52 Written explanations of Sandra KALNIETE

Opening accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania (B9-0155/2019, RC-B9-0156/2019, B9-0156/2019, B9-0157/2019, B9-0158/2019, B9-0159/2019, B9-0160/2019, B9-0161/2019)

I support this resolution as the EPP stands by the opening of accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia as is recommended by the European Commission. I call on those few Member States opposing the political will of the overwhelming majority of states to be responsible and reconsider their opposition to opening of negotiations.The postponement of opening EU accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia is a deeply painful and disappointing decision for these countries, the Western Balkan region and Europe.It undermines the EU’s credibility because the EU has failed on its commitments when our partners deliver on theirs to undergo in-depth reforms and resolve conflicts. We must recognise that progressing on the path towards EU accession also has an immense and positive transformative effect on the candidate countries and is important for stability in Europe’s neighbourhood.It is of utmost importance now to convene a parliamentary dialogue with the leadership of the Western Balkans, to develop a strategy in driving forward the EU reform agenda.The EU’s enlargement policy has been the most effective foreign policy instrument of the Union. Its further dismantlement might lead to an increasingly unstable situation in the EU’s immediate neighbourhood.
Recent actions by the Russian Federation against Lithuanian judges, prosecutors and investigators involved in investigating the tragic events on 13 January 1991 in Vilnius (RC-B9-0182/2019, B9-0182/2019, B9-0183/2019, B9-0184/2019, B9-0185/2019, B9-0186/2019)

Mans atbalsts rezolūcijai par EP prasību Krievijai pārtraukt Lietuvas tiesnešu, prokuroru un izmeklētāju, kas piedalījās 1991. gada 13. janvāra lietas izmeklēšanā un iztiesāšanā, kriminālvajāšanu ir viennozīmīgs. Šīs Krievijas darbības ir pilnībā nosodāmas, nepieņemamas un politiski motivētas, kā arī Krievija pārkāpj starptautiskās normas, jo īpaši tiesu varas neatkarību. Šis ir kārtējais Krievijas mēģinājums pārrakstīt mūsu valstu vēsturi un iebiedēt tos, kuri iestājas par taisnīgu tiesu.EP aicina visas dalībvalstis nenodot Krievijai personas datus, ko tā varētu izmantot kriminālprocesos pret Lietuvas tiesnešiem, kā arī noraidīt Krievijas prasību pēc savstarpējas tiesiskās palīdzības. Arī Interpolam un dalībvalstīm jāignorē Krievijas prasības pēc starptautiska apcietināšanas ordera šajā lietā.Šie notikumi ir nopietns brīdinājums tam, ka ES dalībvalstīm ir jārīkojas daudz saskaņotāk savās attiecībās ar Krieviju.
Measures to address the impact on European agriculture of the WTO ruling on the Airbus dispute (RC-B9-0197/2019, B9-0197/2019, B9-0198/2019, B9-0201/2019, B9-0203/2019, B9-0204/2019, B9-0206/2019, B9-0208/2019)

Es līdz ar visu Eiropas Tautas partiju grupu Eiropas Parlamentā atbalstu šo rezolūciju, jo ASV piemērotie ievedmuitas tarifi lauksaimniecības nozares precēm ir netaisnīgi.Airbus un Boeing strīds ir jāatrisina sarunu ceļā, nevis savstarpējos tirdzniecības karos. Šajā negodīgo subsīdiju avio ražotājiem lietā vainīgas ir abas puses. Turklāt situāciju vēl netaisnīgāku padara fakts, ka ASV ar ievedmuitas tarifiem apliek absolūti nesaistītu nozari un preču ražotājus, kā piemēram, siera, vīna vai saldētu augļu ražotājus.Ir skaidrs, ka šiem ASV tarifiem būs būtiska negatīva ietekme uz dažām dalībvalstīm un produktiem, un jo īpaši uz kopējo lauksaimniecības nozari. Tāpēc ar šo rezolūciju mēs aicinām Eiropas Komisiju saskaņā ar Pasaules Tirdzniecības organizācijas noteikumiem mobilizēt ātru atbalstu vissmagāk skartajām nozarēm un izmantot visus pieejamos instrumentus saskaņā ar kopējo lauksaimniecības politiku un attiecīgajiem pasākumiem iekšējā tirgū. ETP grupa vienmēr būs mūsu ražotāju pusē, cenšoties atrast viņiem labāko risinājumu.Jāatzīmē, ka paralēli ir vērojamas arī pozitīvas tendences. Apsveicama ir Eiropas Savienības nesenā vienošanās ar ASV par augstas kvalitātes liellopu gaļas importu. Tas ir ES solis, lai mazinātu transatlantisko tirdzniecības attiecību saspīlējumu.
The Rule of Law in Malta, after the recent revelations around the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia (B9-0240/2019)

I supported this resolution, as the EPP Group stands by rule of law and freedom of media. We are seeing a situation of high-level corruption, impunity and murder in Malta, which keeps dragging on and is unacceptable. Rule of law guarantees our fundamental rights and values. No democracy can thrive without independent courts guaranteeing the protection of fundamental rights and civil liberties, nor without an active civil society and free media ensuring pluralism.Malta has to be able to not only guarantee an objective, fair and neutral investigation and ensure justice in the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, but also to ensure independent investigation and prosecution to bring those responsible for money laundering and corruption offenses to justice.The Maltese journalist’s killing once again demonstrates the need to improve the legal framework and support for media so that journalists in Europe can do their job safely and independently.
EU Pollinators Initiative (B9-0233/2019)

Tiesības dzīvot tīrā, daudzveidīgā un labvēlīgā vidē ir ikvienam. Daudzus gadu desmitus mēs šīs tiesības esam atlikuši otrajā plānā. Burtiski tikko Eiropas Komisija ir publicējusi vērienīgu dokumentu — Eiropas zaļo kursu. Tā viens no mērķiem ir saglabāt mūsu dzīvestelpu dabisku. Šajā kontekstā nozīmīga sastāvdaļa virzienā uz šo mērķi ir arī ES apputeksnētāju iniciatīva. Apputeksnētāji — bites, citi kukaiņi un arī daži putni — ir nepieciešami gan daudzveidīgai videi (gandrīz 78% augu sugu pavairošanai), gan arī gan arī lauksaimniecībai (vairāk 80% kultūraugu apputeksnēšanai). Šo apputeksnētāju skaits pēdējos gados būtiski samazinās Eiropā, un starp dažādiem cēloņiem ir arī intensīvā pesticīdu izmantošana. Ir jāatbalsta padziļināti pētījumi par bišu skaita samazināšanās cēloņu izpēti, kā arī ir būtiski integrēt šos risinājumus kopējā lauksaimniecības politikā un citās jomās. Ir vajadzīga rīcības programma, pietiekami resursi un mērķtiecīgāki pasākumi apputeksnētāju aizsardzībai, ir jānosaka obligāti mērķi pesticīdu lietošanas mazināšanai. Visu šo iemeslu dēļ es viennozīmīgi atbalstu šo rezolūciju.
Annual report on the implementation of the common foreign and security policy (A9-0054/2019 - David McAllister)

I supported the annual report on the CFDP as it provides a holistic view of the trends in international relations and the place and role of the EU therein. There are increasing challenges to a rules-based global order which the EU must defend. We need a stronger, proactive and strategic EU as no single MS can provide on its own an effective response to challenges of the more volatile international environment. The CFSP also needs to be reinforced in order to effectively promote EU interests and values in the neighbourhood. Moreover, with the new MFF talks it is important to have strategic approach, greater coherence, consistency and complementarity between the external financial instruments and CFSP. The report also underlines the need to strengthen capacity on the EU and MS level to act autonomously in areas of security and defence, as well as to foster partnerships with other organisations. The EPP supports the decision to build a genuine and operational European Defence Union. The report underscores the need for the EU to develop capacities to monitor climate change-related risks, as well as further step up efforts to combat cyber and hybrid threats.
Annual report on the implementation of the common security and defence policy (A9-0052/2019 - Arnaud Danjean)

