2 Amendments of David LEGA related to 2021/2237(INI)

Amendment 80 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
6. Welcomes the Commission’s decision to provide the Republic of Moldova with EUR 60 million through a new budget support programme in order to deal with a gas supply crisis artificially created by Gazprom and to mitigate the impact of the rising prices on the most vulnerable Moldovans; points out that energy is the most important resource for Russia’s budget, military and social programmes, and that Gazprom is used as a tool in advancing the Kremlin’s economic and geopolitical interests abroad; notes that the crisis further underscores the importance of thereducing the reliance on Russian gas and the boosting diversification of energy supplies and routes, and of building long-term resilience through a transition to more sustainable energy sources and investing in key infrastructure;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 182 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 a (new)
14a. Is deeply concerned about the human trafficking of women and girls run by both Moldovan and international criminal networks that trade women for prostitution abroad; calls for increased cooperation between the judicial authorities and the enforcement agencies of Moldova and the Member States, in order to reduce cross-border crime, particularly human trafficking and trafficking in illegal drugs;
Committee: AFET