4 Amendments of Michel DANTIN related to 2011/2175(INI)

Amendment 3 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
Does not affect English version
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F
F. whereas reducing food waste is a significant and indeed a preliminary step towardsin combating and reducing hunger in the world, confrrespontding to the increase in demand predicted by the FAO and improving people's nutritional levels,
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 30 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Is concerned about the fact that a considerable amount of food, despite being perfectly edible, is being discarded on a daily basis with disturbing consequences from the food, environmental, social and economic points of view; therefore invites the Commission to analyse the causes and effects of the disposal, wastage and landfilling annually in Europe of approximately 50%wastage annually in Europe of a substantial proportion of the food produced, to include a detailed analysis of the waste as well as an assessment of the economic, environmental, nutritional and social impacts; furthermore invites the Commission to take practical measures towards halving food waste by 2025 and at the same time preventing the generation of bio-waste;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 79 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Invites the Commission to assess and encourage measures to reduce food waste upstream, such as dual-date labelling (‘sell by' and ‘use by') and discounted sales of out-of-date or damaged goods, as well as to develop packaging which does not encourage excessive consumption and reduce packaging so as to achieve eco- friendly products by means of industrial eco-design;
Committee: AGRI