2 Amendments of Olivier CHASTEL related to 2021/2149(DEC)

Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
16. Notes with concern from the Court’s report that although the Joint Undertaking’s statutory staff remained static at 42 from 2017 to 2020, during the same period, the Joint Undertaking significantly increased its use of interim staff from three to ten full-time equivalents, that is, from 8 % to 24 % of the Joint Undertaking’s statutory staff, that the tasks performed by the interim staff are however, not of a one-off or temporary nature, arising from an exceptional increase in workload or the performance of a one-off activity, but rather are permanent in nature (e.g. legal service assistant, secretarial support, communication assistant, and project officer assistant), and the Joint Undertaking’s practice creates de- facto permanent posts, in excess of those; underlines that the high level of contractual staff tends to increase significantly the Joint Undertaking’s staff turnover rate and further destabilises the staffing situation. Emphasises, moreover, that the use of interim staff should remain a temporary solution, otherwise it could negatively affect the Joint Undertaking’s overall performance, leading to, for example, difficulties in retaining staff necessary in order for the Joint Undertaking to exercise key competences, unclear accountability channels, and lower staff efficiency; notes the Joint Undertaking’s reply that it has been obliged to constantly enlarge the use of interim staff during the past years due to the limitations of the rigid staff establishment plan under the condition of increasing tasks and workload, and that this trend is expected to continue with the two programmes – the Clean Sky 2 and the new Clean Aviation programme running in parallel, and, moreover, that the Joint Undertaking has put in place mitigation measures (such as appropriate supervision mechanisms, limiting tasks for interims to non-core tasks and ensuring appropriate training and mentoring support), and that however, this situation is not optimal on a medium and long-term perspective and that the Joint Undertaking considers that the solution would be to provide more flexibility with regard to number of contract agents posts in the staff establishment plan;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22 a (new)
22 a. Emphasises that the Court’s findings confirmed persistent systemic errors in the personnel costs declared, and that in particular SMEs and new beneficiaries are more error-prone than other beneficiaries. Highlights that such errors are also regularly reported by the ex post audits of the CAS and its contracted auditors; emphasises therefore that streamlining the H2020 rules for the declaration of personnel costs and the wider use of simplified cost options is a precondition for stabilising error rates at below materiality level. The Joint Undertaking is also encouraged to strengthen its internal control systems to address the increased risk regarding SMEs and new beneficiaries;
Committee: CONT