7 Amendments of Iliana IVANOVA related to 2010/2143(DEC)

Amendment 14 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Notes the significant increase in the workload registered by the administration, relating to the entry into force of the new Statutes; notes with concern the more complicated procedure as regards accredited assistants' missions outside the three places of work and considers that, in spite of considerable increase in staffing, there are insufficient staff members in the Members' service and the services dealing with assistants and requests, therefore, the redeployment by the administration of additional staff in order to cope with the increased workload; requests, moreover, that an evaluation/assessment comprehensive evaluation covering changes in staff as well as the development of expenditure in all areas concerned be made and forwarded to its competent committees by 30 September 2011 on the experience gained of the implementation of the two Statutes following the first full year of their implementation, as well as on their financial implications for Parliament's budget;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 26 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Finds it astonishing that around 900 people work in Parliament's security services, most of them as external contract staff and also points to the steady increase in total security costs (somenotes that while overall security costs have increased by more than 30% since 2004 (up to EUR 43 000 000 in 2009), the costs for technical equipment for security have decreased by about 10% in the same time period; requests, in the light of recent security incidents, the overhaul of these services in order to increase their efficiency;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 59 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22
22. Welcomes the more structured approach to ICT and the elaboration of a comprehensive strategy in this field; further welcomes the commitment by its administration in its answers to the questionnaire to launch a study on the possibility of replacement of external staff;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 60 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24
24. Calls therefore on DG ITEC to scrupulously implement the action plan agreed with the Internal Auditor and to aim to achieve an adequate mix of Parliament staff and external resources as well as an appropriate balance between internal application development and deliverables- based contracting; takes note of the lack of qualified candidates on EPSO lists in the field of IT security; supports also the suggestion to urgently organise separate AD7 competitions in this field;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 63 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25
25. Draws attention to the fact that, for Parliament, the increasing use of external companies for implementing IT projects, in addition to being financially detrimental, runs the risk that it will lose important parts of its know-how as well as its ability to manage and supervise projects delivered by external contractors; demands DG ITEC to provide information on the costs of externalising the computing centres in comparison to previous costs in its activity report for 2010;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 101 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 64
64. Deplores the very long delay in the opening of the Visitors' Centre (originally foreseen for the 2009 European elections) and the poor planning and insufficient support in the start phase from the administration; notes the opening date that is currently envisaged of October- November 2011; reiterates its request for a detailed explanation of the specific reasons, including a detailed analysis of the procurement procedures, for such a considerable delay and the precise increase in the cost of the project;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 151 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 99
99. STakes note of the budgetary constraints many Member States face as a result of the financial and economic crisis and the need to critically review potential savings at all levels including at Union level; in light of this situation, stresses that real savings could be achieved if Parliament only had one seat; indeed, in the report of the Secretary- General on Parliament's preliminary draft estimates for 2011, the estimated annual cost arising from the geographical dispersion of Parliament has been estimated at around EUR 160 000 000, accounting for about 9% of Parliament's total budget; draws the attention to the fact that currently the decision to change this situation - and to make some EUR 160 000 000 of savings annually as well as to considerably lessen Parliament's carbon footprint - lies exclusively with the European Council (Member States);
Committee: CONT