7 Amendments of Emma McCLARKIN related to 2008/0196(COD)

Amendment 460 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 8 – point a
(a) any sales or service contract concludedduring an excursion organized by the trader away from their business premises with the simultaneous physical presence of the, or during a visit by a trader andto the consumer or any sales or service contract for which an offer was made by the consumer in the same circumstances, or's home or to that of another consumer, or to the consumer's place of work, where the visit does not take place at the express request of the consumer.
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 531 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 3 – paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Member States may decide that this Directive shall apply only to contracts for which the payment to be made by the consumer exceeds a specified amount.
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 776 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 11 – paragraph 1
1. With respect to distance contracts, the information provided for in Article 9(a)5 shall be given or made available to the consumer prior to the conclusion of the contract, in plain and intelligible language and be legible, in a way appropriate to the means of distance communication used. If the information is provided in writing, it must be in plain and understandable language and be legible
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 801 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 11 – paragraph 3
3. If the contract is concluded via telephone or through a medium which allows limited space or time to display the information, the trader shall provide at least the information regarding the main characteristics of the product and the total price referred to in Articles 5(1)(a) and (c) on that particular medium prior to the conclusion of such a contract. The other information referred to in Articles 5 and 7 shall be provided by the trader to the consumer in an appropriate way in accordance with paragraph 1.
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 844 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 12 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2
In the case of a distance contract for the sale of goods, the withdrawal period shall begin from the day on which the consumer or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by the consumer acquires the material possession of each of the goods ordered. In case of continuing obligations the withdrawal period shall begin from the day of the first partial delivery.
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 871 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 13
If the trader has not provided the consumer with the information on the right of withdrawal in breach of Articles 9(b), 10(1) and 11(4), the withdrawal period shall expire three months after the trader has fully performed his other contractual obligations. In case of continuing obligations this period shall begin from the day of the first partial delivery.
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 939 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 17 – paragraph 2
2. The consumer shall only be liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling other than what is necessary to ascertain the nature and functioning of the goods. He shall not be liable for diminished value where the trader has failed to provide notice of the withdrawal right in accordance with Article 9(b), except for perishable goods that would lose their value. For service contracts subject to a right of withdrawal, the consumer shall bear no cost for services performed, in full or in part, during the withdrawal period.
Committee: IMCO