2 Amendments of Hella RANNER related to 2010/0802(COD)

Amendment 124 #
Draft directive
Article - 1 (new)
Article -1 Objective This Directive sets out rules allowing a judicial or equivalent authority in a Member State, in which a protection measure has been issued with a view to protecting a person against a criminal act of another person which may endanger his life, physical or psychological integrity, personal liberty or sexual integrity, to issue a European protection order enabling a competent authority in another Member State to continue the protection of the person concerned in the territory of this Member State, provided that the protection measure was taken in the context of criminal proceedings following the commission of a criminal offence.
Amendment 132 #
Draft directive
Article 1 – paragraph 2
2) "Protection measure" means a decision adopted by a competent authority of a Member State imposing on a person causing dangerin the issuing State in the context of criminal proceedings by which one or more of the obligations or prohibitions, referred to in Article 2(2), provided that the infringement of such obligations or prohibitions constitutes a criminal offence under the law of the Member State concerned or may otherwise be punishable by a deprivation of liberty in that Member Stateare imposed on a person causing danger, for the benefit of a protected person with a view to protecting the latter against a criminal act which may endanger his life, physical or psychological integrity, personal liberty or sexual integrity.