9 Amendments of Emilian PAVEL related to 2016/2017(INI)

Amendment 235 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. StresseHighlights the need to addresseliminate inequalities in paid and unpaid work and to promote an, regards as care work for family, and to foster equal sharing of responsibilities and costs for child caren and care for dependants betweenamong women, men and society as a whole;
Committee: EMPLFEMM
Amendment 357 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18 a (new)
18a. Calls on the Member States to support fiscal policies as a powerful lever enhancing work-life balance and to foster employment of women, introducing a tax credit for child care and elderly care or other dependants based on fiscal incentives and benefits; (1) See the Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit model in the UK, in
Committee: EMPLFEMM
Amendment 401 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22
22. Supports ‘smart working’ but rejects a shift from a culture of presence to a culture of permanent availability; calls on the Member States and social partners, when developing smart working policies, to ensure these do not impose an additional burden on the worker;
Committee: EMPLFEMM
Amendment 406 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22 b (new)
22b. Calls on the Commission and Member States to guarantee social security, social protection and remuneration in the case of maternity parental, paternity or sick leave in order to enable a genuine work-life balance;
Committee: EMPLFEMM
Amendment 420 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24 a (new)
24a. Further calls on the Commission and Member States, social partners and stakeholders to focus on the innovative organization in the workplace and to balance both work-life needs of woman and men and business productivity/profitability; notes that the positive link between increasing women employment, work-life balance and business competitiveness, in terms of reducing absenteeism, output gap, turnover, talent attractiveness, loyalty, resources reallocation for developing welfare plans, increasing living standards and time freeing, has been widely proven by the best practices in Europe in a number of large enterprises or SMEs networks1a; 1a.Introducing lean production systems, “chosen and not obliged” time flexibility in the workplace, promoting the involvement and participation of male and female workers in innovating output and structure and supporting business welfare along with local welfare, should increase businesses' productivity and competitiveness in economic terms, as well as should reduce absenteeism rate, wastes, turnover and should improve talent attractiveness, male and female workers’ motivation and loyalty towards the company, increasing living standards and fostering a better work-life balance. More autonomy in time management enables, therefore, to meet differentiated care needs.
Committee: EMPLFEMM
Amendment 430 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25 a (new)
25a. Considers that child poverty is linked to parents' poverty, and therefore calls on the Member States to implement the Recommendation on Child Poverty and well-being1a and to use the indicator- based monitoring framework therein; 1a.Directive 2006/54/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 5 July 2006 on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation (recast), OJ L 204, 26.07.2006, p. 23.
Committee: EMPLFEMM
Amendment 431 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25 b (new)
25b. Reiterates its call on the Commission and Member States to introduce a Child Guarantee with its specific fund, so that every child in poverty can have access to free healthcare, free education, free childcare, decent housing and adequate nutrition, as part of a European integrated plan to combat child poverty including both the Child Guarantee and programmes offering support and opportunities for the parents to come out of social exclusion situations and to integrate into the labour market1a; 1a.European Commission Recommendation on investing in children: breaking the cycle of disadvantage, Brussels, 20.2.2013 COM(2013)0778.
Committee: EMPLFEMM
Amendment 434 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25 e (new)
25e. Stresses the importance of the role of equality bodies in assisting victims of discrimination, addressing gender stereotypes and implementing this directive; also calls the Member States to ensure their independence and strengthen their capacities through the provision of adequate funding;
Committee: EMPLFEMM
Amendment 435 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25 f (new)
25f. Calls for full implementation of Directive 2006/54/EC on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation, and for it to be revised with a compulsory requirement for companies to draw up measures or plans on gender equality, including actions on desegregation, the development of pay systems and measures to support women's careers;
Committee: EMPLFEMM