani nel contesto degli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibili (OSS) per il 2030.Gli oceani, insieme alle risorse costiere e marine, rivestono un ruolo essenziale nel benessere umano e nello sviluppo sociale ed economico. Tuttavia, dette risorse, sono estremamente vulnerabili al degrado ambientale, alla pesca eccessiva, ai cambiamenti climatici e all'inquinamento. Ritengo pertanto, sia necessario sviluppare partenariati con i principali soggetti nell'ambito degli oceani, quale mezzo per conseguire una migliore governance internazionale degli oceani.
Annual report on the implementation of the Common Security and Defence Policy (A8-0351/2017 - Michael Gahler)

I voted in favour of this report because I believe that no single Member State can tackle the complex security challenges in the EU, including but not limited to conflicts, natural disasters, extreme weather, and organised crime, terrorism, and cyber—attacks. Therefore, the EU must improve its efforts to establish concrete cooperation within the framework of the CFSP/CSDP and act together as a global player. The EU will need to use the full range of policy instruments available and cooperate with other organisations such as NATO in order to addresses current and future challenges.
Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2016 and the EU policy on the matter (A8-0365/2017 - Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl)

I voted in favour of this report because the European Union is founded on a strong engagement to promote and protect human rights. Sustainable peace, development and prosperity cannot exist without respect for human rights. This commitment reinforces all internal and external policies of the EU, and the EU has adopted important reference documents to fulfil this promotion and protection of human rights. This report highlights the crucial role played by human rights defenders and the need to support them, the importance of women’s rights (including sexual and reproductive rights), and the urgent need to tackle the root causes of migration and find long-term solutions based on respect for human rights and dignity.
Hong Kong, 20 years after handover (A8-0382/2017 - Alyn Smith)

I voted in favour of this report on the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong handover’s from the UK to China because it addresses current issues occurring in the Special Administrative Region. The EU remains a strong supporter of the ‘one country, two systems’ principle and Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy under China. Member States have condemned the constant interference of the Chinese Government in Hong Kong’s internal affairs, such as the freedom of the judiciary and press. In light of China’s actions in this autonomous region, the EU will find more ways to support the independence of the judiciary, Hong Kong’s civil society, and the organisations that promote human rights and press freedom.
Amendments to various Regulations in the field of agriculture and rural development (A8-0380/2017 - Albert Deß)

I voted in favour because the Commission wishes to continue efforts to remove bottlenecks, ensure synergies and complementarities between ESI Funds and the other EU funds, and improve efficiency of delivery and control requirements. It should also increase the impact of policies and improve their results on the ground. The main thrusts of the simplification proposed by the Commission are the following: easier access for recipients of the EU funds, encourage reliance as far as possible on one single audit, more effective use of financial instruments, the establishments of several ways to increase budgetary flexibility, a stronger focus on results, as well as a simpler and leaner Union administration and a greater participation of citizens.
EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS): continuing current limitations of scope for aviation activities and preparing to implement a global market-based measure from 2021 (A8-0258/2017 - Julie Girling)

I voted in favour of the continuation of current limitations of scope for aviation activities because our footprint on this world needs to be dealt with. At the moment, 1.3% of global CO2 emissions are derived from international aviation and emissions are expected to increase by 300-700% by 2050. The EU ETS is taking action to curtail this rise and make sure our earth is one that will become less and less polluted through better laws and regulations.
Customs duties on imports of certain products originating in the USA (A8-0331/2017 - Jiří Maštálka)

I voted in favour in the interests of clarity and legal transparency, the purpose of the present proposal is to proceed with the codification of Council Regulations, establishing additional customs duties on imports of certain products originating in the United States of America.
EU-USA Air Transport Agreement (A8-0376/2017 - Theresa Griffin)

I voted in favour of the EU-USA air transport agreement so the EU maintains strong ties with the USA. Our transatlantic market totals 55 million passenger. This is a great achievement and needs to be continued as it economically stimulates both the EU and the USA while affording for the luxury of transatlantic flight.
EU-Switzerland agreement on the linking of their greenhouse gas emissions trading systems (A8-0386/2017 - Christofer Fjellner)

I voted in favour of this report because I believe that the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is the cornerstone of Europe’s ambitious climate policy. It is the most important tool that EU has at its disposal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Now, the EU ETS will be linked with the Swiss Emissions Trading System (Swiss ETS), and by linking of two emissions trading systems it enables participants in one system to use units from the linked system for compliance. Climate change is a cross-border issue, which is best dealt with at EU and global level. In order to influence other countries and actors around the world to follow suit, the EU must lead by example and combine reduced greenhouse gas emissions with preserved competitiveness. The proposed linking of the EU ETS with Swiss ETS EU will ensure this.
EU-Kazakhstan Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (Consent) (A8-0325/2017 - Liisa Jaakonsaari) IT

Ho votato in favore dell'Accordo rafforzato di partenariato e di cooperazione UE-Kazakistan. Credo infatti che rafforzando la cooperazione e il dialogo politico, si avranno relazioni bilaterali più efficaci con la Repubblica del Kazakistan. Pertanto questo accordo costituisce un passo fondamentale per un maggiore impegno politico e economico dell'UE, in Asia Centrale.
EU-Kazakhstan Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (Resolution) (A8-0335/2017 - Liisa Jaakonsaari) IT

Ho votato in favore dell'Accordo rafforzato di partenariato e di cooperazione UE-Kazakistan. Credo infatti che rafforzando la cooperazione e il dialogo politico, si avranno relazioni bilaterali più efficaci con la Repubblica del Kazakistan. Pertanto questo accordo costituisce un passo fondamentale per un maggiore impegno politico e economico dell'UE, in Asia Centrale.
EU Citizenship Report 2017: Strengthening Citizens' Rights in a Union of Democratic Change (A8-0385/2017 - Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea)

I voted in favour of this report because it is a future—looking document setting out Commission priorities for 2017—2019. The goal of EU citizenship policies is for all EU citizens to feel at home wherever they are in the EU and to enjoy their status as European citizens. This goal can be realised through the fostering of EU common values: equality and non—discrimination, and citizens’ participation in the democratic life of the EU, as well as a European public space of security, peace and durable prosperity, where they can express their concerns and ideas about the development of the EU. Considering the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU, this important issue must be addressed to protect the interests of all the European citizens.
Towards a digital trade strategy (A8-0384/2017 - Marietje Schaake)

I voted in favour of this proposal because I believe that the digital economy requires a rules-based framework, including modern trade rules which can reconcile the rapid changes in the market with the rights of consumers, providing the policy space for the new regulatory initiatives needed by governments to defend the protection of human rights. I am in favour of implementing the need to protect intellectual property rights and investments in R&D, the need to use trade agreements to promote interoperability of ICT standards that benefit both consumers and producers, the need to put in place simplified, tax- and duty-free customs treatment of items used online and mainstream digital technologies and services into the EU’s development policy, and finally to foster the emergence of global industry standards under EU leadership.
EU-New Zealand Partnership Agreement on Relations and Cooperation (Consent) (A8-0327/2017 - Charles Tannock)