The EU faces a lasing deterioration of its security environment and henceforth multiple challenges. The EU so far has been rather slow to react to the new international context, due to insufficient investments, lack of capabilities and interoperability, but above all political reluctance. Europe’s defence is largely based on the EU’s capacity and political willingness of Member States to intervene militarily and must be strengthened independently from the transatlantic backing. In order to increase strategic autonomy Member States need to reach the spending target of 2% and demonstrate political will, cohesion and solidarity. Moreover, the EU strategic partnership between NATO and UN is essential for addressing the security challenges facing Europe and its neighbourhood. After Brexit it will be crucial to maintain a close and special defence and security relationship with the UK. The latest institutional novelty was the establishment of DG Defence Industry and Space which the EPP supports. I supported this annual stock taking report on the implementation of the CSDP.
An EU strategy to put an end to female genital mutilation around the world (B9-0090/2020, B9-0092/2020)

I supported this EP resolution which condemns female genital mutilation (FGM) in the EU as well as outside as an act of violence against women and girls. Internationally it is recognised as a violation of the human rights of girls and women. We also want the EC to make FGM and other violent practices against girls and women a central issue in its human rights dialogues with the third countries concerned, and for the EEAS and Member States to intensify talks with third countries to encourage them to adopt national laws banning FGM. According to the WHO, at least 200 million women and girls around the world are currently living with the harmful consequences of FGM. In Europe, an estimated 180 000 girls and women are at risk of FGM each year. Globally, we have to take a whole variety of actions to put an end to it because physically, sexually, psychologically, the consequences of this huge physical intrusion on women are enormous.
Proposed mandate for negotiations for a new partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (B9-0098/2020)

Es atbalstīju EP rezolūciju, jo tā uzsver, ka ES nākotnes partnerībai ar Lielbritāniju jābalstās vienlīdzīgas konkurences apstākļos un pēc iespējas ciešāka asociācijas nolīguma pamatā jāliek ekonomiskā partnerība, partnerība ārlietās un konkrēti nozaru jautājumi. Tāpat tā norāda, ka “trešā valsts” nevar baudīt tādas pašas priekšrocības kā ES dalībvalstis un visos apstākļos jānodrošina vienotā tirgus un muitas savienības nedalāmība. Turpmāk Lielbritānijas konkurencei ar ES ir jābūt atvērtai un taisnīgai, kas nozīmē garantēt vienlīdzīgus standartus attiecībā uz sociālo aizsardzību, vides aizsardzību, nodokļiem, valsts atbalstu, patērētāju aizsardzību un klimatu. Tas nozīmē arī Lielbritānijas un ES normatīvu “dinamisku saskaņošanu”. Mēs prasām arī Lielbritānijas garantijas iedzīvotāju tiesību un pārvietošanās brīvības jomā, attiecībā uz datu aizsardzību, finanšu pakalpojumiem, situāciju Īrijā un Eiropas Tiesas lomu strīdu izšķiršanā.
New MFF, own resources and Recovery plan

. – Vīrusa izraisītā krīze visiem ir radījusi nenoteiktības sajūtu par nākotni, kas sarunas starp Eiropas institūcijām par nākamo ES daudzgadu budžetu un jauno Atveseļošanas fondu padara īpaši spriegas. Eiropas Tautas partijas grupa piedāvā skaidru pozīciju par budžeta veidošanas principiem, tai skaitā stingri uzstāj, lai, koncentrējoties uz ekonomikas atveseļošanu pēckrīzes periodā, netiktu atstātas novārtā līdzšinējās Eiropas ilgtermiņa politikas, kas ir ļoti nozīmīgas arī Latvijai un tās cilvēkiem. Neredzu par iespējamu atkāpties no finansējuma palielinājuma kopējai lauksaimniecības politikai un reģionālajai attīstībai, tāpat ne mazāk svarīgs ir stabils finansējums drošībai. Grūtības vienoties par ES daudzgadu budžetu nākamajam periodam bija jau pirms krīzes, cīņas starp Eiropas institūcijām un valstīm bija skarbas. Tagad tam vēl pievienojas neskaidrība par Atveseļošanas fonda izmantošanas principiem. Latvijai ir svarīgi, lai šis fonds, kura līdzekļus Eiropas Komisija plāno aizņemties finanšu tirgos, piedāvājot kā garantiju ES daudzgadu budžetu, nekļūtu par smagu parādu “enkuru”. Tas var notikt, ja Atveseļošanas fonda līdzekļus dalībvalstis saņems kā dotāciju, ko vēlāk finanšu tirgiem būtu jāatmaksā no ES budžeta.
Achieving an effective policy legacy for the European Year of Cultural Heritage (A9-0210/2020 - Dace Melbārde)

Es viennozīmīgi atbalstu Daces Melbārdes vadībā Kultūras komitejas sagatavoto ziņojumu “Efektīva politiskā ieguldījuma nodrošināšana, īstenojot Eiropas Kultūras mantojuma gadu” .Ziņojums aicina sakārtot šo būtisko nozari Eiropas Savienībā un īstenot patiesi stratēģisku pieeju kultūras mantojumam.Šis dokuments ir kā ceļvedis, norādot būtiskākos problēmjautājumus, izceļot kultūras mantojuma daudzveidību kā izaugsmes un nodarbinātības virzītājspēku, arī akcentējot ieguvumus izglītībā un starpkultūru attiecību stiprināšanā, kā arī aicinot Eiropas Komisiju un dalībvalstis uz aktīvu un konstruktīvu darbību.
The arrest of Aleksei Navalny (B9-0090/2021, B9-0091/2021, B9-0092/2021, B9-0093/2021, B9-0094/2021, B9-0095/2021)

. – Together with my colleagues, I tabled and fully endorsed the resolution demanding the immediate and unconditional release of Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny. The EP strongly condemns the brutal assassination attempt on his life and his arbitrary detention and express utmost concern about the shrinking space for political opposition, dissident voices and civil society in Russia. This resolution accentuates the continuing violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, disinformation campaigns, interference in the electoral process of other countries and generating and maintaining conflicts in partner countries of the Eastern Neighbourhood. The EP urges the Council to introduce sanctions against Russian oligarchs related to the regime and members of President Putin’s inner circle as well as media propagandists, who possess assets in the European Union and enjoy freedom of travel to the Member States, these sanctions should be extended to their immediate family members. The European Union should no longer be a welcoming place for Russian wealth of unclear origin. The Resolution also states that the incompatibility of values between Russia and EU means that projects such as Nord Stream 2 must be reconsidered and stopped.
The right to disconnect (A9-0246/2020 - Alex Agius Saliba)

