4 Amendments of Gabriel MATO related to 2017/2124(INI)

Amendment 70 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Underlines the federal nature of the ECB, which rules out national vetoes, which has enablinged it to act decisively in addressing the crisis;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 225 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Notes that according to the ECB, economic recovery in the Eurozone has relied on the fall in oil prices and the ECB’s monetary policy, which will add a cumulative 1.7 % to growth in the period 2016-2019, with no sizable positive contribution from fiscal policy so far; stresses that that the economic recovery of some Member States has come as a result of structural reforms;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 238 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
14. Considers that monetary policy alone is not sufficient to achieve a sustainable and more even and inclusive economic recovery, and that structural reforms, as well as public and private investments should therefore be encouraged in the context of a moderately positive fiscal stance in the Eurozone as proposed by the Commission;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 258 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Points out that while unemployment has decreased, aggregate demand in the euro area remains subdued, largely as a result of the rise in poor quality, temporary, low-paid jobs; calls on the ECB to evaluate how this phenomenon is slowing the recovery and explore ways to stimulate demand in spite of wage stagnation;
Committee: ECON