1 Amendments of Enikő GYŐRI related to 2021/0295(COD)

Amendment 796 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 91 a (new)
Directive 2009/138/EC
Article 304b (new)
(91a) The following Article is inserted: ‘Article 304b Review as regards the separation of life and non-life insurance business EIOPA shall assess whether the requirement on the separation of life and non-life insurance business referred to in Article 73 paragraph (1) would be still justified. In particular, EIOPA shall assess the effects of maintaining and the potential effects of lifting the composite ban with respect to policyholder protection, potential cross-subsidisation between life and non-life activities, market efficiency and competitiveness. For the purpose of the assessment, EIOPA shall take into account the supervisory experiences with composite undertakings. EIOPA shall submit a report on its findings to the Commission by 28 June 2024.’
Committee: ECON