7 Amendments of Georgios KYRTSOS related to 2019/2135(INI)

Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Considers, therefore, that European strategic autonomy is based, above all, on the ability of the Union to assess a crisis situation and take a decision autonomously, which necessarily entails an independent decision-making process, the availability of means of assessment and a freedom to analyse and take action; considers, also, that European strategic autonomy is based on the ability of the Union to act alone when its interests are at stake (theatres of operations not considered as priorities by its European partners) or within the framework of existing cooperation arrangements; considers, lastly, that European strategic autonomy is part of a multilateral framework which respects commitments within the UN and complementreinforces the (NATO) alliances and partnerships to which most Member States are signed up; stresses that strategic autonomy does not mean that the Union will systematically act alone, everywhere and always;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 211 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
20. Calls for the swifteffective implementation of the compact on civilian missions adopted in November 2018 by the Council and the Member States with a view to enhancing civilian CSDP resources in order to make the missions more flexible and more operational, a prerequisite for the effectiveness and efficiency of Union action on the ground;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 219 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21
21. Notes, however, that the effectiveness of CSDP missions and operations in general is being hampered by an increasing reluctance on the part ofchallenged by constraints that the Member States and the European institutions in their efforts to make such missions and operations more robust, both in terms of human resources and their mandates; notes that CSDP military operations increasingly tend to be based on armed forces training (EUTM), with no executive dimension;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 255 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 30
30. Notes the decision of 26 September 2019 to extend the EU maritime operation in the Mediterranean (EUNAVFORMED Sophia) by six months to 31 March 2020; deeply deplores the decision temporarily to suspend the naval presence; stresses the urgent need to reach agreement among the Member States and calls for the redeployment of naval assets and full implementation of the mandate;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 293 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 36
36. Expects the Union to make effective use of all existing CSDP policy instruments in the areas of diplomacy, cooperation, development, conflict management and peacekeeping; stresses that CSDP military and civilian instruments cannot, under any circumstances, be the only solution to security issues and that ancomprehensiveintegrated approach’ should always be adopted; considers that only the use of all these instruments on the basis of ancomprehensiveintegrated approach’ will provide the flexibility needed to effectively achieve the most ambitious security objectives;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 376 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 46
46. Stresses the still virtual nature of the European Defence Fund; points out that that this instrument has not yet been finally approved, with only partial and political agreement having been given in April 2019; stresses the importance of maintaining Parliament’s position concerning the amount of the EDF, the involvement of third countries and the establishment of an appropriate intellectual property policy in relation to security and defence in order to protect research results; draws attention, in that connection, to the highly sensitive and strategic nature of defence research, both for industrial competitiveness and for the strategic autonomy of the Union; calls for the initial lessons learned from the implementation of the EDIDP (in particular concerning the application of derogations for eligible entities), the pilot project and the preparatory action on defence research to be properly taken into account; calls on the Member States to be fully involved in the decision-making process in order to avoid bureaucratic excesses and to ensure that the programmes included address the strategic needs of the CSDP and the Member States; considers that the success of the EDF will depend on its ability to cater for the specific defence needs of the participating states and to guarantee the availability of sufficient budgetary resources, whilst ensuring that industrial know-how is not duplicated, national defence investment is not crowded out and cooperation does not become over-complicated; considers that developing the European defence industry by regulating access for entities controlled by non-EU third parties to projects financed by the Fund is fully consistent with the European ambition of strategic autonomy and does not contravene the security and defence interests of the EU and its Member States;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 431 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 54
54. Stresses that the ambition of European strategic autonomy is based on the ability of Europeans to take action to defend their interests, either independently or within an institutional cooperation framework (NATO, UN partners (UN, NATO);
Committee: AFET