. ‒ I voted in favour because New Zealand has a historic partnership with the European Union and its Member States that needs to be upheld and continued. New Zealand is also our third largest trading partner, and this has benefits for the EU and for New Zealand. Establishing free trade agreements will create economic growth, job creation, trade and investment, and it will improve political dialogue and cooperation.
EU-New Zealand Partnership Agreement on Relations and Cooperation (Resolution) (A8-0333/2017 - Charles Tannock)

I voted in favour of this because New Zealand has a historic partnership with the European Union and its Member States that needs to be upheld and continued. New Zealand is also our third largest trading partner, which has benefits for the EU and New Zealand. Establishing free trade agreements will create economic growth, job creation, trade and investment, and it will improve political dialogue and improve cooperation.
The EU-Africa Strategy: a boost for development (A8-0334/2017 - Maurice Ponga)

The EU is Africa’s main partner in the fields of economic activity and trade as well as development, humanitarian aid and security. It is time for a new vision for this partnership that reflects the evolution of the political, economic, environmental and social situations of both continents. By intensifying political dialogue as a precondition, this future partnership will prioritise economic development, good governance with a focus on human rights, amongst other important subjects. Additionally, there will be an enhanced cooperation between EU and Africa in the field of security and justice to holistically approach problems such as organized crime, human trafficking, and terrorism. The EU-Africa Strategy will foster inclusive and sustainable growth as well as stimulate job creation, and in turn address the root causes of migration. This is why I voted in favour.
Activities of the European Ombudsman in 2016 (A8-0328/2017 - Marlene Mizzi) IT

Ho votato in favore del resoconto sulle attività del Mediatore europeo del 2016. I ritardi accumulati nel quadro della procedura di infrazione NIF 2014/4231 concernente l'abuso dei contratti a termine nella pubblica amministrazione in Italia in violazione della direttiva 1999/70/CE, non possono più essere tollerati. Credo sia necessario che il Mediatore intensifichi i suoi sforzi per quanto concerne tale questione allo scopo di tutelare in modo efficace i diritti dei cittadini.Sono favorevole alle raccomandazioni pratiche fornite dal Mediatore in merito all'interazione dei funzionari pubblici con i lobbisti; sollecito pertanto il Mediatore a sensibilizzare maggiormente il personale di tutte le istituzioni europee in merito a tali raccomandazioni mediante attività di formazione, seminari e relative misure di sostegno. Quindi, credo sia necessario che tutte le istituzioni dell'UE applichino in modo efficiente il codice di buona condotta amministrativa attraverso l'adozione di un regolamento vincolante in materia nel corso dell'attuale legislatura.
Combating inequalities as a lever to boost job creation and growth (A8-0340/2017 - Javi López) IT

Sono favorevole alla lotta alle disuguaglianze come leva per stimolare la crescita e l'occupazione. La disuguaglianza, intesa come ampliamento del divario di reddito e ricchezza tra coloro che occupano rispettivamente le posizioni più basse e più alte in termini di guadagni economici, ha recentemente acquisito un'importanza fondamentale per comprendere non solo le tendenze economiche ma anche i recenti cambiamenti sociali, politici e istituzionali.Condivido il fatto che le misure sociali possano in certi casi essere considerate misure di mitigazione e debbano essere integrate da politiche economiche e riforme strutturali socialmente responsabili per conseguire una crescita economica positiva, duratura e sostenibile e ridurre strutturalmente la tendenza alla disuguaglianza nel medio e lungo termine.Risulta infatti una priorità, tutelare i lavoratori che si trovano in condizioni di svantaggio e promuovere approcci comuni su tutto il territorio dell'Unione europea. Bisogna pertanto serbare una particolare attenzione per le persone più vulnerabili come i giovani che subiscono più fortemente le conseguenze della disuguaglianza sociale.Quindi è necessario tenere conto delle più recenti conclusioni della relazione della Corte dei conti europea sull'uso dell'iniziativa a favore dell'occupazione giovanile agevolando l'accesso al lavoro e riducendo conseguentemente le disuguaglianze, con effetti positivi per la crescita sostenibile.
Period for adopting delegated acts (A8-0332/2017 - Gesine Meissner)

I voted in favour on the period for adopting delegated acts. It ensures compatibility, interoperability and continuity that allows for easier understanding and cooperation.
Protection against dumped and subsidised imports from countries not members of the EU (A8-0236/2017 - Salvatore Cicu)

I voted in favour of the amendment to the regulation on protection from dumping of economic goods because it ensures that our citizens will be economically equal in the purchase of internationally traded goods. Furthermore, this amendment makes sure that all Member States will be following the commitments to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Eastern Partnership: November 2017 Summit (A8-0308/2017 - Laima Liucija Andrikienė, Knut Fleckenstein)

I believe in a clear political vision for the future of the Eastern Partnership as a long-term policy. The EU has a shared commitment with several eastern European countries to deepen their relations and respect common values such as international law, democracy and the rule of law. This partnership will strengthen civil society within the partner countries and work towards citizens’ expectations to eradicate corruption, fight organised crime, and bolster the rule of law and good governance. Additionally, challenges such as youth unemployment, discrimination and gender inequality will be tackled together by all cooperating members in the partnership. Furthermore, this partnership will commit to sustaining unity of action among EU Member States in maintaining collective pressure on Russia, whose military presence in eastern Europe has only grown in the past few years. Citizens in the Eastern Partnership countries deserve a life equal to that in the EU Member States, and this partnership is the first step towards this ideal. This is why I voted in favour.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2017/004 IT/Almaviva (A8-0346/2017 - Daniele Viotti)

I voted in favour of the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Almaviva because we need to provide economic and financial assistance to the hard workers of Almaviva. The economic crisis put many pressures on Almaviva as well as buyers, leading to a decrease in turnover and the profitability of services. This also would provide more security to its workers while the local economy is slowly on the track of recovery and vitality.
Saving lives: boosting car safety in the EU (A8-0330/2017 - Dieter-Lebrecht Koch)

I voted in favour of this report because I believe that Europe is still far from meeting its target of reducing the number of road accident victims by half. European roads are some of the safest in the world, yet approximately 25 500 people die every year on said roads. Road safety depends on a variety of factors such as the vehicle, the infrastructure, and the driver, thus measures must be taken at all three levels. Measure to increase road safety are extremely important because 95% of all accidents are caused by human error and reducing the danger of other factors of the vehicle and infrastructure will contribute to better road safety. Legislative obligation to install safety-related drive assistance systems is urgently needed if Europe is to reach its Vision Zero goal of no road fatalities in 2050.
Territorial typologies (A8-0231/2017 - Iskra Mihaylova)