Tiesības ārpus darba laika būt bezsaistē ir pamatota prasība. Izdegšanas sindroms digitālajā laikmetā ir nopietna problēma, kas ietekmē gan darba ņēmēju, gan darba devēju veselību un dzīves kvalitāti. Covid-19 ierobežošanas pasākumi un aizvien pieaugošā tendence strādāt attālināti to iezīmē īpaši skaidri. Par šo jautājumu ir nopietni jārunā un jāveicina izpratne. Darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars ir ārkārtīgi būtisks. Tāpēc balsoju par Eiropas Parlamenta ziņojumu.Tomēr jauns likumdošanas priekšlikums šobrīd nav nepieciešams. Jau šobrīd ES ir spēkā Direktīva par darba laika organizēšanu, kas nosaka maksimālo darba laiku, tiesības uz atpūtu, brīvdienām un cienīgiem darba apstākļiem. Specifisku tiešsaistes darba laika prasību nostiprināšana likumdošanā nozīmētu papildu birokrātisko slogu daudziem un negatīvi ietekmētu tos darba ņēmējus un devējus, kuri šobrīd novērtē tiešsaistes sniegtās iespējas elastīgam darba laikam. Jauni normatīvie akti ir nepieciešami tikai tad, ja problēmu nav iespējams risināt jau esošā regulējuma un iesaistīto pušu dialoga ietvaros. Turpmāko 3 gadu laikā darba devēju un ņēmēju organizācijas jau ir apņēmušās ieviest virkni pasākumu un vadlīniju, tāpēc šobrīd neatbalstu jauna likumdošanas projekta piedāvājumu.
Establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility (A9-0214/2020 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Siegfried Mureşan, Dragoș Pîslaru)

Balsoju par Atveseļošanas un noturības mehānisma (ANM) izveidi, lai palīdzētu ES dalībvalstīm mazināt Covid-19 pandēmijas sekas un ieviestu nepieciešamās reformas. ANM nozīmē apjomīgas bezprecedenta dotācijas un aizdevumus 672,5 miljardu eiro apmērā. ANM ir stratēģiski pārdomāts un mērķtiecīgs plāns: prioritārs būs atbalsts zaļajai ekonomikai, digitalizācijai gatavībai krīzēm un jauniešiem. Lai saņemtu finansējumu, ir jāievēro tiesiskums un ES pamatvērtības. ANM būs nozīmīgs ieguvums arī Latvijas ekonomikai – mēs no tā saņemsim aptuveni 2 miljardus eiro dotācijās un vairāk nekā 2 miljardi būs pieejami aizdevumos, finansējuma saņemšana sāksies šī gada otrajā pusē. Ir svarīgi šos apjomīgos finanšu līdzekļus izlietot pareizi un lietderīgi, tāpēc Eiropas Komisija regulāri sekos dalībvalstu sekmēm finansējuma apgūšanā un informēs par to, savu vērtējumu sniegs arī Eiropas Parlaments.
EU Association Agreement with Ukraine (A9-0219/2020 - Michael Gahler)

With my vote I fully supported the report on the implementation of the EU Association Agreement with Ukraine. The agreement predicts pro-democratic reforms and increased trust in institutions that in the current exceptional times are the most efficient security mechanisms available.The report underlines the importance of the commitment on reforms of the institutional framework, the utmost need to ensure justice, freedom and security as well as the high priority of protection of human rights and security of the people in the east of Ukraine currently not controlled by the Ukrainian Government. I strongly condemn the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol and the de facto occupation of certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk and fully agree that EEAS should develop a more active role for the EU in the peaceful resolution of the ongoing war in Eastern Ukraine. I fully agree that it is crucial to demonstrate EU’s solidarity in COVD-19 crisis, as it was done via macro-financial assistance, made available to Ukraine.With this vote, I reiterate my unwavering support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders and its pro-European development.
Safety of the nuclear power plant in Ostrovets (Belarus) (B9-0109/2021)

I fully supported the Resolution on Safety of the nuclear power plant in Belarus since nuclear safety is among key priorities to ensure the security of EU citizens. The nuclear plant in Ostrovets has been hastily forced into commissioning while failing to implement the recommendations made by the International Atomic Energy Agency, therefore not complying with the safety standards and without having a licence to operate.The project has been implemented despite protests from Belarusian citizens and NGO’s and protesters have been persecuted and unlawfully arrested. We are concerned that the plant is being implemented as a geopolitical project between Belarus and Russia. Furthermore, the plant is located just 50 km from Vilnius. It is in close proximity to Poland and the Baltics, which in combination with the bloody dictatorship in Belarus, raises huge concerns. I fully support the Resolution that asks the Commission to ensure that all EU peer review recommendations are implemented and I strongly support the acceleration of the synchronisation of the Baltic electricity grid with the Continental European Network, thereby ensuring that the electricity produced by the plant does not enter the EU market.
European Semester: Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2021 (A9-0036/2021 - Markus Ferber)

Ar savu balsojumu atbalstīju ziņojumu par Eiropas ekonomikas politikas koordinēšanas pusgadu: 2021. gada ilgtspējīgas izaugsmes stratēģiju. Ziņojums ne tikai kritiski izvērtē Eiropas Komisijas ekonomikas prognozes un rekomendācijas, bet arī norāda uz nepieciešamajiem uzlabojumiem, to starpā arī ciešāku nacionālo Parlamentu, Eiropas Parlamenta un nevalstiskā sektora iesaisti un līdzvērtīgu nosacījumu saglabāšanu ES vienotajā tirgū. Tāpat pilnībā atbalstu aicinājumu atveseļošanas plānos pievērst vairāk uzmanības sociālajai politikai.Atzinīgi ir vērtējamas arī Eiropas Komisijas sagatavotās ekonomikas prognozes 2021. gadam, tās ir balstītas visaptverošā analīzē par COVID19 krīzes izraisītajām ekonomiskajām sekām un sniedz stratēģisku pārskatu par nepieciešamajiem uzlabojumiem dalībvalstu ekonomikas un sociālajās politikās. Uzsvars ir uz Eiropas ekonomisko izaugsmi un konkurētspējas stiprināšanu, īstermiņā fokusējoties uz darbavietu saglabāšanu un atbalsta sniegšanu mūsu uzņēmumiem. Ir būtiski resursus izmantot, lai veidotu klimata neitrālu un digitālu ekonomiku, vienlaikus nodrošinot visu iedzīvotāju labklājību un ekonomisko stabilitāti. Eiropas ekonomikas politikas pusgads ir nozīmīgs instruments, jo tas nodrošina dalībvalstu ekonomikas politikas koordinēšanas ietvaru, kas ir īpaši nozīmīgi ekonomisku satricinājumu apstākļos.
Chemical residues in the Baltic Sea based on petitions 1328/2019 and 0406/2020 under Rule 227(2) (B9-0224/2021)

Baltijas jūrā pēc Otrā pasaules kara nogremdētā munīcija ir nopietns drauds videi un veselībai. Tāpēc atbalstīju rezolūciju, kurā EP prasa izpētīt Baltijas jūrā pēc Otrā pasaules kara izgāzto ķīmisko atliekvielu stāvokli un sagatavot drošus plānus to izcelšanai. Eiropas Komisijai un atbildīgajām aģentūrām steidzami ir jānodrošina adekvāts finansējums un risinājumi. Informāciju par nogremdēto munīciju jāpadara pieejamu visām iesaistītajām pusēm un institūcijām. Ir jāizmanto 2021.–2027. gada INTERREG programma “Baltijas jūras reģions”, lai turpinātu finansēt projektus CHEMSEA , DAIMON un DAIMON 2 , kas jau palīdzējuši izpētīt pašreizējo situāciju. Būtiska ir arī sadarbība ar NATO un labās prakses pārņemšana šajā jautājumā.
Digital Green Certificate - Union citizens (C9-0104/2021 - Juan Fernando López Aguilar)

