4 Amendments of Frédéric DAERDEN related to 2011/0177(APP)

Amendment 84 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21
21. Considers that EU cohesion policy is a strategic tool for investment, growth and competitiveness, with an undisputed EU added value; insists that, in order to effectively reduce macroeconomic imbalances within the EU and contribute to economic, social and territorial cohesion, it should be able to rely on a stable, solid and sustainable financial framework; reaffirms its position that cohesion policy funding should be maintained at least at the level of the 2007-2013 period and that the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund should keep on behing accessible to all regions of the Union;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 105 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23
23. Recognises the serious challenges that young people in the EU face with the economic crisis; considers that employment, education, training, mobility and the social inclusion of young Europeans are issues of strategic importance for the development of the EU and European society; insists on mainstreaming and prioritising these issues in all relevant policies financed from the EU budget, alongside the concrete youth- related instruments proposed by the Commission.Calls, therefore, for the creation of a ‘Youth Initiative Axis’ within the EU Programme for Social Change and Innovation, with its own funding to support specific innovative programmes as well as the exchange of best practice and mutual learing in order to fight youth unemployment, including the possibility of introducing a legally enforceable youth guarantee to ensure that every young person in Europe is offered a job, further education or work- focused training at the latest four months after leaving education or after becoming unemployed;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 107 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23 a (new)
23a. Stresses that a programme for the most deprived persons, including emphasis on food poverty, should improve the situation of poor people in Europe; reminds the Commission of its commitment to submit, in good time, a legislative proposal in this regard in order to ensure continuity of the support for such a programme after 2014 on a new legal basis and with independent funding (over and above the 20 % of the ESF set aside for promoting social inclusion and combating poverty), with emphasis on facilitating organisations supporting the most needy and addressing the structural problem of food poverty, for instance supporting public authorities initiatives to reduce food waste;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 172 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 50 a (new)
50a. Points to the essential role played by the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) in combating the harmful effects of globalisation, industrial restructuring and unexpected crisis; recognises its added value as a crisis intervention instrument to help workers having lost their jobs to re-enter the labour market; stresses that the EGF must be continued and upgraded after 2014 as an instrument available, on equal terms, to all categories of workers; stresses the need to encourage the Member States to use the EGF to deliver on the EU 2020 targets, to manage restructuring and to promote new skills, including in connection with new, sustainable, high-quality jobs; stresses as well the need for a simplified and accelerated procedure regarding the payment of grants;
Committee: BUDG