22 Amendments of Martina MICHELS related to 2021/2057(INI)

Amendment 2 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 4 a (new)
— having regard the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Committee: CULT
Amendment 38 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital A
A. whereas the negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have disproportionately affected those from racial, religious and ethnic minority communities, creating, highlighting and exacerbating inequalities including in culture, media, education and sport;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 45 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital A a (new)
Aa. whereas immigrants, refugees and political asylum seekers are subjected to racism and discriminatory behaviours
Committee: CULT
Amendment 55 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
B. whereas according to the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, racial discrimination and harassment remain commonplace throughout the European Union; whereas racial, religious and ethnic minorities are subjected to harassment, violence and hate speech, both online and offline; whereas racial, religious and ethnic minorities face structural discrimination in the EU in all areas, including housing, healthcare, employment and education;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 62 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C
C. whereas racist and xenophobic attitudes are embraced by certain opinion leaders and politicians across the EU, fomenting a social climate that provides fertile ground for racism, discrimination and hate crimes; whereas this environment is further fuelled by fascist, extreme right- wing and extremist movements which seek to divide our societies; whereas these acts run counter to the common European values which all the Member States have undertaken to uphold;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 68 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital D
D. whereas the fight against racism and discrimination in our societies needs to be stepped up and is a shared responsibility; whereas the European Union and Member States needs to further reflect on and commit to tackling the structural racism and discrimination faced by many minority groups;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 91 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital G a (new)
Ga. whereas immigrants, refugees, political asylum seekers and members of racial, religious and ethnic minorities have limited access to the labour market and are often the subject of labour exploitation;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 119 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Welcomes the publication and implementation of specific EU guidelines on the collection of equality data based on racial or ethnic origin; calls on the Member States to adapt national statistics and to remove barriers in order to facilitate the collection of quality data on equality; calls on the Commission and the Member States to use this data to develop policies to attain racial justice; calls for this data to be accessible by the public
Committee: CULT
Amendment 137 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Acknowledges that racism is inherentlyalso a matter of culture, heritage and norms; highlights, therefore, the role that culture can and must play in combating discrimination and racism, promoting social inclusion, diversity, equality and tolerance;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 149 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Calls for the Commission and the Member States to foster a more diverse cultural sector by removing barriers to participation in culture for racialised communities and individuals through funding from all the relevant programmes; encourages the creation of support networks and outreach activities, especially for those in rural and outermost regions;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 189 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
14. Calls for the history of all racial and ethnic communities living in Europe to be included in all history curricula in order to encourage a broader perspective on world history centred on the interactions between different continents before and after European colonisation; urges that history books emphasize on the contribution that immigrants have made for the development and shaping of today's Europe;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 204 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Deplores the practice of segregation in schools; calls on all Member States to introduce policies to prevent children from minority groups from being placed in separate schools or classes, whether intentionally or not; encourages the Member States to actively promote the integration of children from minority groups to schools and local societies, while respecting their cultural identity;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 214 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 a (new)
15a. Calls on the Commission and Member States to promote multilingualism as an important tool that brings people together
Committee: CULT
Amendment 215 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
16. Calls on the Member States to ensure that teaching staff from minority groups are recruited at all levels and are protected from racial discrimination in the school system; Calls on Member States for the systematic training of all teaching staff in promoting social inclusion, non- discrimination and tolerance
Committee: CULT
Amendment 232 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17 a (new)
17a. Urges Member States to put in place structures that will help migrants and people from racial and ethnic minorities to have equal access and opportunities to higher education
Committee: CULT
Amendment 239 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17 b (new)
17b. Calls on Member States to introduce lifelong learning programs for civil servants and especially for state security forces to eliminate racist and xenophobic behaviours
Committee: CULT
Amendment 241 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17 c (new)
17c. Calls on Member States to safeguard the secular character of public education with respect to the religious beliefs of all students
Committee: CULT
Amendment 263 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21
21. Notes that some Member States have audiovisual regulatory bodies with the power to issue sanctions following programmes that show discriminatory or racist content; encourages the Member States to empower their regulatory agencies in this sense; calls for the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services to be given a greater role in coordinating the national agencies and collecting and sharing data; Calls on the Commission and Member States to stop EU and state funding for media outlets that are found guilty by official bodies for promoting hate speech and xenophobia;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 268 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21 a (new)
21a. Condemns the racist rhetoric expressed by certain media, as well as the targeting of immigrants as the source of various economic and social problems, for example by the over-coverage of crimes committed by immigrants
Committee: CULT
Amendment 277 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23
23. Calls on the Commission to open a specific call for funding for grassroots sports initiatives focused on inclusion and the fight against racism; calls on the Commission, furthermore, to systematically monitor the number and type of sports projects whose main focus is the fight against racism, and the amount of funding allocated to them; calls on the Commission to promote the inclusion of migrants and people from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds in grassroots sport clubs;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 293 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24 a (new)
24a. Urges Member States and national sports bodies to have a zero tolerance policy for hate speech and racist behaviours in sport arenas and training facilities
Committee: CULT
Amendment 294 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25
25. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and, the Commission and the Member States.
Committee: CULT