I voted in favour of this report because I believe in evidence based policies and integrated territorial approaches that reflect the diversity of EU regions that promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth which reflects the role of cities, urban, rural, and coastal areas. This proposal would make it possible to accumulate data based on the typologies to better inform planning future policies and policy responses. By laying down the core definitions and statistical criteria for the different territorial typologies, we can ensure their harmonised and transparent application at both the EU level and in Members States.
Recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation (A8-0338/2016 - Gesine Meissner) IT

Sono favorevole alla proposta della Commissione di introdurre misure intese ad agevolare la mobilità del lavoro nell'Unione e ad attrarre verso questa professione persone qualificate e con esperienze professionali differenti. Oggi le direttive 96/50/CE e 91/672/CEE sono limitate al riconoscimento reciproco dei conduttori di nave che operano su vie navigabili interne dell'UE diverse dal Reno. La Commissione centrale per la navigazione sul Reno riconosce i certificati di conduttore di nave rilasciati da altri Stati membri, ma le procedure richiedono molto tempo e possono essere imposte condizioni aggiuntive. Questo duplice sistema di regolamentazione ostacola considerevolmente ad oggi la mobilità del lavoro nel settore.Credo sia necessario attingere ai criteri del Comitato europeo per l'elaborazione di norme per la navigazione interna (CESNI) e adottare norme che possano assicurare un riconoscimento delle qualifiche personali all'interno del settore della navigazione fluviale dell'Unione europea.
Cooperation between national authorities responsible for the enforcement of consumer protection laws (A8-0077/2017 - Olga Sehnalová)

I voted in favour of this report because I believe in a system for cross-border cooperation between the national authorities in order to promote more effective surveillance, investigation and prosecution of cross-border infringements. The revised provisions proposed in this report will help to improve the effectiveness of the rules and procedures relevant to this cooperation and will better address the challenges of the Digital Single Market. This will enhance the enforcement mechanisms used by the national authorities to address unlawful practices harmful to consumers in several countries, especially as regards online breaches. Protecting our consumers is a priority and furthermore, to create further transparency between consumers and government, outcomes of investigations and assessment of infringements should be published. EU citizens deserve regulation that helps to tackle issues such as discrimination of consumers on grounds of residence/nationality of recipient and all cross-border infringements in general.
Deployment of cohesion policy instruments by regions to address demographic change (A8-0329/2017 - Iratxe García Pérez) IT

Ho votato in favore dell'utilizzo di strumenti di coesione da parte delle regioni per affrontare il cambiamento demografico che sta toccando l'Unione europea. In effetti le proiezioni pubblicate da Eurostat mostrano che la popolazione sta invecchiando: l'attuale rapporto tra popolazione in età lavorativa e popolazione anziana diminuirà dall'attuale 4 a 1 circa a una proporzione di 2 a 1 nel 2080. Nel contempo ci si attende che la popolazione europea complessiva cresca più lentamente che in passato fino al 2050 e poi diminuisca fino a raggiungere un valore minimo nel 2075. Tali questioni rappresentano sempre più un punto focale delle discussioni sul futuro dell'Unione europea.Condivido pertanto il fatto che il cambiamento demografico determini nuove sfide in molti ambiti strategici per le regioni europee interessate offrendo nuove opportunità di sviluppo. È dunque che le autorità locali e regionali, insieme agli Stati membri e alle istituzioni europee collaborino in modo efficace per garantire la coerenza delle politiche e delle strategie e lo scambio delle migliori pratiche in materia di coesione per ottenere un inversione della preoccupante tendenza demografica che stiamo vivendo.
Action plan on retail financial services (A8-0326/2017 - Olle Ludvigsson)

I voted in favour of this report because I believe that concrete action is essential for taking further steps towards a genuine technology-enabled Single Market for retail financial services. The digitalisation of retail financial services has been changing consumer behaviour and financial markets in ever-increasing speed, so policy-making has to adapt much faster to remove cross-border barriers. The EU must accelerate its work to promote the mutual recognition and interoperability of digital identification techniques, without affecting the level of security of existing systems or their ability to fulfil the requirements of the EU anti-money laundering framework. I believe that this is an area where this European project can make real difference in people’s lives.
Implementation of the Environmental Liability Directive (A8-0297/2017 - Laura Ferrara)

I voted in favour because I believe in having a common framework for the prevention and treatment of environmental damage at a reasonable cost to society. To achieve this goal, I believe the Environmental Liability Directive will set out a general definition of ‘damages’ that everyone can be to adhere to. New technological and medical findings also show that pollution from industrial activities can affect citizen’s health in unexpected ways and can be a threat to complex biological and ecological balances. The opportunity to make the definition of environmental damage a uniform and effective one will help the EU combat the rapid evolution of pollutants.
Framework for simple, transparent and standardised securitisation (A8-0387/2016 - Paul Tang)

I voted in favour because securitisation is an important channel for diversifying funding sources and allocating risk more efficiently within the EU financial system. It can improve efficiencies in the financial system and provide more investment opportunities. Securitisation can also create a bridge between credit institutions and capital markets with an indirect benefit for businesses and citizens. Additionally, the development of a simple, transparent and standardised securitisation market contributes to job creation and sustainable growth, a key objective of the EU.
Prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms (A8-0388/2016 - Othmar Karas)

I voted in favour because I believe that securitisations are an important part of a well-functioning financial market, and a securitisation market based on sound practices will create sustainable growth and job creation. Additionally, a common, well-done EU securitisation framework will promote further integration of financial markets in the Union, help to diversify funding sources, and make it easier for credit institutions to lend to both households and businesses. The global financial crisis revealed a number of shortcomings in the current framework, therefore it is our responsibility to address these shortcomings and contribute to a better marketplace for our citizens.
Negotiating mandate for trade negotiations with Australia (A8-0311/2017 - Daniel Caspary)

I voted in favour of the negotiating mandate for trade negotiations with Australia because it is a good investment in the European economy and the Australian economy. This will allow economic stimulation while increasing the EU relations with Australia. It is important for the EU to strengthen relationships with countries around the world for diplomatic and economic peace.
Negotiating mandate for trade negotiations with New Zealand (A8-0312/2017 - Daniel Caspary)

I voted in favour of the negotiating mandate for trade negotiations with New Zealand because this is a good investment in the European economy and the New Zealand economy. This will allow economic stimulation while increasing the EU’s relations with New Zealand. It is important for the EU to strengthen relationships with countries around the world for diplomatic and economic peace.
Monitoring the application of EU law 2015 (A8-0265/2017 - Kostas Chrysogonos) IT