Balsoju par digitālo zaļo sertifikātu jeb COVID-19 sertifikātu, jo atbalstu mērķi atvieglot iedzīvotāju brīvu un drošu pārvietošanos Covid-19 pandēmijas laikā ES iekšienē, nodrošinot balansu starp pārvietošanās brīvību, ES robežu atvērtību un sabiedrības veselību. Sertifikāts būs apliecinājums tam, ka persona vai nu ir vakcinējusies pret Covid-19, vai nu ir saņēmusi negatīvu testa rezultātu, vai arī pārslimojusi Covid-19 ‒ tātad tas neparedz obligātu vakcināciju.Uzskatu, ka šajos apstākļos ES institūcijām jārīkojas ātri un operatīvi, lai cilvēki bez lieka birokrātiskā sloga šovasar varētu tikties ar ģimenēm, strādāt pierobežu reģionos un, ievērojot piesardzības pasākumus, ceļot, tādējādi palīdzot atgūties arī tūrisma nozarei. Parlaments ir ievērojami uzlabojis sākotnējo Eiropas Komisijas priekšlikumu ‒ ir atrunāts, kā novērst diskriminācijas un datu noplūdes riskus, un ir noteikts konkrēts tā darbības termiņš, proti, 12 mēneši (tātad sertifikāts ir vienreizējs un pagaidu instruments). Sertifikāts neatcels citus epidemioloģiskās drošības pasākumus. Tas arī neliedz dalībvalstīm nepieciešāmības gadījumā noteikt samērīgas pašizolācijas prasības, par to informējot Eiropas Komisiju.
Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Greece and France in relation to natural disasters and to Albania, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain in relation to a public health emergency (A9-0157/2021 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial)

Ar savu balsojumu atbalstīju likumprojektu par ES Solidaritātes fonda izmantošanu, lai sniegtu nozīmīgu palīdzību 17 ES dalībvalstīm, to skaitā Latvijai, kā arī 3 kandidātvalstīm.Tādejādi tiks mobilizēti 397,5 miljoni eiro, lai aizsargātu sabiedrības veselību pret Covid-19 vai cīnītos ar dabas katastrofu sekām. ES Solidaritātes fonds tika izveidots pēc spēcīgajiem plūdiem Centrāleiropā 2002. gadā, lai sniegtu finansiālu palīdzību lielu dabas katastrofu gadījumā, bet līdz ar Covid-19 pandēmiju 2020. gada martā fonda darbības joma tika paplašināta, iekļaujot plašas sabiedrības veselības ārkārtas situācijas.Latvija no šīs summas saņems aptuveni 1,18 miljonus eiro. Ir svarīgi, lai šie līdzekļi Latvijā tiktu izlietoti gudri un stratēģiski pārdomāti, atbalstot pandēmijas dēļ vissmagāk skartās nozares un iedzīvotājus.Apstiprinot atbalstu, aicinājām Komisiju nākotnē vienkāršot ES Solidaritātes fonda līdzekļu izmaksu, lai tas ļautu ātrāk reaģēt uz dabas katastrofām vai sabiedrības veselības apdraudējumiem.
Artificial intelligence in education, culture and the audiovisual sector (A9-0127/2021 - Sabine Verheyen)

I voted in favour of the report on Artificial intelligence in education, culture and the audio-visual sector. It is of outmost importance to identify key opportunities, challenges and solutions in the sector. The report does it in a clear and comprehensive way. The report reiterates the importance of developing quality and inclusive data systems for use in deep learning, and the need to address the ethical and legal issues raised by the use of AI such as the transparency and accountability of algorithms and the ownership, collection, use and dissemination of data. The report emphasises the importance of strengthening digital skills at EU and national levels as a prerequisite for the use of AI in education and culture, and the need to train teachers so they can adapt to the realities of AI powered world. Meanwhile in Audiovisual Media sector the use of AI in algorithm-based content recommendations may have a serious impact on cultural diversity. Therefore the report suggests establishing a clear ethical framework to ensure access to culturally and linguistically diverse content in Europe.
Meeting the Global Covid-19 challenge: effects of waiver of the WTO TRIPS agreement on Covid-19 vaccines, treatment, equipment and increasing production and manufacturing capacity in developing countries (RC-B9-0306/2021, B9-0306/2021, B9-0307/2021, B9-0308/2021, B9-0309/2021, B9-0310/2021, B9-0311/2021)

Balsoju pret rezolūciju un aicinājumu sākt sarunas par Pasaules Tirdzniecības organizācijas (PTO) TRIPS patentu nolīguma īslaicīgu atcelšanu. Lai arī vakcīnām ir jābūt pieejamām visiem pasaules iedzīvotājiem, patentu nolīguma atcelšana nav ne ātrākais, ne drošākais, ne ilgtspējīgākais risinājums.Šobrīd galvenais šķērslis vakcīnu plašai pieejamībai ir nevis intelektuāla īpašuma aizsardzība-t.i. patenti, bet gan ierobežotā ražošanas kapacitāte. To spilgti raksturo fakts, ka jau šobrīd uz 46 visnabadzīgākajām jaunattīstības valstīm līdz 2033. gadam TRIPS patentu nolīgums neattiecas, bet neviena no tām nav spējusi uzsākt ražošanu farmācijas sektorā.Vakcīnu radīšanā ir ieguldīti apjomīgi pētījumi un inovācijas. Atceļot šo aizsardzību mēs radīsim nedrošu vidi visiem zinātnē un tehnoloģijā ieguldīt gatavajiem uzņēmumiem un pētniekiem.Patentu nolīgumu atcelšanas vietā daudz efektīvāki būtu citi pasākumi – eksporta kvotu atcelšana vakcīnām un to izejmateriāliem, ieguldījumi jaunatīstības valstu ražošanas kapacitātē un cilvēkresursos. Eiropas Komisija jau ir spērusi konkrētus soļus šajā virzienā. ES arī ir apņēmusies līdz gada beigām piegādāt 100 miljonu vakcīnu devu. Kopā ar PVO Jāstiprina arī jau esošā COVAX iniciatīva un jānosūta uz nabadzīgākajām valstīm neizlietotās, bet derīgās vakcīnas.
Breaches of EU law and of the rights of LGBTIQ citizens in Hungary as a result of the adopted legal changes in the Hungarian Parliament (B9-0412/2021, B9-0413/2021)

. – Ar savu balsojumu atbalstīju rezolūciju par ES tiesību aktu un LGBTIK pilsoņu tiesību pārkāpumiem Ungārijā saistībā ar Ungārijas parlamenta pieņemtajiem tiesību aktu grozījumiem. Lai arī rezolūcijas tekstā ir vairākas nepilnības, rezolūcijas mērķis ir skaidrs un atbalstāms — kopā ar savu politisko grupu es iestājos par iecietīgu Eiropu un pret diskrimināciju. Eiropas civilizācijas pamatā ir brīvība, iecietība un dažādības pieņemšana, arī Latvija pieder Eiropai un Ziemeļvalstu kultūrai, kas iestājas par šīm vērtībām un līdztiesību visiem. Vecākiem ir tiesības lemt par savu bērnu izglītību, tomēr jāpatur prātā, ka viena cilvēka brīvība beidzas tur, kur sākas cita cilvēka brīvība. Daudziem no mums vēl labā atmiņā ir totalitārais padomju režīms, kad cilvēki par uzskatu dažādību, uzvedību un izvēlēm, kas neatbilda komunistiskajai ideoloģijai, tika ieslodzīti. Ar savu balsojumu paužu atbalstu arī kolēģiem no manas — kristīgo demokrātu — politiskās grupas, kuri daudz izdarīja, lai rezolūcijas tekstu padarītu sabalansētāku un pieņemamu vairumam Eiropas pilsoņu.
Pandora Papers: implications on the efforts to combat money laundering, tax evasion and avoidance (B9-0527/2021, RC B9-0530/2021, B9-0530/2021, B9-0531/202)

