7 Amendments of Iliana IVANOVA related to 2008/2186(DEC)

Amendment 127 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 86
86. Reiterates, as in previous years, that the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) is generally an effective control system for limiting the risk of error or irregular expenditure, but nevertheless regrets that the Court found significant weaknesses in selected paying agencies in three Member States: Bulgaria, Romania and the UK (Scotland) (point 5.32 of the 2008 Annual Report); acknowledges, however, that necessary steps were taken to address these weaknesses;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 128 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 88
88. Regrets the fact that the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) applied by national authorities is still not correct in some Member States in which substantial deficiencies were reported by the Court (in Bulgaria, Spain, Poland and the United Kingdom); notes that different measures have been taken at national level to address the deficiencies;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 129 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 89
89. Also expresses its concern about the errors in respect of expenditure under the SAPARD Programme in Bulgaria and Romania, which caused the Directorate- General for Agriculture to make a reservation in its Annual Activity Report; underlines the importance of the action plans already in place in response to the Commission’s recommendations;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 159 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 147
147.Is concerned by the weaknesses in the management of pre-accession funds by national authorities in Bulgaria and Romania and welcomes the measures implemented by the Commission, including the interruption of payments, close monitoring and cooperation with the two Member States, all of which have led to a significant improvement in the situation; however, remains concerned about the fundamental weaknesses concerning potential irregularities in the management of Phare funds by two implementing agencies in Bulgaria, even though the contracting for Phare funds has been terminated; welcomes the commitment on the part of the current authorities to investigate the irregularities and to reform the management of EU funding;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 161 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 148
148. Deplores the absence of substantial progress in addressing the weaknesses identified (in particular in relation to the National Road Infrastructure Fund); consequently, supports the Commission’s prudent approach and its undertaking to closely monitor the situation, to follow up on the findings and to provide advice and assistance to the Bulgarian authorities with a view to addressing the weaknesses identified; urges the Commission to apply the utmost vigilance and rigor when approving the compliance assessment reports submitted for the operational programmes proposed by the Bulgarian authorities and before starting to disburse the intermediate payments in respect of the 2007-2013 programming period; recognises and supports the positive steps taken by Bulgaria; welcomes the positive outcome of the Commission’s compliance assessment procedures for all operational programmes, whilst stressing that effective control and guidance from the Commission should be further applied;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 165 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 151
151. Nevertheless, regrets the weaknesses, in particular the failure to identify irregular support applications and adequately to follow up the irregularities, and urgesupports Bulgaria to adopt ain its efforts properly to implement the detailed action plan adopted in close cooperation with the Commission and under close supervision by an independent auditor;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 167 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 152
152. Welcomes the updated information from the Commission on the status of implementation of EU funds in Bulgaria and Romania; recognises the progress which both Member States have made; however, requests the Commission to continue to closely monitor those Member States’ systems and the implementation of the agreed action plans, and suggests that OLAF also should maintain the support given by it to those Member States in fulfilling their obligations concerning the protection of the financial interests of the Union;
Committee: CONT