Sono favorevole all'adozione della relazione di iniziativa riguardante il controllo dell'applicazione del diritto dell'Unione europea del 2015. Infatti, alla fine dell'anzidetto anno, sono stati rilevati 1 368 casi di infrazione, superando i dati del 2014. Il numero elevato di procedure d'infrazione mostrano pertanto la difficoltà di garantire la corretta applicazione della legislazione dell'Unione all'interno degli Stati membri.Risulta allora di fondamentale importanza il ruolo del Parlamento europeo: monitorare la Commissione nell'applicazione dei regolamenti fornendo i dati relativi all'applicazione dei suddetti.Il Parlamento dovrebbe inoltre, contribuire maggiormente alla trasposizione tempestiva e accurata della legislazione comunitaria condividendo le sue competenze nel processo legislativo attraverso collegamenti prefissati con i parlamenti nazionali.Gli Stati membri dovrebbero garantire la rigorosa applicazione delle norme UE come ad esempio sulla libera circolazione delle persone, in particolare garantendo la piena protezione dei diritti economici, sociali e culturali.La relazione ha inoltre evidenziato l'importanza del recepimento nazionale e l'attuazione pratica delle norme europee in materia di asilo. Credo sia necessaria un'attenzione particolare all'applicazione delle misure adottate, al fine di applicare il meccanismo di riassetto proposto dalla Commissione in merito alla crisi dei rifugiati.
Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Council and Council (A8-0291/2017 - Bart Staes)

I voted in favour of this report because I believe that the budget of the European Council and Council should be separated for more transparency of the financial management of EU institutions and to improve accountability. The Council must be scrutinised no differently from other institutions. To fulfil this endeavour, it is imperative to have cooperation between the EP, the European Council and Council by way of open and formal dialogue to send more signs of transparency and goodwill to EU citizens.
Protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens (A8-0064/2017 - Marita Ulvskog)

I voted in favour of this report because it is an important first step towards addressing the overall problem of exposure to carcinogens and mutagens in the workplace, with cancer being the second largest cause of death in Europe and the largest cause of work-related death. However, these cancers are preventable, and an updated EU legislative framework will help prevent these cancers. There is a need for new limits on various new substances, as well as an adjustment period for companies to transition to those limits. More data collection is also necessary as more information can strengthen the EU’s protection of its workers.
Establishing an Entry/Exit System (EES) to register entry and exit data of third country nationals crossing the EU external borders (A8-0057/2017 - Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra)

I voted in favour of the registration of entry and exit data of third country nationals crossing the EU external borders to increase the efficiency of our borders. Our travel and management system is in need of modernisation and setting up a European Entry/Exit System will benefit passengers crossing our borders. Wait times will be reduced significantly and it also allows Member States to process passengers while tightening the security of our borders.
Amendment of the Schengen Borders Code as regards the use of the Entry/Exit System (A8-0059/2017 - Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra)

I voted in favour of the amendment of the Schengen Borders Code as regards the use of the EES because it is an effort to achieve legal harmonisation. This standardises many systems and makes amendments to simplify the EES process.
EU-Morocco Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement (A8-0303/2017 - Dominique Riquet)

I voted in favour of the EU-Morocco Aviation Agreement for two reasons. First, it integrates Moroccan transportation markets into one streamlined European market. This increases and facilitates economic stimulators such as tourism, travel, business, and so on. Second, it strengthens our air relations between the EU and our neighbouring countries, which is important for diplomacy and government relations.
Authorising France to apply a reduced rate of certain indirect taxes on ‘traditional’ rum produced in Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Réunion (A8-0304/2017 - Iskra Mihaylova) IT

Sono favorevole all'autorizzazione concessa alla Francia ad applicare un'aliquota ridotta di determinate imposte indirette sul rum "tradizionale" prodotto in Guadalupa, nella Guyana francese, in Martinica e nella Riunione.Con la decisione del Consiglio 2002/166/CE, si è andato a stabilire il volume ammissibile di rum per l'accisa straordinaria a 122 000 ettolitri di alcool puro (hlpa).Purtroppo, nel 2016 la produzione in suddette regioni ha superato i limiti stabiliti per il trattamento fiscale agevolato, assoggettando quindi i produttori di tali regioni a un'aliquota d'imposta superiore per i volumi eccedenti. Pertanto l'aiuto di Stato derivante da suddetto regime sarà annullato comportando notevoli danni di natura economica ai produttori di rum delle anzidette regioni.Le autorità francesi chiedono alla Commissione di presentare un progetto di adeguamento tecnico che vada ad aumentare il contingente annuale a 144 000 ettolitri di alcool puro (hlpa). Credo quindi sia importante aiutare e salvaguardare tali realtà sostenendo questa proposta.
Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking: financial contributions (A8-0293/2017 - Miroslav Poche) IT

Sono favorevole alle modifiche del regolamento concernente l'articolo 12 dello statuto dell'Impresa Comune Bioindustrie, affinché si possano ovviare alle difficoltà incontrate da quest'ultima nel versare il suo contributo finanziario.L'Impresa Comune Bioindustrie è stata istituita dal regolamento (UE) n. 560/2014 e dovrà operare per dieci anni fino al 2024. L'obiettivo IC Bioindustrie è quello di riunire tutte le parti interessate e di contribuire al progresso dell'Europa come principale concorrente nelle attività di ricerca, dimostrazione e distribuzione nel mercato di bioprodotti e biocarburanti. Credo che un'efficace cooperazione ai fini delle attività di ricerca, tra il settore pubblico e privato, è fondamentale per fornire ai cittadini europei i migliori risultati possibili. Risulta quindi necessaria una cooperazione efficace basata su un assetto organizzativo e finanziario ben funzionante, onde garantire che tutte le parti coinvolte rispettino gli impegni assunti.L'IC Bioindustrie ha riconosciuto l'obbligo di pagare un contributo finanziario di almeno 182 500 000 euro prima del 31 dicembre 2024, ma ha trovato difficoltà nel metodo di pagamento.Pertanto, sostengo la soluzione identificata e concordata tra la Commissione europea e l'Impresa Comune Bioindustrie che consente alle imprese di fornire contributi finanziari anche tramite pagamenti diretti ad altri beneficiari in seno al consorzio, ovvero tramite contributi finanziari a livello di progetto.
Subjecting furanylfentanyl to control measures (A8-0309/2017 - Michał Boni) IT

