2024/2823(RSP) Outcome of the Summit of the Future: transforming global governance for building peace, promoting human rights and achieving the sustainable development goals
Progress: Procedure completed
Legal Basis:
RoP 136-p2Subjects
EP - Debate in Parliament
EP - End of procedure in Parliament
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
2024-10-10Show (5) Changes | Timetravel
events |
forecasts |
procedure/stage_reached |
Awaiting plenary debate/voteNew
Procedure completed |
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation
procedure/title |
Outcome of the Summit of the Future: transforming global governance for building peace, promoting human rights and achieving the Sustainable development goalsNew
Outcome of the Summit of the Future: transforming global governance for building peace, promoting human rights and achieving the sustainable development goals |
2024-10-09Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
forecasts/0 |
forecasts/0 |
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation
procedure/title |
Outcome of the Summit of the Future: transforming global governance for building peace, promoting human rights and achieving the Sustainable development goalsNew
Outcome of the Summit of the Future: transforming global governance for building peace, promoting human rights and achieving the sustainable development goals |
2024-10-08Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
forecasts/0 |
forecasts/0 |
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation
procedure/title |
Outcome of the Summit of the Future: transforming global governance for building peace, promoting human rights and achieving the Sustainable development goalsNew
Outcome of the Summit of the Future: transforming global governance for building peace, promoting human rights and achieving the sustainable development goals |
2024-10-07Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
forecasts/0 |
forecasts/0 |
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation
procedure/title |
Outcome of the Summit of the Future: transforming global governance for building peace, promoting human rights and achieving the Sustainable development goalsNew
Outcome of the Summit of the Future: transforming global governance for building peace, promoting human rights and achieving the sustainable development goals |
2024-10-06Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
forecasts/0 |
forecasts/0 |
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation
procedure/title |
Outcome of the Summit of the Future: transforming global governance for building peace, promoting human rights and achieving the Sustainable development goalsNew
Outcome of the Summit of the Future: transforming global governance for building peace, promoting human rights and achieving the sustainable development goals |
2024-10-05Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
forecasts/0 |
forecasts/0 |
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation
procedure/title |
Outcome of the Summit of the Future: transforming global governance for building peace, promoting human rights and achieving the Sustainable development goalsNew
Outcome of the Summit of the Future: transforming global governance for building peace, promoting human rights and achieving the sustainable development goals |
2024-10-04Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
forecasts/0 |
forecasts/0 |
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation
2024-10-03Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation
2024-10-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation
2024-10-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation
2024-09-30Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation
2024-09-29Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation
2024-09-28Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation
2024-09-27Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation
2024-09-26Show (1) Changes
procedure/subject/6.30 |
Development cooperation