19 Amendments of Jutta STEINRUCK related to 2012/2061(INI)

Amendment 23 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C a (new)
Ca. whereas the crisis has led to a new Union economic governance, via the annual growth survey and semester, which itself may lead to restructuring and thus requires the involvement of social partners;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 34 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital G
G. whereas, as stated in the Single Market Act, ‘Commission communication on "Towards a Single Market Act, "the sense of disillusionment felt by some towards the internal market may also be the result of the perception that successive liberalisations have been carried out at the expense of the social rights acquired by various economic operators."; "The Lisbon Treaty, and the affirmation of the concept of a 'highly competitive social market economy' as one of its key objectives, require "the Union" to adopt a more all-embracing view of the single market (...). Economic freedoms and freedoms of collective action must be reconciled. New life must be breathed into the social dialogue, making it more likely to lead to legislation 'by and for' the social partners, as explicitly provided for by the Lisbon Treaty."; "Beyond purely reactive approaches to the economic and financial crisis, pre-emptive strategies have allowed businesses and their employees to ward off industrial disputes through the proactive management of restructuring operations. This is a precondition for economic success and is a social requirement, since it enables resources to be redistributed to emerging sectors and opens new windows of opportunity for workers when their jobs are at risk. A European framework for restructuring exercises would make for an environment based on mutual trust.’;"
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 83 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 1 Recital 1
(1) When dealing with anticipation, preparation and management of restructuring, companieemployers, workers' representatives and the other stakeholders act in a spirit of cooperation, based on timely and comprehensive information and consultation.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 101 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 1, Recital 6
(6) It is a widely recognised that any restructuring operation should be subject to an explanation and of justification to the stakeholders, which includes in line with national and European legislation in particular the full and appropriate involvement of employee representatives at all levels before taking a company decision.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 103 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 1, Recital 6
(6) It is a widely recognised that any restructuring operation should be subject to an explanation and of justification to the social partners and other relevant stakeholders.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 108 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 1, Recital 8
(8) The active involvement of public authorities at the relevant level in the preparation and management of restructuring operations contributes greatly to limiting their negative impact. The same applies with regard to the involvement of local economic actors, in particular SMEs being in a situation of dependence towards the restructuring company due to their quality of suppliers or of subcontractors.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 143 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 3, paragraph 1, point d
(d) "agreements" mean agreements concluded at the relevant level (European, national, sectoral, regional or company- level) by, on one hand, employer representatives of the companies and/or their organisations, and, on the other hand, representatives of the employees with the capacity to conclude collective agreements under national law and/or practice or under the procedures laid down by the competent trade union organisations at European level;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 182 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 5, paragraph 1
1. Companies shallEmployers develop, in coopernsultation with employees' representatives and, where applicable,, with due regard for their reciprocal rights and obligations, and as appropriate with public authorities and other relevant stake- holders, mechanisms thatof anticipateion and plan for futureof forward-looking planning of employment and skills needs.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 186 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 5, paragraph 2, introductory part
2. To that end, companiepurpose, employers shall establish, in co-operation with employees' representativesformation and consultation procedures with employees' representatives with a view of reaching and agreement, and other relevant stakeholders:
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 189 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 5, paragraph 2, point a
(a) mechanisms for the long-term planning of quantitative and qualitative employment and skills needs that are linked to innovation and development strategies and that take into account the foreseeable evolution of employment and skills, both positive and negative; continuing education and training must be accessible to all workers equally regardless of age, gender, nationality and employment status;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 234 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 6, paragraph 1
1. Except in circumstances where restructuring is triggered by unforeseen or sudden events, any restructuring operation shall be preceded by an appropriate preparation with all thethe social partners and other relevant stakeholders concerned with a view to preventing or alleviating its economic, social and local impact.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 254 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 7, paragraph 1
1. Any restructuring operation shall be subject to an early explanation and justification to all social partners and other relevant stakeholders on the basis of either long-term strategic goals and requirements or short-term constraints.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 278 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 8, paragraph 1
1. When the need to restructureing occurs as a result of the neednd while always seeking to preserve their competitiveness and long-term prosperity, companies shall consideremployers envisage redundancies only as last resort and only after having consideringed all possible alternative options and/or identifying and, where available, implementing supporting measures.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 334 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 11, paragraph 2
2. Public authorities shall monitor in close co-operation with social partner organisations at the relevant level the mechanisms for long-term planning and multi-annual plans of employment and skills needs developed within companies.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 336 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 11, paragraph 3
3. In regions affected by structural change, public authorities shall in close co- operation with social partner organisations at the relevant level:
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 375 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 14, paragraph 1
1. CompanieEmployers shall monitor, on a permanent basis, in co-operation with external bodies and authorities, the psycho- social health of employees affected by restructuring processes, both redundant employees and those staying in the company.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 378 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 14, paragraph 2
2. Companies shallEmployers create tools ofor the regular evaluation and reporting on their restructuring practicesits practices of restructuring, in particular the impact on health and safety and gender equality, in co-operation with employees' representatives and the external organisations involved in that process.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 404 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 16, paragraph 2
2. Member States shall provide that companieemployers that do not comply with the provisions resulting from the Directive shall not benefit from any funding in provenance of European Union budget in the five- years period following a judicial decision recognising the breach.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 411 #
Proposal for a recommendation
Recommendation 16, paragraph 3
3. Member States shall exclude from the benefit of public aids and contracts from the national budgets during the same period the companiesemployers who are in the situation referred to in paragraph 2 above.
Committee: EMPL