4 Amendments of Martina MICHELS related to 2016/2101(INI)

Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Acknowledges the greater coherence of the new mainstreamed European Semester, which allows for more opportunities to engage and communicate with Member States and stakeholders at all levelsIs highly concerned about the increasing subordination of the EU cohesion policy under the new mainstreamed European Semester;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. RecognisesNotes with concern the strong links that cohesion policy has established with the wider economic governance framework by providing support for recovery efforts to stimulate compliance withincluding the European Semester rules; underlines, however, that the legitimacy of cohesion policy derives from the Treaties, and that this policy is the expression of European solidarity; is therefore of the opinion that the measures linking the effectiveness of ESI Funds with sound economic governance should becurrently in force should be reviewed, revised and until then applied judiciously, with caution and only as a last resort; recalls, moreover, that the application of such measures should always take into consideration the specific socio-economic circumstances of the Member State concerned, in order to avoid restricting regional and local investments;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Believes that ensuring the transparency and effectiveness of public expenditure is essential for creating a growth-friendly environment; welcomes the factn environment that encourages more and enhanced use of EU funding and that is beneficial to social and economic regional development; notes that several Member States have been able to address those CSRs in their operational programmes (OPs) by means ofthat targeted public investments or reforms undertaken in the context of those ex-ante conditionalities that help enhance participation and proper implementation of cohesion policy; appreciates the fact that the ESI Fund investments already contribute to the implementation of structural reforms and improve overall economic performance in Member Statimproving overall economic performance in regions and Member States in many cases while in some Member States and regions they remain a large or even the main source of public investment and at least help mitigating the impacts of unresolved crises;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 45 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Is of the opinion that the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) should provide dedicated and targeted support to Member States on a voluntary basis to assist them with the design and implementation of institutional, structural and administrative reforms avoiding austerity measures, only when such reforms cannot be addressed by other instruments or supported by other types of technical assistance; emphasises thatrejects the Commission’s proposal of the budgetary transfer from the technical assistance under cohesion policy to the SRSP ats the initiative of the Commission should not bis could create a precedent for any future proposals.
Committee: REGI