. – The Pandora Papers put the spotlight on the EU’s vague progress in the fight against tax havens and shell companies. Even after years of scandals, the EU measures to tackle tax havens have no strong effect. Most countries featuring prominently in the Pandora Papers, such as the British Virgin Islands, are absent from it. We must reset the EU blacklist and make sure that it contains all the usual suspects. By taking out Anguilla, Dominica and the Seychelles from this blacklist just a couple of days after the Pandora revelations, the Council made a mistake and sent the wrong signal in the fight against tax-dodging and money laundering. Therefore, the Council should reconsider its decision. In addition, we also need to link the blacklist to an effective sanctions regime. Being listed should not be a bureaucratic fact, but must imply concrete penalties and raise the costs of tax avoidance. Additionally, corporate taxes have to be paid where the economic activity takes place and third countries that fail to cooperate with European anti-money-laundering investigations must be penalised. Therefore, I voted in favour of the resolution, calling for those principles and measures to be implemented without delay.
Digital Markets Act (A9-0332/2021 - Andreas Schwab)

. ‒ The digital giants such as Google, Facebook and Amazon are benefiting from our internal market and our infrastructures. Our task is to make Europe fit for the digital age, including by protecting our internal market and gain independence from tech companies and unfair monopolies. Big online platforms, like Amazon or Google, act as gatekeepers between users and other companies and services – search engines, online marketplaces, app stores, social media, operating systems, cloud computing services or virtual assistants are such gatekeepers with proportionally big power. It is not acceptable that few private companies are having control over our information space. Therefore, Digital Markets acts introduces strong rules and mechanisms, which make sure that the gatekeepers play fair. This legislation will ensure faster procedures and sanctions for those who repeatedly fail to comply with European standards and competition policy rules and will ban these unfair practices. Meanwhile, the EP report proposes that micro, small and medium-sized companies must be excluded from administrative burdens to the furthest extent possible, so that they have room to grow and innovate. Therefore, with my vote I fully support the EP report.
Challenges and prospects for multilateral weapons of mass destruction arms control and disarmament regimes (A9-0324/2021 - Sven Mikser)

Strong and full commitment to the preservation of effective international arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation regimes should be the cornerstone of global and EU security, and the European Parliament reiterates this principle once more with this resolution.We also underline our deep regret at the withdrawal from the INF Treaty by the US and the Russian Federation, following Russia’s persistent failure to comply with the treaty. The European Parliament stresses Russia’s frequent violation of international norms and treaties, along with its increasingly hostile nuclear rhetoric against Member States, and urges Russia to abandon its hostile activities and return to compliance with international norms.Russian activities of testing of nuclear weapons and building up its fleet of nuclear- and conventionally-powered icebreakers in the Arctic are particularly dangerous. The resolution praises the instrumental role the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has been playing in the verified destruction of chemical agents; condemns the numerous human rights violations and atrocities committed by the regime of Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian Arab Republic; reiterates its grave concern at the attempted assassination of Alexei Navalny as well as of Sergei and Yulia Skripal. Therefore, I voted in favour of the resolution.
Macro-financial assistance to Ukraine(C9-0028/2022)

Es līdz ar visu Eiropas Tautas partijas grupu Eiropas Parlamentā atbalstu Eiropas Komisijas sagatavoto ārkārtas makrofinansiālās palīdzības programmu Ukrainai 1,2 miljardu eiro apmērā, izmantojot steidzamības procedūru.Šī brīža situācija, kad pēdējos mēnešos Krievija netālu no Ukrainas robežas koncentrē lielus militāros spēkus, atstāj katastrofālu ietekmi uz Ukrainas ekonomiku. Pēc Starptautiskā Valūtas fonda aplēsēm no Ukrainas ir aizplūdis investoru kapitāls vismaz 2 miljardu eiro apmērā.Militāri draudi un ekonomiskās situācijas pasliktināšana ir Putina režīma mērķis, lai ne tikai paturētu Ukrainu savā ietekmes sfērā, bet arī novērstu demokrātiskas Ukrainas pastāvēšanu.Eiropas Tautas partijas grupa Eiropas Parlamentā veicinās un atbalstīs Ukrainu tās tiesībās brīvi izvēlēties savu Eiropas ceļu un savas alianses, lai turpinātu pāreju uz stabilu un pārtikušu Eiropas demokrātijas valsti.Tāpēc šī ārkārtas makrofinansiālās palīdzības programma Ukrainai ir loģisks un nepieciešams solis Eiropas Savienības atbalstā.
Strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer (A9-0001/2022 - Véronique Trillet-Lenoir)

The EP requests to join efforts, knowledge and money in Europe to fight one of the most dreadful diseases set to be the leading cause of death in the EU by 2035. The special committee’s work has been focused on four main areas: cancer prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and care, establishing a set of concrete recommendations to beat cancer. Overall, the EU can do so much more to develop early detection strategies, to finance research, raise awareness, invest in eHealth infrastructure and reduce inequalities across Europe, to name just a few points. I strongly support the BECA committee’s final report on strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer – towards a comprehensive and coordinated strategy. Knowing that 40 percent of all cancer cases are preventable means we must work towards better prevention. Sharing data across borders helps researchers save lives, particularly in cases of rare cancers mainly affect children.Moreover, there should be no first and second-class citizens in Europe. Nevertheless, today cancer patients in Eastern Europe have a 30 percent less chance of recovering compared to patients in Western Europe. Hence, investing in hospitals and employing more doctors and nurses must be priorities for the European cohesion funds. We want cancer survivors to have the right to be forgotten when it comes to insurance companies or banks providing financial services to cancer survivors. We want a single set of authorisation and reimbursement rules for cancer treatments across the EU to make it easier for patients to seek treatment in another EU country. The pandemic has significantly disrupted cancer treatments, delayed screening, and affected access to medicines. It has also affected the quality of life and follow-up care for patients. There must be contingency plans to respond to similar events in the future.
Implementation of the common foreign and security policy – annual report 2021 (A9-0354/2021 - David McAllister)

I support the annual report on the implementation of the common foreign and security policy as a few of main points highlight:- The ambition of the EU in taking the lead in strengthening multilateral partnerships on global priorities. It calls for the EU to develop a robust global health strategy and global partnerships for the establishment of norms and standards on a rules-based, ethical use of technologies.- The need to improve the EU visibility, decision-making and making full and more effective use of the EU’s hard and soft power instruments, including by introducing QMV for decision-making in EU foreign policy.- Calls for the EU to ensure its strategic sovereignty in such fundamentally important areas as economy, security and technology.- Further developing regional strategies, including diplomatic and economic engagement and security cooperation. That includes accelerating the enlargement process, with a focus on strengthening democracy, the rule of law, and human rights, as well as fostering reconciliation in the Western Balkans. It reaffirms its unwavering support to the Eastern Partnership countries, and in particular as regards their independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within their internationally recognised borders. It also calls for a bold review of the entire European neighbourhood policy to ensure that neighbourhood partners advance with the reforms and commit to close dialogue and cooperation with the EU.
Refugees in Europe: CARE (C9-0057/2022)

. ‒ Following Russia’s invasion in Ukraine, the duty of the EU Member States is to welcome and care for people fleeing from the devastating war. Adequate and swiftly available financial means for state institutions and local governments are very important if we want to deliver quality and comprehensive support.Therefore, immediately after 24 February, the PPE Group called for the relevant funds from the previous MMF to be urgently repurposed to support the people from Ukraine. The Commission has prepared the documentation and now Parliament should approve it. I fully support today’s decision. CARE (cohesion’s action for refugees in Europe programme) funding will be a vital resource to enable EU countries to respond to some of the immediate basic needs of the war refugees by channelling several billion unspent euros from the 2014-2020 budget that would be otherwise be lost.This decision is very welcome, but more can be done, including more unspent money from the EU budget could be used. There is a war in Europe and we need the wartime power of the EU budget.
Need for an urgent EU action plan to ensure food security inside and outside the EU in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine (RC-B9-0160/2022, B9-0160/2022, B9-0162/2022, B9-0163/2022, B9-0164/2022, B9-0165/2022, B9-0166/2022, B9-0167/2022)

