Progress: Procedure completed
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RoP 136-p5Events
The European Parliament adopted by 473 votes to 66, with 14 abstentions, a resolution on debt relief for developing countries.
The text adopted in plenary was tabled as a joint resolution by the EPP-ED, PES, ALDE and the UEN groups.
Recalling that the majority of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) are located in sub-Saharan Africa, and that Africa’s debt burden is estimated at about USD 230 billion, the resolution c alls on the Commission and the Member States to take the lead, in multilateral and bilateral fora, in phasing out the external debt of developing countries. It also asks that they actively pursue the objective of giving 0.7% of GDP as Overseas Development Assistance in order to attain the Millennium Development Goals.
It also stresses that there should be an agreement to phase out the debt of the developing world, giving least developed countries (LDCs) priority and that debt relief should prioritise LDCs and only be undertaken on the condition that money gained by governments from such relief be channelled towards helping the poorest in their communities.
Parliament considers that the public-debt relief process should be speeded up and extended in countries whose governments respect human rights and the principles of good governance and give priority to poverty eradication. It also calls for additional debt relief focused on reconciliation and infrastructure rehabilitation for these countries, in order to reduce the likelihood of further conflicts.
Parliament considers that any additional funds obtained by governments through debt relief should be allocated to social projects by means of plans agreed with donors and civil society, so as to increase social expenditure in areas such as basic education, primary health care and HIV/AIDS.
Lastly, the Commission and the Member States are called upon to ensure – through effective coordination within the G8 group, the World Bank and the IMF – that no country genuinely committed to poverty reduction, good governance and economic reform is denied the chance to achieve the Millennium Development Goals through lack of finance.
The European Parliament adopted by 473 votes to 66, with 14 abstentions, a resolution on debt relief for developing countries.
The text adopted in plenary was tabled as a joint resolution by the EPP-ED, PES, ALDE and the UEN groups.
Recalling that the majority of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) are located in sub-Saharan Africa, and that Africa’s debt burden is estimated at about USD 230 billion, the resolution c alls on the Commission and the Member States to take the lead, in multilateral and bilateral fora, in phasing out the external debt of developing countries. It also asks that they actively pursue the objective of giving 0.7% of GDP as Overseas Development Assistance in order to attain the Millennium Development Goals.
It also stresses that there should be an agreement to phase out the debt of the developing world, giving least developed countries (LDCs) priority and that debt relief should prioritise LDCs and only be undertaken on the condition that money gained by governments from such relief be channelled towards helping the poorest in their communities.
Parliament considers that the public-debt relief process should be speeded up and extended in countries whose governments respect human rights and the principles of good governance and give priority to poverty eradication. It also calls for additional debt relief focused on reconciliation and infrastructure rehabilitation for these countries, in order to reduce the likelihood of further conflicts.
Parliament considers that any additional funds obtained by governments through debt relief should be allocated to social projects by means of plans agreed with donors and civil society, so as to increase social expenditure in areas such as basic education, primary health care and HIV/AIDS.
Lastly, the Commission and the Member States are called upon to ensure – through effective coordination within the G8 group, the World Bank and the IMF – that no country genuinely committed to poverty reduction, good governance and economic reform is denied the chance to achieve the Millennium Development Goals through lack of finance.
- Text adopted by Parliament, topical subjects: T6-0008/2005
- Text adopted by Parliament, topical subjects: OJ C 247 06.10.2005, p. 0097-0153 E
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament: T6-0008/2005
- Motion for a resolution: B6-0023/2005
- Motion for a resolution: B6-0027/2005
- Motion for a resolution: B6-0031/2005
- Joint motion for resolution: RC-B6-0023/2005
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Motion for a resolution: B6-0023/2005
- Motion for a resolution: B6-0027/2005
- Motion for a resolution: B6-0031/2005
- Joint motion for resolution: RC-B6-0023/2005
- Text adopted by Parliament, topical subjects: T6-0008/2005 OJ C 247 06.10.2005, p. 0097-0153 E
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
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Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 128-p5
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