34 Amendments of Bernard GUETTA related to 2021/2037(INI)

Amendment 14 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 5 a (new)
— having regard to its resolution of 21 January 2021 on the crackdown on the democratic opposition in Hong Kong;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 21 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 5 b (new)
— Having regard to its resolution of 20 May 2021 on Chinese countersanctions on EU entities and MEPs and MPs;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 23 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 5 c (new)
— Having regard to its resolution of 17 December 2020 on Forced labour and the situation of the Uyghurs in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 25 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 5 d (new)
— Having regard to its resolution of 19 June 2020 on the PRC national security law for Hong Kong and the need for the EU to defend Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 32 #
A. whereas through its strong economic growth and ambitious foreign policy agenda, notably its investment strategy and its policies “Going Global”, “Made in China 2025” and its “Belt and Road Initiative”, China is asserting a stronger global role both as an economic power and as foreign policy actor, which poses serious political, economic, security and technological challenges to the EU, and has significant and long-lasting consequences foron the world order and poses threats to liberal democracy;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 39 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital A a (new)
A a. whereas China is a cooperation partner but also an economic competitor and systemic rival; whereas, in this respect, the EU may share policy objectives with China, but it also has vulnerabilities that need to be carefully assessed, in order to develop a strategic response to Chinese projection of power and influence in the world and in to Europe;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 46 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital A b (new)
A b. whereas in recent years the EU faced a rising number of challenges from China through the Belt and Road Initiative, the 16 +1 format, divide-and- rule tactics, the Chinese investment strategy, disinformation campaigns, technological challenges and an increasingly assertive diplomacy;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 49 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital A c (new)
A c. whereas Chinese foreign policy expansion poses threats to liberal democracy, by indebting African, Asian, Latin American and even some Western Balkan countries through its Belt and Road Initiative and by attempting to assert its illiberal views through its growing influence in international organisations;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 58 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
B. whereas China has a track record of human rights violations that eschew the country’s bilateral and multilateral commitments in these areas; whereas goodwill measures and non-binding commitments have not been sufficient to increase Chinese commitment to values that are fundamental for the EU;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 123 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Supports greater dialogue and cooperation with China on peace and security, sustainable development, science, technology and innovation, environmental issues, space and aerospace, the reform of the WTO;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 127 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3 a. recognizes the importance of cooperation with China in supporting the peace process in Afghanistan and discouraging North Korea of continuing its nuclear programme, inter alia;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 141 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Calls for Human Rights Dialogues to be held regularly and calls for a solid benchmarking of the progress made in bilateral dialogues more generally; calls furthermore for a shadow human rights dialogue involving EU and member states diplomats, Chinese diaspora, NGOs, academics and lawmakers aimed at forging a better understanding of the Chinese system and devising better strategies to influence human rights progress in China;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 211 #
(b) a recommitment by China to uphold its international commitments to Hong Kong under the Sino-British Joint Declaration and Hong Kong’s Basic Law through the suspension of planned reforms to the city’s electoral system;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 214 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8 – point c
(c) the lifting the counter-of sanctions imposed by the Chinese Ggovernment on EU entities and individuals, including Members of the European Parliament and the Subcommittee on Human Rights in retaliation of the Council 22nd March’s decision to impose sanctions on 4 Chinese officials and one entity;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 226 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. States its support for UN to carry outUrges the EU and its Member States to intensify efforts to reach enough international support for an independent UN legal investigations into alleged genocide and crimes against humanity taking place in the Xinjiang region and in the meantime to commission an EU led legal investigation to make preliminary determinations into the alleged crimes;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 228 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. States its support for UN to carry out legal investigations into alleged genocide and crimes against humanity taking place in the Xinjiang region; calls on China to comply with its obligations under national and international law to respect human rights, including the rights belonging to minorities in Xinjiang, Tibet and Inner Mongolia;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 238 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Calls for the introduction of a unilateral ban on the import of products from forced labour and child labour or any other form of modern slavery; Calls on the Commission to bring forward the proposed Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Framework as a matter of urgency; Underlines the need to ensuring that the current trade and internal market legislation, as well as any due diligence framework or forced labour import ban, be efficiently and effectively used in order to exclude entities directly or indirectly involved in human rights abuses in Xinjiang, operating on the EU internal market;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 247 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
11. Calls on the Commission to put forward the proposed Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Framework as a matter of urgency;deleted
Committee: AFET
Amendment 255 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 a (new)