Sono favorevole a sottoporre il furanylfentanyl alle misure di controllo previste dalla Convezione Unica delle Nazioni Unite sugli stupefacenti del 1961 e sulle sostanze psicotrope del 1971.Il furanylfentanyl è un oppioide sintetico molto simile al fentanyl, una sostanza controllata e comunemente usata in medicina come anestetico e analgesico. Contrariamente il furanylfentanyl non ha alcun utilizzo sanitario o veterinario riconosciuto. Questa sostanza è presente nel territorio dell'Unione europea da giugno 2015 ed è stata rilevata in almeno 16 Stati membri: causando 23 morti e 11 intossicazioni acute non fatali. Nonostante non sia ancora stato dimostrato un eventuale coinvolgimento di organizzazioni criminali nella fabbricazione, distribuzione e traffico all'interno dell'Unione europea, risulta necessaria una reazione repentina nel cercare di arginare il problema il più velocemente possibile.Ne consegue la necessità degli Stati membri di sottoporre la suddetta sostanza alle misure di controllo e alle sanzioni penali previste dalla loro legislazione. Sostengo quindi la decisione della Commissione nel ritenere sufficienti le prove disponibili per giudicare il furanylfentanyl un chiaro pericolo per la salute e la società dell'Unione.
Control of spending and monitoring of EU Youth Guarantee schemes cost-effectiveness (A8-0296/2017 - Derek Vaughan)

From 2013 to 2017, the youth unemployment rate in the EU has decreased from 23.8 % to 16.6 %, meaning that nearly 2 million young people are now employed. Youth unemployment has been a longstanding issue in the EU and, unfortunately, many young people have been forced to seek employment outside of the EU, further depleting the EU workforce. Therefore, the EU and Member States must implement strategies that meet the requirements and needs of the labour market in order to tackle this issue and create opportunities for lasting employment for young people. This is why I voted in favour.
Criminal acts and penalties in the field of illicit drug trafficking (A8-0317/2017 - Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio)

I voted in favour because I believe that illegal drug trafficking and drug abuse are major threats to the health of both individuals and society. Many substances such as cocaine, ecstasy and cannabis are controlled under the UN Conventions, but an emerging challenge is to address new psychoactive substances that appear on the market at alarming rates. These new substances imitate the effects of controlled drugs but are often sold as legal alternatives because they are not under the same regulations, thus young people are particularly susceptible to this type of drug use. These substances are restricted nationally, yet these measures are limited because the substances can move freely between countries through the internal market. Therefore, to effectively reduce the availability of these harmful psychoactive substances, it is imperative they are covered by criminal law provisions.
Information exchange on, and an early warning system and risk assessment procedure for, new psychoactive substances (A8-0359/2016 - Michał Boni)

New psychoactive substances have entered the market and can pose serious cross-border threats to health, therefore making it necessary to strike pre-emptively through the monitoring of these substances. More than 560 new substances have been reported to the EU Early Warning System, with 380 of those drugs detected within the last five years. Though the Commission has introduced packages of legislative proposals on this topic, it is imperative to strengthen the EU Early Warning System and risk assessment as well as streamline procedures for more efficient action. This would include the swift and collective information exchange and collaboration among several agencies including Europol, the European Medicines Agency, etc. The protection of EU citizens is vital; this is why I voted in favour.
Common Fisheries Policy: implementation of the landing obligation (A8-0285/2017 - Alain Cadec)

I voted in favour of the implementation of the landing obligation for common fisheries policy because it helps protect our natural water life. It is important that we conserve the life and well-being of fish in our waters.
Draft amending budget No 5/2017: financing for the European Fund for Sustainable Development and increasing the Emergency Aid Reserve (A8-0301/2017 - Jens Geier)

I voted in favour because I believe that the EU must adequately and effectively address the most urgent needs of refugees and support host communities while emphasising the need for a long-term strategy to address the root causes of migration. In order to achieve these objectives, there needs to be reconsideration and re-appropriations of funds to increase the amount of Emergency Aid Reserve and increase the EU’s level of commitment to funding sustainable development in regard to the migration issue.
Mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument to provide the financing for the European Fund for Sustainable Development (A8-0298/2017 - Jens Geier)

I voted in favour because I believe it is necessary to address the ongoing challenges of migration, refugee flow, and security threats as well as to mobilise additional funds to finance matters of such urgency. Implementing a flexibility instrument to supplement financing would go beyond the ceiling to provide funds for the European Fund for Sustainable Development, which is an important endeavour in addressing migration issues.
Minimum income policies as a tool for fighting poverty (A8-0292/2017 - Laura Agea)

I voted in favour of the minimum income policies as a tool for fighting poverty for several important reasons. 120 million citizens are at risk of poverty and social exclusion. This adopts several measures to limit the effect of crisis and unemployment levels in the EU, and create structural reform in all Member States. These 120 million citizens currently face social exclusion, deterioration of skills, psychological harm, a deterioration of family life, a growing inequality, and a loss of values and responsibility because of our lack of action. This bill directly creates a minimum income framework to alleviate all pressures facing our citizens. Furthermore, this creates training and support policies for individuals and takes a firm stance on improving the lives of all European Union citizens.
Enhanced cooperation: European Public Prosecutor's Office (A8-0290/2017 - Barbara Matera)

The establishment of the EPPO will bring about significant change in the way the EU’s financial interests are protected. It will utilise both EU and national law-enforcement efforts in a unified, seamless and efficient approach to counter fraud. Currently, only national authorities can investigate and prosecute EU fraud. Unfortunately, their competences do not go beyond the state borders, therefore the collective effort of the EPPO will be able to further the EU’s financial security. The EPPO will be specifically responsible for investigating and prosecuting perpetrators of fraud against the European Union. Although only 20 states have reached a general approach on PIF crimes and VAT frauds, all Member States should participate in the EPPO. Joining the EPPO will not only protect the European Union’s interests and goals but also promote and protect the financial rights of all EU citizens. This is why I voted in favour.
Prison systems and conditions (A8-0251/2017 - Joëlle Bergeron)

I voted in favour of this report because even though the prison population has fallen in the last few years, many problems regarding the prison systems and conditions remain. Imprisonment is too often accompanied by inhuman prison conditions and degrading treatment that is contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights. Problems such as lack of care and medical attention, violence between prisoners and staff, too few staff, and improper care of psychiatric patients run rampant in many Member State prisons. Additionally, the effort to assist the prisoners’ reintegration is often non-existent as data shows that re-imprisonment rates may exceed 50% in the first five years after release.Women, particularly mothers, are especially vulnerable to these degrading conditions when pre/post-natal care and adequate time and space to breastfeed is not available. In addition, separating a mother from her child brings both mother and child psychological harm. It is important to remember that above deprivation of liberty and punishment, prisons have a duty to society to rehabilitate and reintegrate prisoners. Protecting the fundamental rights of prisoners and preserving human dignity is one of the most important responsibilities the EU must uphold to its citizens.
Agreement establishing the EU-LAC International Foundation (A8-0279/2017 - Javier Couso Permuy)

I voted in favour because I believe that the EU-LAC Foundation will strengthen and promote the bi-regional strategic partnership, enhance visibility, and foster active participation of civil societies in all the countries involved. EU-LAC relations are based on international law, full respect for human rights, common values and principles, and mutual interests. This Foundation will encourage regional integration, political dialogue, cooperation, solidarity, and development at both national and regional level. Additionally, it will help to ensure that the legitimate expectations and concerns of both Latin American and EU citizens will be met and answered effectively. The EU-LAC Foundation will promote a common future of working for prosperous, cohesive, and sustainable societies in a global context.
Schengen acquis provisions relating to the Visa Information System in Bulgaria and Romania (A8-0286/2017 - Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra)

