6 Amendments of Petra KAMMEREVERT related to 2015/2095(INI)

Amendment 44 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 48 a (new)
- having regard to the European Parliament resolution of 26 November 2015 on education for children in emergency situations and protracted crises (2015/2977(RSP));
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 154 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital M a (new)
M a. whereas the large majority of refugees and migrants are young people under 35 years (81% according to Eurostat) with increasing numbers of children, highlights that education and training policies are crucial for well- managed reception and integration of refugees and migrants;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 650 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 40 a (new)
40 a. Emphasises the crucial role played by education and training policies, lifelong learning and intercultural dialogue, as well as youth and sports policy, to foster the integration and social inclusion of refugees and migrants in Europe thus contributing to building a more cohesive and inclusive society. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to increase the profile of culture and education in those operational measures undertaken as part of the European Agenda for Migration, in particular by supporting integration through access to education and training systems, the creation of a platform for the recognition of competences and the development of effective actions supporting intercultural dialogue and understanding;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 686 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 43
43. Reaffirms that better recognition of foreign qualifications is one practical way of ensuring that those third-country nationals already present in the Union can integrate better, and calls on the Commission to come forward with appropriate proposals in that regard, in particular with Mediterranean countries;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 1027 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 85
85. Calls on the Union to help third countries build up their asylum systems and integration strategies through the offer of educational services and assistance already in refugee camps and in emergency situation in order to allow third country nationals in need of international protection to seek protection there; believes that the Union must adopt a win-win approach to cooperation with third countries, that is, an approach that is beneficial to the Union, to the third country in question and to the refugees and migrants in that third country;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 1102 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 93 a (new)
93a. Calls on the EU Member States to support the Commission's objective of increasing the share of humanitarian funds dedicated to education in emergencies to 4% of the EU humanitarian aid budget by 2018 in order to increase the investments for granting access to high-quality education for all children, boys and girls, in emergency situations and protracted crises, including child refugees;
Committee: LIBE