13 Amendments of Josianne CUTAJAR related to 2019/2213(BUD)

Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Stresses that EU transport policy is essential for Europe’s economic, social and environmental development and its sustainability; strongly requests, therefore, that EU transport policy receive adequate and sufficient funding in order to secure growth, jobs and competitiveness in Europe, including in the insular and more remote geographical areas; requests additional investments in research and innovation, and in social and territorial cohesion;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 43 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Stresses that EU funding is essential to ensure that no one is left behind as the Green New Deal is implemented. Investments meant to reskill labour in line with the needs of a decarbonized transport job market will be paramount;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 46 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 b (new)
6b. Highlights the need for the EU budget to develop smart mobility and promote the use of public transportation and ensure its sustainability in all its forms across Europe, with an aim to reduce the environmental impact of widespread use of private vehicles, increase accessibility, and fight social exclusion and the negative trend of depopulation in isolated low-density areas;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 55 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Underlines that all areas of the budget need to contribute to the overall goals of the European Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Development Goals; recalls in this context the importance of the introduction of a Just Transition Fund to address societal, socio-economic and environmental impacts on energy-intensive industries and fossil fuel-depending regions, including the most peripheral ones, whose workers and communities are going to be adversely affected by the transition from coal and carbon dependence, andto clean energy; in this regard, calls for solid financing of the fund, which should not be offset by cuts to Cohesion Policy and other budgetary priorities;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 60 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 – indent 2 a (new)
– Stresses the need to address issues of insularity, under flagship programs such as Horizon Europe, by improving the connectivity and accessibility of disadvantage regions by funding new projects specifically intended for this purpose;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 62 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Recalls that, in line with the Commission Communication on “The European Green Deal”, priority should be given to actions tackling energy poverty in order to protect the households struggling to access basic energy services, in particular single-parent families, the elderly and persons with disabilities; in this regard, underlines the relevant work carried out by the Energy Poverty Observatory (EPOV) in fighting this phenomenon;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 65 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8 a (new)
8a. Highlights the need of further funding for gender equality in transport to support projects that aim to increase the percentage of female workers in transport, which notoriously stands today at 22%. Underlines that to this avail, the European Commission should explore further successful programs such as Women in Transport;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 66 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8 b (new)
8b. Emphasises the importance of making the transport sector more inclusive by supporting initiatives that ensure better accessibility for persons with disabilities and reduced mobility whilst supporting the inclusion of persons of different abilities the workforce;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 68 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Underlines the need for an ambitious draft budget, in particular for new programmes such as the Digital Europe Programme, which need to become operational as soon as possible in order to help make the EU more competitive; ith specific regard to artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and supercomputing, which will be crucial to make Europe fit for the digital age and achieve digital sovereignty, and which need to become operational as soon as possible in order to help make the EU more competitive by enhancing the Union's digitalisation and by the digital inclusion of the European economy, public sector and citizens; in this regard, stresses the importance of the actions enabling European citizens to develop advanced digital skills with the aim, among other things, to bridge the digital divide and to reduce the gender gap in the ICT sector;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 73 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9 a (new)
9a. Recalls the urgent need for the inclusion of a sustainable tourism budget line in the 2021-2027 MFF to support European Member States, their regions and stakeholders in developing a solid, durable tourism sector that guarantees the economic and social wellbeing of EU citizens;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 92 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
7. Recalls the important role that EU agencies play in helping to achieve policy objectives set by the legislator; calls therefore for sufficient funding and staffing for all agencies in line with their tasks and responsibilities; underlines in particular the need to substantially reinforce the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), which has been underfunded and understaffed for many years while the scope of its activities and responsibilities has been recently widened; insists that the Commission address this problem already in its draft budget.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 94 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 15
15. Highlights in particular the role of the Clean Sky 2 and SESAR Joint Undertakings and of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in reducing CO2 emissions by passenger; stresses the very good results and the essential role played by the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking in ensuring net accelerations in green technologies aimed at reducing the CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the noise levels produced by aircraft; Stresses the urgency to induce connectivity and increase efficiency by defragmenting European airspace through initiatives aiming to increase safety, reduce delays and the environmental impact of air traffic;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 98 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 16
16. Welcomes the direct support of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) to Member States’ efforts in implementing environmental legislation and its assistance in tackling maritime pollution and in monitoring emissions; believes that with further resources, the Agency can play an important role in supporting Member States in mitigating shipping-related environmental risks and in improving the sustainability of the maritime sector. through guidance on the implementation of new technologies, in particular AI;
Committee: TRAN