Activities of Birgit SCHNIEBER-JASTRAM related to 2011/0307(COD)

Shadow opinions (1)

OPINION on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2004/109/EC on the harmonisation of transparency requirements in relation to information about issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market and Commission Directive 2007/14/EC
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2011/0307(COD)
Documents: PDF(153 KB) DOC(445 KB)

Amendments (2)

Amendment 4 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 7
(7) In order to provide for enhanced transparency of payments made to governments, issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market and which have activities in the extractive or logging of primary forest industries should disclose in a separate report on an annual basis payments made to governments in the countries in which they operate. The report should include types of payments comparable toalso specify the specific project or projects to which those payments have been attributed and should build upon those disclosed underure requirement imposed by the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and provide civil society with information to hold governments of resource-rich countries to account for their receipts from the exploitation of natural resources. The initiative is also complementary to the EU FLEGT Action Plan (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade) and the Timber Regulation, which require traders of timber products to exercise due diligence in order to prevent illegal wood from entering into the EUthe Union market. The detailed requirements are defined in Chapter 9 of Directive 2011/.../EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 6 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – point 5
Directive 2004/109/EC
Article 6
Member States shall require issuers active in the extractive or logging of primary forest industries, as defined in [...] to prepare, in accordance with Chapter 9 of Directive 2011/.../EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (*), a report on payments made to governments, comprising additional information on their financial activities in third countries, on an annual basis. The report shall be made public at the latest six months after the end of each financial year and shall remain publicly available for at least five years. Payments to governments shall be reported at consolidated level.
Committee: DEVE