Overall, I supported the EP resolution calling for an urgent EU action plan to ensure food security in and outside the EU following Russia’s war in Ukraine. It calls for immediate, substantial and long-term food aid to Ukraine and for the EU to make its food production more independent, as well as for support to farmers. The EU should open food corridors to and from Ukraine, serving as an alternative to closed Black Sea ports. Ukrainian farmers should also be provided with scarce seeds, fuels and fertilisers.Concerning the EU, it needs to reduce its dependence on imports from too few suppliers and increase the diversification of supply from third countries. The resolution demands in the short term that the Commission assess how to cushion the impact of high fertiliser prices on farmers. Given the disruption to agricultural imports, Parliament demands that domestic food production be increased in 2022. The Commission should also provide support for worst-affected sectors and should mobilise the crisis reserve of EUR 479 million. In addition, Member States should be allowed to grant rapid and flexible State aid to their farmers.
Macro-financial assistance to Ukraine (C9-0303/2022)

The heroic Ukrainian army is showing us that the tide of the war is turning, and we must not let up, but take all the necessary steps to ease Ukraine’s economic burden. The EU’s decision to make another EUR 5 billion in financial assistance available is key to enhancing Ukraine’s overall economic and financial resilience.Ukraine is an economy at war, with immense costs just to keep running daily due to Russia’s protracted war of aggression. By providing this exceptional macro-financial assistance, the EU again demonstrates its commitment to supporting Ukraine and provides a commendable example of standing with people defending EU values at war.
Statute and funding of European political parties and European political foundations (A9-0223/2022 - Rainer Wieland, Charles Goerens)

I have abstained from the voting on the revision of the regulation on the statute and funding of the European political parties and European political foundations.Although the revised regulation contains important elements to make our democracy more alive, it does not provide sufficient measures to mitigate the risk of foreign interference in European democracy. This proposal contradicts the recommendations formulated in the INGE 1 report and neglects the concerns of the European Court of Auditors pointing out the risk of interference.The regulation introduces the possibility of funding (association fees) from a third country that belongs to the Council of Europe and has full rights of representation therein. The EU is putting itself in a position of dependence on the decisions of the Council of Europe. While Russia is no longer a full member of the Council of Europe, funding coming from states such as Azerbaijan and Turkey is possible according to the revised regulation, even though these countries are reported to be interfering in the democratic processes of the EU.Finally, while INGE 1 report strongly recommend EU Member States to revise their electoral laws to prohibit foreign funding, this text sends the wrong signal at the EU level.
Discharge 2020: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (A9-0235/2022 - Tomáš Zdechovský)

It is very disappointing that the discharge was not granted for the European Border and Coast Guard Agency for the financial year 2020 due to the majority formed by the left and Renew. This is especially worrying at the times when we need Frontex to function at its best. The rejected report focused on the progress in the fulfilment of conditions from the 2019 discharge, the appointment by the Management Board of an executive director ad interim at 1 July 2022 and the positive change it implied for both the culture and the implementation of the Agency’s mandate as well as an extensive analysis of the results of the OLAF Report on allegations related to serious misconduct and non-compliance to procedures.
The accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen area (B9-0462/2022, B9-0463/2022)

Bulgaria and Romania joined EU already in 2007. Both Member States successfully accomplished the Schengen evaluation process pursuant to their Accessions act. While the European Commission and European Parliament have acknowledged this, no Council Decision on Bulgaria and Romania’s accession to the Schengen area and the lifting of controls at their internal borders has been taken up. The decision has been kept blocked in Council for a decade due to the implicit veto of some Member States.The functioning Schengen area is one of the biggest achievements of the EU and accession to that should be merits based, taking into account objective criteria. All EU Member States - big or small, from Eastern or Western part of Europe-should have equal criteria and fair treatment.Therefore, I voted in favour of this resolution, which recommends the two countries for admission into the free-travel area without delay. Maintaining internal border controls when two countries have long since fulfilled the necessary conditions is discriminatory and has a serious impact on the free movement of people and services.
Recognising the Russian Federation as a state sponsor of terrorism (RC-B9-0482/2022, B9-0482/2022, B9-0483/2022, B9-0485/2022, B9-0486/2022, B9-0487/2022)

I very much supported the JMR labelling Russia as a state that supports terrorism. In this document, Russia’s deliberate attacks on civilians and critical infrastructure are judged to be equivalent to acts of terror. Moreover, the text states that Russia is a state that uses the means of terrorism to pursue its aims. The resolution calls on the EU and its Member States to develop an EU legal framework for the designation of states as sponsors of terrorism and states which use means of terrorism, in grave violation of international humanitarian law. The EP also calls for Russia to be added to the list of states that support terrorism. The resolution also calls upon the EU and its Member States to take action to isolate Russia across international organisations, including the UN Security Council, and to close and ban Russian state-affiliated institutions. The document stresses the need to establish a special tribunal dealing with the crimes of aggression by Russia against Ukraine. The EP requests the EC to complete the legal framework, which would allow to confiscate the EU’s frozen Russian assets and use them for rebuilding Ukraine and paying compensations to the victims of Russian aggression.
Implementation of the common foreign and security policy - annual report 2022 (A9-0292/2022 - David McAllister)

The annual European Parliament report on the implementation of the common foreign and security policy reflects on an international environment of a geopolitical redefinition. The EU’s united and sustained response to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and its ability to learn and address previous geostrategic mistakes is a real test to the effectiveness of the EU’s foreign, security and defence policy. It is argued that the concept of strategic autonomy needs to be put into practice and that the EU should strengthen bilateral and multilateral partnerships and cooperate with partners to defend the rules-based international order. To strengthen the EU’s institutional and decision-making arrangements in foreign and security policy, it proposes to turn to qualified majority voting progressively with the exception of creating military missions or operations with an executive mandate. Priority areas such as the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime (EU Magnitsky Act) but also introducing sanctions regimes could be operationalised within a year. For the European Parliament, it is important to enhance parliamentary diplomacy as one of the EU’s foreign policy tools with a proven added value. I am in favour of this report.
Implementation of the common security and defence policy - annual report 2022 (A9-0296/2022 - Tom Vandenkendelaere)

Through the Annual report on the implementation of the common security and defence policy, the EP highlights the dramatic deterioration in European security caused by Russia’s unjustified, unprovoked and illegal military aggression against Ukraine. It strongly welcomes the Member States’ continuation of important military support to reinforce Ukraine’s defence capacities and calls to overcome the political bottlenecks for the delivery of military equipment to support the launch of a scaled-up counter-offensive. This report underlines NATO’s 2% goal and welcomes the swift ratification of the Finnish and Swedish NATO accession protocols by most of the allies. The EP calls for a swift revision of the MFF in order to provide the necessary funds for EU instruments in the area of defence and welcomes the EU’s ambition to strengthen its military and civilian capabilities. For these and other reasons, I support this report.
Amending the decision of 10 March 2022 on setting up a special committee on foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation (ING2), and adjusting its title and responsibilities (B9-0119/2023)

The ING2 Committee where I serve as the rapporteur has acquired enormous expertise on different forms and techniques of foreign interference. Together with the colleagues we have heard almost 200 experts on different topics and already published the first report in March 2022. In December 2022, Belgium authorities had to arrest and put charges against several Members and former Members of the European Parliament in relation to alleged corruption cases, involving foreign countries. Therefore, the ING2 Committee has received the task to evaluate those events on the basis of its expertise and to prepare the recommendations how to strengthen resilience of the European Parliament and another institutions against foreign interference in the form of corruption and other illegal influence operations initiated by third countries. The committee will present its findings and recommendations in July 2023 to be implemented without delay. I strongly condemn any forms of corruption and malicious foreign influence and call for further measures to fight against those illicit practices at all levels.
The further repressions against the people of Belarus, in particular the cases of Andrzej Poczobut and Ales Bialiatski (B9-0163/2023, RC-B9-0164/2023, B9-0164/2023, B9-0165/2023, B9-0166/2023, B9-0167/2023, B9-0168/2023)