I voted in favour of granting Bulgaria and Romania passive access to the Schengen acquis provisions relating to the Visa Information System. I believe that the ability to openly cross Schengen state borders promotes a stronger European bond. Adding Bulgaria and Romania aids in this promotion of a common EU.
Automated data exchange with regard to vehicle registration data in the Czech Republic (A8-0288/2017 - Maria Grapini)

I voted in favour of this resolution because it promotes trade between Member States. The better we are at the trade of information the stronger our bonds become.
Automated data exchange with regard to dactyloscopic data in Greece (A8-0287/2017 - Claude Moraes)

I voted in favour because authorising Greece to receive and supply personal data, fingerprint data specifically, will increase cross-border cooperation. It will help combat terrorism and cross-border crimes as well as allow the Council to implement measures regarding the reception and supply of personal data provided for by the decision. Greece has met all requirements on the general provisions on data protection and should now be authorised to receive and supply personal data in accordance with this decision.
Safety rules and standards for passenger ships (A8-0167/2017 - Daniela Aiuto)

I voted in favour because I believe that passenger ship safety regulation is crucial in ensuring that both passengers and crew can safely travel on board passenger ships in the EU. The Commission’s proposals help to implement, monitor, and enforce rules in the Member States and thus maintain a high level of safety. Directive 2009/45/EC states new safety rules and standards for new and existing passenger steel ships as well as high-speed crafts that provide domestic services. This directive also implements technical requirements for a vessel’s construction, stability, machinery, electrics, fire safety, and life-saving equipment’s for ships carrying more than 12 passengers. Travelling the seas in a safe manner is a right that all citizens have, and to warrant maximum security, only ships that meet the Directive’s requirements should be used to ferry passengers. It is also important to take into account the link between safety, shipboard living, working conditions, and training of the crew. The EU must be more proactive in ensuring not only the safety of citizens, but also monitoring and improving the social dimension of workers on the ships in an international context.
Registration of persons sailing on board passenger ships operating to or from ports of the Member States (A8-0168/2017 - Izaskun Bilbao Barandica)

I voted in favour of this proposal because it clarifies and simplifies requirements for counting and registering passengers and crew on passenger ships. Therefore, it provides quality safety and security to those on passenger ships. An update, clarification and simplification, such as this one, is important for keeping the EU running with modernity in mind. We must always strive to update any outdated laws or any laws that need to be looked at for our safety.
System of inspections for the safe operation of ro-ro ferry and high-speed passenger craft in regular service (A8-0165/2017 - Dominique Riquet) IT

Ho votato a favore della proposta della Commissione concernente l'ispezione dei traghetti RO-RO e di unità veloci da passeggeri adibiti a servizi di linea che si iscrive nel programma "REFIT".Infatti, credo che sia necessario garantire regole comuni chiare, semplificate ed estese per i traghetti RO-RO e le unità veloci da passeggeri verso e da l'Unione europea. Sono del parere che questo quadro giuridico solido e coerente sia necessario per garantire non solo un livello di sicurezza comune ma anche un ambiente concorrenziale imparziale per tutti gli operatori, indipendentemente dalla loro nazionalità o dalla bandiera battuta dalla nave.Inoltre, la proposta promuove la semplificazione evitando le ridondanze giuridiche e chiarendo il campo di applicazione. Bisogna pertanto garantire il rafforzamento della direttiva includendo una frequenza semestrale dei controlli e colmando i vuoti giuridici senza peraltro appesantirla o nuocere alla sua semplificazione.
Ending child marriage (B8-0535/2017)

I voted in favour because I strongly believe in combatting the practice of child marriage both in developing countries and across Europe. The statistics show that 82% of married children are girls, who are the most at risk. These girls are often subjected to early and frequent pregnancies filled with complications that usually lead to death. The Treaty on the European Union states that the EU should promote the rights of the child, and it is evident that early child marriage is a violation of these rights.Additionally, the Istanbul Convention, which the EU recently signed, defines child marriage as a type of violence against women and criminalises the act of forcing a child into marriage. Also, the EU Joint Staff Working Document on ‘Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Transforming the Lives of Girls and Women through External Relations 2016-2020’ stresses the need for all women and girls to enjoy their fundamental rights as human beings. We must stand up to this harmful practice by showing we have no tolerance for child marriage in the EU and across the globe.
2017 UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany (COP23) (B8-0534/2017)

Our climate is something we all need to take seriously. If our climate deteriorates, so does our society, our security, our safety, and everything we rely upon. I have never taken this situation with a light tone. Because of my opinions on this, I have voted in favour of this legislation. We need to rapidly invest in climate finance; we need to make progress towards our mitigation goals; and we need to make sure our world is one that all generations, not just ours, can enjoy and prosper in indefinitely.
Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (A8-0205/2017 - Adina-Ioana Vălean)

I voted in favour of the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment because the safety of our people needs to be taken into account in our electronic devices. This allows for the proper and broader incorporation of legislation that includes medical devices that aid people young and elderly alike, it gives a detailed time frame, and it eliminates hazardous substances, such as lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers from our electronic equipment.
Women’s economic empowerment in the private and public sectors in the EU (A8-0271/2017 - Anna Hedh)

I believe that Europe is one of the world leaders in women’s rights and gender equality. However, research from the EIGE Gender Equality Index shows very little progress for the EU. Social norms and discriminatory laws are the primary barriers to the women’s economic empowerment, despite the fact that women on average hold a higher education level than men. Equal pay is a human right, and people should not have to face any discrimination based on their biological gender. The pay gap is a barrier in achieving the basic right of equality. Thus, in order to reach our goals, we must ensure that there is systematic mapping of both public and private sector jobs and equal value on both traditional female jobs and male jobs. The EU is only three years from its 2020 goal; it must continue striving towards women’s empowerment. The increased presence of the women in the labour market will only bring positive outcomes and benefit all EU citizens in their way of life. That is why I voted in favour.
Addressing shrinking civil society space in developing countries (A8-0283/2017 - Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio) IT