11 a. Calls on the Commission to address the crackdown on foreign NGOs by Chinese authorities and urges it to delete the ninth section of Annex II of the CAI that states that senior staff of foreign NGOs that are operating in China must be Chinese citizens; believes that the passage further restricts the work of foreign NGOs that already have to operate under the strict NGO law of 2017;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 259 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 b (new)
11 b. Calls on the EU Member States to fully implement the package of measures that was agreed following the introduction of the National Security Law for Honkong in July 2020 and to review their asylum, migration, visa and residence policy for Hong Kongers; Calls for targeted measures under the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime, as necessary, in order to address repressions in Hong Kong;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 265 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
12. Believes that the future EU strategy on China should provide the necessary tools and data to analyse the political, economic, social and technological threats stemming from China, its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and 176+1 policies, its investment strategy and their implications for the Union’s strategic autonomy and the liberal order;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 274 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Calls on the Commission to commission an EU-wide audit of the EU dependency on China in certain strategically important and critical sectors on both national and subnational levels, setting out plans to reduce dependency, while maintaining overall trade relations with China, which should be as open as possible;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 291 #
(b) building on the EU toolbox for national, regional and local risk-mitigating measures, to develop joint standards for the new generation of technologies, such as 5G networks;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 327 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
16. Believes that the future EU-China strategy should be more coordinated between the EU institutions and the Member States, as well as between the different Commission Directorates General; believes that policies should also be coordinated with regional and local actors that develop and maintain links with China;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 332 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16 a (new)
16 a. Believes that the EU-China strategy should have appropriate budgetary arrangements and financing, as well as integrated performance measurement, monitoring, reporting and evaluation arrangements;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 351 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18 a (new)
18 a. Notes that the increasing number of hybrid attacks originating from China requires special attention, due to their destabilising and dangerous nature; Recalls that these attacks are by itself often not serious enough to trigger Article 5of the NATO treaty or Article 42(7) of the TEU, though have a strategic effect cumulative and cannot be effectively tackled by retorsions by the injured member state; Believes that the EU should therefore strive to find a solution to fill this legal vacuum in a way that would reserve the right for collective defence below the collective defence threshold and allow for collective countermeasures of EU Member States on a voluntary basis;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 357 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18 b (new)
18 b. Supports expanding contacts between peoples on both sides as well as mutual exchange visits of students but encourages the EU member states to better monitor the impact of Chinese government interference in academic freedom, and if deemed necessary counter Chinese efforts to undermine academic freedom;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 362 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Calls on the VP/HR to coordinate the Union’s actions with like-minded partners on the protection of human rights and support for civil society in China and for Chinese diaspora around the world, as well as the defence of liberal democracy in the world, notably in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and with a view to engaging China to respect international law, the freedom of navigation in the South China and the East China Seas and the peaceful resolution of disputes;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 441 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 31
31. Considers it necessary to develop new industrial policies in areas such as microchips and semiconductor production, rare earth mining, cloud computing and telecoms technology in order to decrease EU’s reliance on Chinese supply chains, always with an outlook to ensure better coordination of those policies with that of other like-minded liberal democracies whilst exploring the potential to jointly pool resources and create new synergies along the way;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 454 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 32 a (new)
32 a. Encourages a close observation of China's involvement in the Arctic region and preparedness to ensure freedom of navigation in the Arctic’s Northern Sea Route;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 459 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 33
33. Believes that the Union should continue working towards its transformation into a geopolitical player by ensuring a more united geopolitical approach of its Member States, as well as by fostering its strategic autonomy and capacity;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 464 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 33 a (new)
33 a. Highlights that success of the European Neighbourhood Policy determines the EU's capacity to take upon the role of global actor; warns about the icreasing role of China in the immediate neighbourhood of the EU, including the candidate countries, and calls for active EU's engagement in providing the neighbouring countries with a viable alternative to Chinese investments;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 466 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 34
34. Points to the need to strengthen the EU’s tools to defend itself, increase its capacity to protect its interests overseas, acquire greater influence in its direct neighbourhood and ensure that the Member States are united in their geopolitical approach; finds that in this regard the EU should urgently develop an effective toolbox comprising economic instruments to tackle threats of economic coercion and of weaponization of choke points in an increasingly networked global economy;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 500 #
37. Points out the need to equipprovide the European External Action Service with a mandate and the necessary resources to study and counterto monitor and address Chinese disinformation operations;
Committee: AFET