There must be no ambiguity, no grey zone – Lukashenka is not a helpless bystander; he is a co-aggressor in Putin’s brutal, unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine. In Belarus, what began as dismantling of democracy and violent repression at home has now turned into an attack on a sovereign, democratic neighbour. The Lukashenka regime is an accomplice in state sponsorship of terrorism and an accomplice of a state which uses the means of terrorism. We must ensure that Lukashenka alongside Putin is held accountable at the appropriate international tribunal for the crime of aggression. It is time to expand EU sanctions against those responsible for the systematic repression in Belarus. The financial and economic sanctions targeting Russia must also target Belarus. The political and diplomatic isolation of Russia must also extend to Belarus. We must close remaining loopholes exploited by the regime.
The functioning of the EEAS and a stronger EU in the world (A9-0045/2023 - Urmas Paet)

Europe must be capable of speaking the language of power. We must sustain our strategic European unity and build on the strong response to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. This moment of radical geostrategic awakening must be turned into a more long-term increase of the EU’s influence in the world, including through strengthening the EU’s security and defence capabilities.The EP recommends improving the coordination and integration of EU foreign policy and the external dimension of EU internal policies. It is also important to provide the EEAS with the resources and structures it needs to be fit for purpose. The decision-making processes in foreign policy need to be swifter to respond to different challenges and crises. As the time seems ripe for reforming EU decision-making, the EP recommends increasing the full and more effective use of QMV for certain foreign policy areas, such as human rights and the protection of international law, and for the imposition of sanctions.I supported this report because we need a strong external action policy that is capable of defending our values and our democracies with a united and strong voice and is supported by a state-of-the-art European diplomatic service.
Challenges facing the Republic of Moldova (B9-0197/2023, RC-B9-0198/2023, B9-0198/2023, B9-0199/2023, B9-0200/2023, B9-0203/2023, B9-0204/2023)

Lai mēs varētu droši dzīvot ES robežās, ir svarīgi, lai mūs tiešā tuvumā ieskauj valstis, kas ir drošas un stabilas. Moldova ir ES un Ukrainas kaimiņvalsts. Tāpēc proeiropeiska Moldova ir laba tās pilsoņiem un ir svarīga arī ES un Ukrainai. Mēs zinām, ka Moldovas pilsoņi un pašreizējās varas iestādes vēlas Eiropas integrāciju. Pēdējos mēnešos Moldova arvien vairāk ir kļuvusi par Krievijas ietekmes mērķi. Ekonomiskā situācija ir saspringta, un drošības politikas vide ir trausla. Neskatoties uz šiem nelabvēlīgajiem apstākļiem, prezidentes Maijas Sandu valdībai ir izdevies virzīt uz priekšu vērienīgu reformu programmu. 2022. gada jūnijā piešķirtais kandidātvalsts statuss ir mūsu solījums Moldovas ilgtermiņa Eiropas perspektīvai.Lai palīdzētu Moldovai pret Kremļa hibrīdo agresiju, mums ir jāizmanto mūsu spēcīgākie ģeopolitiskie ieroči: jāsāk dalības sarunas šogad un jāīsteno vērienīga integrācija.
EU/Euratom/Ukraine Association Agreement: temporary trade liberalisation supplementing trade concessions applicable to Ukrainian products (A9-0165/2023 - Sandra Kalniete)

Ukraine is an economy at war – production and chains of distribution are fragile and exposed to problems due to the war. The ongoing ATM measures we adopted last year, allowing temporary suspension of customs duties on several products from Ukraine, proved effective. These ATM measures are expiring on 6 June this year.I strongly support renewing the trade-liberalisation measures that currently help ensure Ukrainian continuity and stability of trade amidst brutal war caused by Russia. These measures are pivotal to strengthening Ukraine’s resilience in the present and with an eye toward the future as we work to advance Ukraine’s gradual integration into the EU internal market. Our solidarity with Ukraine is consistent, transparent, and rock-solid, which has been further reinforced by Ukraine’s EU candidate status. Ukraine’s future is in the European Union.
Critical technologies for security and defence (A9-0120/2023 - Riho Terras)

The EU needs to step up common efforts on the research and innovation capacities of the European industrial defence technologies sector, especially in the light of Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine. It can be done by following an EU—wide strategic and coordinated approach and ensuring adequate funding schemes.Reducing the EU’s strategic dependencies in critical technologies and value chains for security and defence is of great importance. The EP large majority supports an increase in common European defence effort, especially in the area of new defence technologies.
Artificial Intelligence Act (A9-0188/2023 - Brando Benifei, Dragoş Tudorache)

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) tools presents immense challenges in many fields, including the area of malign information manipulation. If so far we still are able to identify what is fake, AI will make creating disinformation at scale much easier and cheaper, and much more difficult to recognise.Although this AI Act will not solve all the problems, it is a significant step forward in our efforts to tackle foreign disinformation campaigns. For example, cognitive behavioural manipulation of people or specific vulnerable groups is recognised as an unacceptable risk and should be prohibited, while generative AI would have to comply with transparency requirements, thus making it easier to detect the falsifications.This will be the world’s first comprehensive AI law and it could be an important tool to shape the understanding and approaches to AI risk management in line with the EU’s values. Therefore, I fully support this regulation and the speedy co-legislation process.
Recommendations for reform of the European Parliament’s rules on transparency, integrity, accountability and anti-corruption (A9-0215/2023 - Vladimír Bilčík, Nathalie Loiseau)

The transparency, integrity, accountability and effective anti-corruption measures are essential to have the citizens’ trust in the work of institutions, particularly directly elected ones. This report focuses on concrete recommendations to tackle illegal foreign interference, following the recent alleged corruption cases in the European Parliament or so called Qatar-gate. I believe that the steps to tackle corruption should be realistic, legitimate yet agile and the core element should be transparency.I did not support amendments calling for the creation of a political supervisory body with unlimited powers or limiting contacts with the citizens since such measures would rather breach the division of the powers and Parliament’s mandate. However, I voted in favour of the report as whole since it comprises many meaningful recommendations, such as appropriate security clearance for the EP officials and staff, mandatory transparency rules for trips by Members of the European Parliament paid for by foreign countries and entities and more transparency about the paid work done by MEPs.Furthermore, the comprehensive financial screening of all interest groups, NGOs and consultancies before they are listed in the Transparency Register, and for a review of all interest representatives currently registered is needed.
European Defence Industry Reinforcement through common Procurement Act (EDIRPA) (A9-0161/2023 - Michael Gahler, Zdzisław Krasnodębski)

Es atbalstīju regulas par ES valstu kopīgu ieroču iepirkumu apstiprināšanu EP, lai aizpildītu ES patukšotos munīcijas krājumus, stimulētu vietējo militāro industriju un spētu labāk palīdzēt Ukrainai vai Moldovai. Jaunie noteikumi paredz, ka vismaz trim dalībvalstīm jāveic aizsardzības iepirkumi kopā un jāpērk vairāk Eiropas ražojumu — tām jābūt vismaz 2/3 no iepirkuma, lai veicinātu arī Eiropas militārās industrijas attīstību. Šobrīd tikai 18 % no visiem aizsardzības iepirkumiem ES valstis veic kopā ar kādu citu valsti. ES finansiālais ieguldījums katrā kopīgajā iepirkumā būs ierobežots līdz 15–20 % no katra konsorcija iepirkuma līguma paredzamās vērtības. Šis atbalsts kopējiem militārajiem iepirkumiem kopā ar programmu, kas atbalsta munīcijas ražošanu, veicinās Eiropas aizsardzības spējas un atbalstu Ukrainai. Mums ir jāstiprina mūsu ražošana ilgtermiņā, jo ir izaicinājumi — šobrīd no Krievijas —, un vajadzīgas desmitgades, lai to attīstītu un veidotu veselīgu konkurenci mūsu transatlantiskajiem partneriem, lai ES būtu pievilcīgs partneris. Regula paredz 300 miljonus EUR līdz 2025. gada beigām ES aizsardzības spēju uzlabošanai. Cerams, ka šis ir sākumpunkts daudz vērienīgākai kopējai aizsardzības programmai.
Draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2024 - all sections

