Activities of Evelyn REGNER related to 2016/2005(ACI)

Legal basis opinions (0)

Amendments (3)

Amendment 23 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Underlines the importance of the provisions of the new IIA on better law- making tools (impact assessments, public and stakeholder consultations, evaluations, etc.) for a well-informed, inclusive and transparent decision-making process and for the correct application of legislation, whilst safeguarding the prerogatives of the legislators; welcomes the aim of improving the implementation and application of Union legislation, inter alia through better identification of national measures that bear no relation to the Union legislation that is to be transposed ("gold-plating"); believes that impact assessments must be comprehensive, that there must be a balanced evaluation of economic, social, health and environmental consequences, in particular, and that the impact on the fundamental rights of citizens and on equality between women and men must be assessed;
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 35 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Takes note of the letter of 15 December 2015 from the First Vice -President of the Commission on the functioning of the new Regulatory Scrutiny Board, which is to oversee the quality of the Commission's impact assessments; points out that the legislators may also carry out their own impact assessments where they consider this necessary; points out that possible impact assessments by the Commission relating to significant amendments by the co-legislators must not replace the political decision-making process; considers, moreover, that they should be carried out in due respect of the balance of powers between the institutions during the ordinary legislative procedure; underlines that, furthermore, the new IIA provides for exchanges of information between the institutions on best practice and methodologies relating to impact assessments, thus providing an opportunity to review the functioning of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board in due time; insists that the Regulatory Scrutiny Board has an exclusively advisory role and must not issue binding opinions; observes that greater attention should also be paid to the horizontal dimension, particularly with regard to the horizontal clause (Article 9 TFEU);
Committee: AFCO
Amendment 40 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Underlines the importancTakes note of the agreed "Annual Burden Survey" as a tool to help avoid overregulation and reduce administrative burdens; points out that the feasibility and desirability of establishing objectives for the reduction of burdens in specific sectors must bwelcomes the fact that the three institutions have agreed that impact assessments should equitably address the social, environmental and health impacts of proposals in the short and long term; underlines that the Commission should prioritise the devaluated on a case-by-case basis in close cooperation between the institutions; welcomes in this respect the fact that the three institutions have agreed that impact assessments should also address the impact of proposals on administrative burdens, particularly as regards small and medium-sized enterpriseelopment of certain measures and should focus on the quality of legislation and better enforcement of existing legislation rather than on the number of legislative acts; underlines in this regard that costs should not be the decisive factor but that quality of legislation is the only appropriate benchmark and that the REFIT programme must not be used to undermine sustainability or any social, labour, environmental or consumer standards;
Committee: AFCO