Ho votato a favore della relazione perché sono convinta che le organizzazioni della società civile (OSC) sono diventate degli importanti attori a livello mondiale nell'ambito dell'aiuto allo sviluppo. Sostengo l'importanza di una società civile indipendente, diversificata e pluralista per assicurare lo sviluppo e la stabilità del paese, garantendo la consolidazione della democrazia, della giustizia sociale e del rispetto dei diritti dell'uomo.Riconosco inoltre l'incombente necessità di aiutare i governi dei paesi beneficiari a creare un ambiente politico, amministrativo e giuridico che permetta alle organizzazioni della società civile di lavorare in modo efficace. La conseguente riduzione dello spazio civile intrapresa tramite mezzi come la riduzione dei finanziamenti e l'introduzione di vincoli amministrativi, legislativi e fiscali eccessivi va regolamentata per assicurare il riconoscimento del ruolo maggiore delle società civili.Credo quindi che sia necessario rafforzare l'autonomia all'interno degli spazi civili per mezzo non solo delle sue politiche in materia di sviluppo e di diritto dell'uomo, ma anche tramite la coordinazione di tutte le altre politiche interne ed esterne, tra cui la giustizia, gli affari interni, il commercio e la sicurezza.
The fight against cybercrime (A8-0272/2017 - Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi) IT

Ho votato a favore della lotta contro la cibercriminalità. Secondo una valutazione dell'Europol, la criminalità organizzata su Internet è in continua espansione, causando un crescente danno economico e sociale e colpendo i diritti fondamentali degli individui. Si pensi che nel 2016, l'80% delle imprese in Europa ha subito almeno un episodio di cibercriminalità.Un'importante attenzione deve essere portata sui soggetti particolarmente vulnerabili ai crimini del ciberspazio. Parliamo, ad esempio, delle donne, sempre più spesso vittime di soprusi e molestie in rete. Vanno tutelate predisponendo misure giuridiche necessarie alla lotta al fenomeno e assicurando un'eliminazione immediata dei contenuti illeciti messi in rete. Si pensi ai bambini che sempre più piccoli hanno un libero accesso a Internet. Questi ultimi vengono esposti a possibili adescamenti di pedofili e ad altre forme di sfruttamento sessuale. Bisogna certamente adottare un piano d'azione che possa proteggere i più giovani dalle minacce di Internet andando a proteggere i loro diritti.Per un'azione più efficace in merito alla lotta alla criminalità in rete, bisogna promuovere la condivisione di informazione tra Stati membri tramite l'utilizzo sistematico di Eurojust, Europol ed ENISA. Sono infine favorevole all'intercettazione legale fondata su procedure giudiziarie regolate, nel pieno rispetto dei diritti fondamentali, per combattere la pirateria e la cibercriminalità in generale.
EU political relations with ASEAN (A8-0243/2017 - Reinhard Bütikofer)

I voted in favour because I believe that ASEAN is one of the most dynamic and growing regions in the world. The relations between the EU and ASEAN are crucial because it covers a wide range of areas including trade, investment, development, economics, and politics. Upgrading EU-ASEAN relations to a strategic partnership will strengthen economic and political relations to address global challenges such as climate change, international crime, terrorism, border management, and macroeconomic policies. Additionally, improved and continued relations between EU and ASEAN encourage the political dialogue on human rights and improvement on the lives of all citizens.
Multilateral Agreement on the establishment of a European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) (A8-0260/2017 - Roberts Zīle)

I voted in favour of establishing a European Common Aviation Area (ECAA). An ECAA provides the EU with benefits for air travellers of the 36 countries and 500 million people covered. It also provides more standardisation to Europe as well as aiding integration to our neighbouring countries.
Subjecting acryloylfentanyl to control measures (A8-0284/2017 - Brice Hortefeux)

I voted in favour of the control measures applied to acryloylfentanyl. Acryloylfentanyl is an extremely dangerous drug that has the potential to ruin lives. Voting to pass more regulations can help prevent death, addiction, and multiple other issues associated with acryloylfentanyl that can have permanent and lasting effects on individuals.
EU political relations with India (A8-0242/2017 - Cristian Dan Preda)

I voted in favour because the EU and India are the two largest democracies in the world and must continue to have a stronger partnership founded on shared values and interests. The relationship between the EU and India has not reached its full potential yet, so the adoption of the EU-India Action Plan will strengthen areas such as security, counter-terrorism, migration, and environmental issues. Additionally, the adoption of this plan would positively affect the human rights dimension of this partnership by combatting all forms of discrimination such as the caste-based system to ensure the protection of ethnic and religious minorities.
Mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Italy (A8-0280/2017 - Giovanni La Via)

The areas of Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche, and Umbria from August 2016 to January 2017 were devastated by series of earthquakes. These towns in Italy need to help from the Solidarity Fund immediately. I voted in favour so that the amazing, hard working citizens of Italy who need help rebuilding their communities have the proper funding to do so. EUR 1.2 billion have been allocated to help these towns and villages. This is a strong showing of how the EU effectively wants to help its citizens and shows the common ground it has. I am extremely happy these places that are dear in my heart are getting the help they need.
Draft amending budget No 4/2017 accompanying the proposal to mobilise the EU Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Italy (A8-0281/2017 - Jens Geier)

The areas of Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche, and Umbria from August 2016 to January 2017 were devastated by series of earthquakes. These towns in Italy need to help from the Solidarity Fund immediately. I voted in favour so that the amazing, hard working citizens of Italy who need help rebuilding their communities have the proper funding to do so. EUR 1.2 billion have been allocated to help these towns and villages. This is a strong showing of how the EU effectively wants to help its citizens and shows the common ground it has. I am extremely happy these places that are dear in my heart are getting the help they need.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2017/002 FI Microsoft 2 (A8-0278/2017 - Petri Sarvamaa)

I voted in favour of the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund because it lends a helping hand to technology experts that are searching for new jobs. Adapting to new changes in world trade patterns is not something that happens overnight. Providing funds for those who have to adapt after the Microsoft acquisition is important to keep them stable while searching for new jobs that will further technological innovations in Europe.
Uniform format for residence permits for third country nationals (A8-0065/2017 - Jussi Halla-aho)

I voted in favour of the uniform format for residence permits for third—country nations as it provides more standardisation across the EU Member States. The degree of harmony and unity that this provides will make matters more efficient and quick.
EU political relations with Latin America (A8-0268/2017 - Javi López)

I am in support of the resolutions to strengthen the EU’s political relations with Latin America. By strengthening our relations with Latin America, we are strengthening our trade, our efforts in sustainability, and helping to improve the quality of life for those living in poverty throughout the region.
Corruption and human rights in third countries (A8-0246/2017 - Petras Auštrevičius)

I voted in favour of this resolution as it upholds basic rights deserved by every human. This serves as a means of mainstreaming the process of assistance from EU programmes to these countries. The resolution improves EU intelligence on corruption and human rights in third countries. It provides a basis for conversation between the EU and the UN to strengthen the corruption and human rights standards set forth by the EU. It covers trafficking of persons, EU standards for good business practice, corruption in elections, and freedom of media.
EU-Iceland Agreement on the protection of geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs (A8-0254/2017 - David Borrelli)

