Activities of Franz OBERMAYR related to 2011/2052(INI)

Plenary speeches (1)

European platform against poverty and social exclusion (debate)
Dossiers: 2011/2052(INI)

Amendments (11)

Amendment 36 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
B. whereas poverty and social exclusion increased between 2000 and 2008 despite the undertakings given by the Union; whereas it is impossible to reduce poverty and social exclusion, or to boost inclusive growth, without combating inequality and discriminationif countries’ economies do not develop and there is no solidarity with the weakest members of society so that national wealth is not shared fairly,
Committee: EMPL
Amendment BB #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
B. whereas poverty and social exclusion increased and involved new social categories between 2000 and 2008 despite the undertakings given by the Union such as the target, set at the Lisbon summit of 23/24 March 2000, of eradicating poverty in the EU by 2010 or the progress which the Nice European Council of 7 to 9 December 2000 agreed should be made; whereas it is impossible to reduce poverty and social exclusion, or to boost inclusive growth, without combating inequality and discrimination, or if countries’ economies do not develop and there is no solidarity with the weakest members of society so that national wealth is not shared fairly,
Committee: EMPL
Amendment C #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Calls for regular, critical monitoring ofthe establishment of a regular, critical evaluation mechanism, involving the European Parliament, the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee, based on precise indicators at national and European level, by which the multiple dimensions of poverty can be evaluated and the Member States’ progress, by gender and age, towards achieving the poverty reduction target, and towards breaking this target down into sub-targets, can be measured, in view of the fact that the lack of a precise definition of poverty leaves too much leeway for the Member States, to break this target down into sub-targets; hus risking aberrant interpretations; calls on the Commission to improve national and European indicators relating to the comparability of national statistics on the poverty of vulnerable people and to promote, with Eurostat, the production of more precise statistics within a comprehensive scoreboard on poverty and social exclusion by means of which it will be possible to track the number of people below the 50% and 40% levels of median income and on this basis to conduct an annual evaluation of the situations of poverty in the EU, the statistical approach of which should be supplemented by a qualitative and participatory approach; calls on the Commission to ensure the policies implemented are beneficial to all and not just to those close to the poverty threshold;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment Q #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
12. Calls on the Member States to submit national reform programmes consistent with the aim of the Platform, and calls on the Commission to refrain from restricting the Member States’ capacity for investment and social spending in the context of economic governance, bearing in mind that poverty reduction requires smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as indicated in the Europe 2020 strategy; with the Union's objectives of social and sustainable development, and, supporting the Commission’s recognition that poverty ‘is unacceptable in 21st Century Europe’, calls on them to refrain from calling into question wage indexation systems and collective labour agreements or restricting, in an unreasonable and unjustified way, their capacity for investment and social spending in the context of economic governance, whilst ensuring the sustainability of public finances and the creation of well-paid work, bearing in mind that poverty reduction is an essential corollary of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as indicated in the Europe 2020 strategy; calls for clarification of the status of national action plans for social inclusion and, in particular, the question of their integration into national reform programmes under the EU 2020 strategy; calls on the Commission to develop country-specific Recommendations to meet the poverty reduction target, especially in case of failure, bearing in mind that poverty reduction requires us to step up our efforts and mobilise all parties and all our resources to significantly reduce poverty and extreme poverty in the medium term and to greatly reduce or eradicate poverty by 2020 at the latest; proposes that the Commission draw up guidelines for the Member States at European level to ensure that local authorities and other stakeholders participate effectively in the drafting of national reform programmes; notes that ‘territorial pacts’ potentially offer the most comprehensive and consistent means of involving local authorities in this process, as proposed in the Fifth Cohesion Report; considers that there would be no hope of achieving the Europe 2020 strategy aim of reducing by 20 million the number of people at risk of poverty if austerity measures which are a step backwards in terms of employment and social protection were adopted by the Member States;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment W #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
18. Wishes the Commission to initiate a framework directive on minimum incomelaunch, in full compliance with the principle of subsidiarity, a consultation on the possibility of a legislative initiative on a sensible minimum income that will allow economic development, designed to prevent poverty and serve as a basis for people to live in dignity, play their full part in society and make headway with finding employment or identifying training opportunities and playing an automatic stabilising role for the economy, with due regard for differing practices, collective labour agreements and legislation in the various Member States, the definition of a minimum income being the prerogative of the Member State; wishes the Commission to help Member States share best practice on minimum income levels and encourages Member States to develop minimum income schemes based on an average of 60% of the median income in each Member State;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment Y #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Maintains that elderly care facilitiesprogrammes, including home care, must be developed and reviewed in all the Member States so as to prevent elderly people falling into exclusion or poverty and that financial support should also be provided if possible for families caring for the elderly, in line with achieving the sustainable society and with particular regard to active ageing and improving support for solidarity between generations and encouraging accessibility and solidarity and improving the quality of long-term care; calls on the Commission to assess whether a directive on carer’s leave could help achieve this;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 124 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital N
N. whereas migrantlarge families are being hit hard by the economic crisis,
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 161 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Calls for regular, critical monitoringevaluation of the Member States’ progress towards achieving the poverty reduction target, and for the Member States to break this target down into sub-targets;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 288 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
12. Calls on the Member States to submit national reform programmejects consistent with the aim of the Platform, and calls on the Commission to refrain from restricting the Member States’ capacity for investment and social spending in the context of economic governance, bearing in mind that poverty reduction requires smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as indicated in the Europe 2020 strategy;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 373 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
18. Wishes the Commission to initiate a framework directive on a sensible minimum income, that will allow economic development, designed to prevent poverty and serve as a basis for people to live in dignity and make headway with finding employment or identifying training opportunities, with due regard for differing practices, collective labour agreements and legislation in the various Member States;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 384 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Maintains that elderly care facilities must be developed in all the Member States, and that financial support should also be provided if possible for families caring for the elderly, so as to prevent elderly people falling into exclusion or poverty;
Committee: EMPL