3. Deplores that Eurojust was faced 3. with a significant budget decrease from EUR 48 to 38 million (-21%) and a reduction in staff from 242 to 238 (-1.6%) despite a 19% increase in the workload compared to 2017; reminds that both ongoing cases from previous years as well as new cases have been on a constantly growing curve during the past years, a tendency that is expected to continue; reminds that the workload is expected to increase further with the new mandate which will enter into force at the end of 2019 and that some cases concerning complex investigations can last several years; further reminds that the number of coordination centres held in 2018 was 17, just as in 2017, demonstrating the popularity of this operational tool and its utility; stresses that the budget of EurojusEurojust plays an essential role in the Union security chain and that its budget should match its tasks and priorities in order to enable it to fulfil its mandate; is extremely concerned by the severe cuts in financing proposed by the Commission in the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework; calls on Parliament’s competent committees to invite the Administrative Director of Eurojust to present the forecasted long- term funding needs of Eurojust, including thehow much of the foreseen future tasks can be covered through efficiency gains expected and, the operational gaps which would result from insufficient funding and their foreseen impact on the fight against cross-border crime;