I am in full support of the conclusion of the EU-Iceland agreement on the protection of geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs. This provides safeguards and measures that promote good trade, good protection, and good diplomacy.
Implementation of the Mediation Directive (A8-0238/2017 - Kostas Chrysogonos)

I voted in favour of the resolution for the implementation of the Mediation Directive because it provides a balance for consumers and corporations while favouring each side equally. Furthermore, the education of our citizens as to the legal processes available to them adds another step of protection for everyone. It also takes lengthy steps out of the legal process and saves the judiciary costly and time-consuming hearings.
The functioning of franchising in the retail sector (A8-0199/2017 - Dennis de Jong)

I voted in favour because I believe in the idea of a common European definition of franchising and franchising agreements. This report highlights a need in the franchising sector of the European economy and aims to have measures against unfair trading practices and adopt the principle of balanced partnerships between franchisor and franchisee. The report also highlights the need to develop or reform the European Code of Ethics for Franchising as a potentially efficient tool for promoting best practices in the franchising sector in Europe.
A Space Strategy for Europe (A8-0250/2017 - Constanze Krehl)

I voted in favour of the resolution on a space strategy for Europe because this is a future that we cannot ignore. It encompasses the free and open market, data, security, and human rights. It makes available surveying for fisheries, it employs more than 200 000 specialists, improves transportation, innovates through rapidly changing technologies, and can even have lasting effects on education. Should we ignore this resolution we would be ignoring all the additional benefits associated with it. The costs are worth the added benefits while advancing the EU.
Repeal of obsolete regulations with regard to inland waterway and road haulage sectors (A8-0228/2017 - Karima Delli)

I voted in favour because regularly reviewing and identifying obsolete legislation cleans up the volume of current legislation. It keeps the legislative framework transparent, clear and easy to reference and use. The report cites several obsolete and inapplicable laws as examples to prove the need for repealing these laws concerning the inland waterways and road haulage sectors.
Promotion of internet connectivity in local communities (A8-0181/2017 - Carlos Zorrinho)

I voted in favour of the WiFi4EU initiative because it fosters the development of a more inclusive European digital society and affirms the principles of universal access for all European citizens, no matter what their socioeconomic status. This universal access improves local digital ecosystems while strengthening the links between the EU and its citizens to create better opportunities for new generation networks. The report has laid out the groundwork for maximum transparency and certification of project quality to ensure the idea of connectivity through free wireless internet access in main centres of public life by 2020.
Measures to safeguard the security of gas supply (A8-0310/2016 - Jerzy Buzek)

I voted in favour of the measures to safeguard the security of gas supply because every day the combined European Union Member States consume around 15 million barrels of oil. If anything were to happen to the supply of gas in the EU, hard-working men and women would not be able to go to work in the mornings, our public transportation would come to a standstill, planes would stop flying, and we would have to ration off the gas we had left. This vote is a way to ensure the security and protection of our gas supply, which is so valuable to us.
Whale hunting in Norway (B8-0499/2017)

I believe whales play an important role in enhancing ecosystem productivity and in regulating atmospheric CO2 levels. The practice of whaling causes great suffering to the whales, most of whom are female and often pregnant. Whaling threatens the complex social structures of these intelligent mammals as well as the conservation status of whale populations as a whole. Norway is a country closely associated with the EU through the EEA, and it is important that Norway and the EU maintain a strong, healthy trading relationship in addition to a commitment to conservation. This is why I voted in favour.
EU accession to the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (A8-0266/2017 - Christine Revault d'Allonnes Bonnefoy, Anna Maria Corazza Bildt)

I strongly believe that the Council of Europe Convention encompasses many of the values, ideas and visions as recognised in the EU treaties. By accepting this Convention, the EU sends a strong political message that domestic violence and gender-based inequality have no place in Europe as well as around the world. This Convention reaffirms the EU’s commitment to combating violence against women by criminalising violence against women and girls and creating a legal framework for investigation, prosecution, and support for victims. Additionally, this Convention will help eradicate gender-based violence and foster cooperation between governments and NGO’s to create better communities for all its citizens, including migrants and refugees who are particularly susceptible to violence. It also reinforces the European Union’s credibility with its international partners. This is why I voted in favour.
Impact of international trade and EU’s trade policies on global value chains (A8-0269/2017 - Maria Arena)

I voted in favour of the resolution because it greatly helps EU trade policy. Not only does this improve EU trade policy, but also it has rippling effects to multiple parts of policy. These include environment, transparency, human rights, and more. All this has impacts on everyone, every day.
Implementation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (A8-0200/2017 - José Manuel Fernandes, Udo Bullmann) IT

La strategia vincente per uscire dalla lunga fase di recessione degli ultimi anni, è promuovere ed attuare un Fondo europeo per gli investimenti strategici (FEIS), che stimoli l'attività delle piccole e medie imprese e favorisca così, la crescita occupazionale. Competitività e politica di coesione sociale, sono gli elementi chiave, al fine di ottimizzare l'utilizzo di strumenti finanziari innovativi, da gestire in modo geograficamente equilibrato e settorialmente differenziato. Per questo ho votato a favore.
The need for an EU strategy to end and prevent the gender pension gap (A8-0197/2017 - Constance Le Grip) IT

È inaccettabile che, nel 2017, nonostante una donna percepisca in media una pensione del 40% inferiore rispetto a quella di un uomo, non vi siano ancora per gli Stati Membri, chiare linee guida a livello europeo, sulla questione del divario pensionistico di genere. Votare a favore, significa promuovere una strategia europea comune per porre delle basi concrete, per la risoluzione di questa annosa problematica.
2016 Report on Serbia (A8-0063/2017 - David McAllister)

. – I believe in this report and I voted in favour, because Serbia has a European future, not just European perspectives. Serbia’s path towards the European union and its progress towards implementing the rule of law chapters 23 and 24 remains essential for the overall pace of the negotiations. Moreover, Serbia made progress regarding the budget deficit and proposed magnificent reform agendas: this process goes far beyond an economic transformation and it rather aims at accomplishing a social transformation.
2016 Report on Kosovo (A8-0062/2017 - Ulrike Lunacek)

. – There are many positive things in the report. There has been continuous progress in the issue of marketing economy, especially when it comes to small and medium-sized enterprises. Nevertheless, there still are some areas of concern including the issue of strong rhetoric used by government officials against other presidential candidates as well as the fact that there has not been an investigation in the past year over the demolishing of private property, and the issue of freedom of speech when it comes to the media. However, through the current dialogue that is currently present between the EU and Kosovo and Serbia, these issues can be tackled.
2016 Report on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (A8-0055/2017 - Ivo Vajgl)

. – This report underlines the need for serious commitment of all the political parties to allow the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to keep its pathway for European integration. It also requires the implementation of utterly robust reforms, characterised by clear results, particularly in the areas of rule of law, corruption, justice, fundamental rights and internal affairs. This is the reason why I voted in favour.