I supported the EP budgetary amendments for the financial year 2024. Those amendments restore all appropriations cut by the Council and increase key priorities for the EP.One of the priorities for the upcoming years, including 2024, is scaling up EU resilience against hybrid warfare and foreign information manipulation. The Russia’s illegal and brutal war against Ukraine has demonstrated the need for the EU to more actively engage in strategic communication and counter disinformation in its neighbourhood and beyond. Hence, the capacity of European External Action Service strategic communication should be increased.Therefore, together with my colleagues, I have submitted the proposal for the financial year 2024 to increase the EEAS staff by three relevant posts. They would cover the effects of the war and resulting needs in the different regions of the world, as well increasing structural tasks such as data management, outreach to international partners and projects. With today`s vote the EP has supported this proposal.
Security and defence implications of China's influence on critical infrastructure in the European Union (A9-0401/2023 - Klemen Grošelj)

Eiropas drošību neveido tikai militārā dimensija, arī nekritiska sadarbība un investīcijas no autoritārām valstīm ietver nozīmīgus riskus valstu ekonomiskajai drošībai un suverenitātei. Tāpēc esmu gandarīta, ka šajā ziņojumā pirmo reizi visaptveroši tiek analizēti aizvien jūtamākie Ķīnas centieni palielināt gan ekonomisko, gan politisko ietekmi Eiropā, ar to saistītie riski un iezīmēti risinājumi. Vērtējot sadarbību ar Ķīnu, ir jāņem vērā šīs autoritārās valsts militārās un civilās sintēzes stratēģija – Ķīnas uzņēmējiem ir jāsaskaņo sava darbība ar Ķīnas Komunistiskās partijas interesēm un jāsniedz partijas pārstāvjiem komercinformācija, tajā skaitā par ārvalstu sadarbības partneriem, lai to varētu izmantot partijas mērķiem iegūt militāro, ekonomisko un politisko dominanci. Tāpēc Eiropas Komisijai un dalībvalstīm ir jāstrādā pie mūsu ekonomiskās drošības stratēģijas, novēršot nozīmīgu Eiropas uzņēmumu un aktīvu nonākšanu nedraudzīgu un autoritāru valstu kontrolē, stiprinot piegāžu ķēžu diversifikāciju un noturību, kā arī novēršot stratēģisko atkarību veidošanos un Ķīnas ražotāju, piemēram, Huawei, Nuctech, u.c. iekārtu izmantošanu vitāli svarīgās un jutīgās nozarēs, kurās var tikt apdraudēta datu konfidencialitāte. Tāpēc pilnībā atbalstu ziņojumu. Tomēr ekonomiskās drošības stiprināšana būs efektīva tikai tad, ja vienlaikus tiks ieviesti pasākumi arī cīņai pret Ķīnas īstenotajām dezinformācijas kampaņām un citiem ļaunprātīgiem ietekmes iegūšanas mēģinājumiem, piem., t.s. elišu sagrābšanu, un stiprināta visas sabiedrības izpratne par šiem riskiem.
European historical consciousness (A9-0402/2023 - Sabine Verheyen)

Laikā, kad Eiropā plosās karš, kuru agresorvalsts Krievija mēģina attaisnot izmantojot vēstures falsifikāciju, ir īpaši svarīgi objektīvi izvērtēt pagātnes notikumus un paust skaidru nosodījumu totalitārisma noziegumiem, to skaitā komunistu pastrādātajām zvērībām. Tāpēc es atbalstu šo ziņojumu. Ir gandarījums, ka Eiropas Parlamenta vairākums beidzot skaidri pauž nosodījumu komunisma totalitāro režīmu noziegumiem, līdztekus nacismam un fašismam. Lai arī kopumā ziņojums ir vērtējams pozitīvi, ir nepieciešams vairāk akcentēt pašreizējo Eiropas drošības situāciju un Krievijas īstenoto informatīvo karu, tajā skaitā vēstures sagrozīšanu. Ziņojums iezīmē virzienus, kā stiprināt faktos balstītu vēstures apzināšanos, – pilnveidot vēstures mācīšanu skolās, gan sagatavojot materiālus skolotājiem, gan veicinot skolotāju dalību ES apmaiņas programmās, izmantot muzeju un memoriālu potenciālu, nodrošināt atbilstošu finansējumu Eiropas vēstures mājai. Tomēr uzskatu, ka Eiropas Parlamentam ir jāpauž skaidrs atbalsts arī memoriāla izveidei totalitāro režīmu, to skaitā komunisma, upuru piemiņai un jāuzņemas iniciatīva šī memoriāla izveidē.
Protection of journalists and human rights defenders from manifestly unfounded or abusive court proceedings (A9-0223/2023 - Tiemo Wölken)

Balsoju par šo direktīvu, jo tā aizsargās pret tā sauktajām stratēģiskajām tiesvedībām, kuru mērķis ir iebiedēt vai apklusināt un sodīt par uz sabiedrības labumu vērstām darbībām.Direktīvas prioritāte ir aizsargāt žurnālistus, aktīvistus vai akadēmisko aprindu pārstāvjus, kuri strādā ar pamattiesībām, apsūdzībām korupcijā vai dezinformāciju. Jaunā likumdošana paredz virkni konkrētu soļu: iespēju tiesnešiem redzami nepamatotas prasības izbeigt jau visagrīnākajā stadijā; tiesas varēs prasīt, lai prasītājs sniedz finansiālu nodrošinājumu par paredzamajām tiesvedības izmaksām, un piemērot preventīvus sodus, piemēram, kompensāciju par kaitējumu. Arī trešo valstu ļaunprātīgās tiesvedības lēmumi nedrīkst tikt izmantoti pret ES pilsoņiem un organizācijām. Laikā, kad pret daudzām ES valstīm tiek īstenots hibrīdkarš, šādu noteikumu pieņemšana mūsu žurnālistu aizsardzībai ir īpaši svarīga.
Transparency and targeting of political advertising (A9-0009/2023 - Sandro Gozi)

Ar savu balsojumu atbalstīju šo likumprojektu galīgajā lasījumā. Apmaksātai politiskajai reklāmai visos medijos visā Eiropas Savienībā ir jābūt skaidri apzīmētai.Turpmāk būs jānorāda, kas reklāmu ir mērķējis uz konkrēto auditoriju un sponsorējis, cik daudz tā ir maksājusi un uz kādām vēlēšanām/referendumu tā attiecas. Tāpat ir apsveicami, ka trīs mēnešus pirms vēlēšanām visā ES būs aizliegts vēlēšanu reklāmas apmaksāt no trešajām valstīm un būs jāsaņem atsevišķa un skaidra piekrišana, lai izmantotu personas datus mērķtiecīgām reklāmām. Īpašu kategoriju personas datus (piemēram, etniskā izcelsme, reliģija, seksuālā orientācija) vai nepilngadīgo datus izmantot būs aizliegts. Diemžēl regulējums nestāsies spēkā jau uz šīm Eiropas Parlamenta vēlēšanām, tomēr tas ir būtisks solis, lai cita starpā stiprinātu arī noturību pret ārvalstu iejaukšanos mūsu demokrātiskajos procesos.