Parliament's Rules of Procedure
Rule 70 a (new)
Rule 70a Approval of a decision on the opening of interinstitutional negotiations prior to the adoption of a report at first reading 1. A decision on the opening of negotiations prior to the adoption of a report at first reading may only be adopted in duly justified cases and by a two-thirds majority of the committee responsible. 2. The decision shall be translated into all the official languages and transmitted to the President and to the presidents of the political groups and the chairs of committees. It shall be announced by the President at the opening of the part-session following its adoption by the committee responsible. 3. The decision of the committee may be overruled: – by the Conference of Presidents at its next ordinary meeting following the announcement; – by a vote in plenary under a request by two political groups representing at least one quarter of the Members of Parliament within 48 hours after the announcement.