2 Amendments of Erminia MAZZONI related to 2011/2048(INI)

Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Observes that, although important, the revision of procedures must meet the needs of cost reduction, legal certainty and simplification in public procurement rules must be carefully weighed against; considers that this process, together with that of harmonisation, must be based on an assessment of the impact of any changes on local and regional authorities, as well as on SMEs, an impact that should be clearly identified and assessed from the outset;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 27 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Asks the Commission to effectively addresstake account of the fact that the serious failures to comply with public procurement rules repeatedly identified by the Court of Auditors in the implementation of projects under the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund, which account for 43 % of all quantifiable errors according to the Court’s Report for 2009, are due mainly to the complexity of public procurement procedures and the lack of consistency between them and those on which the use of the Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund is based;
Committee: REGI