6 Amendments of Anne SANDER related to 2015/2351(INI)

Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Stresses the importance of the Youth Strategy, given the EU’s alarmingly high youth unemployment and NEET rates; stresses that the next cycle (2016-2018) should contribute to the two objectives of the Youth Strategy by focusing on youth unemployment, education, training – notably through apprenticeships – and the transition to the labour market;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 42 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Underscores the importance of recognising competencies acquired in non- formal environments, including as part of associative activities; calls on the Member States to ensure the coherent validation of formal, non-formal and informal learning with a view to bridging the gap between the skills shortages observed in the European labour market and the many young job seekers;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 46 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Recalls that employment and entrepreneurship constitute one of the eight priorities identified in the EU Youth Report (2010-2018); stresses that youth work and non-formal learning, particularly via young entrepreneurs’ organisations that offer young people the opportunity to develop innovative projects, gain entrepreneurial experience and acquire the wherewithal and confidence to launch their own businesses, play a vital role in developing young people’s potential, including their spirit of enterprise and entrepreneurial skills;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 59 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Urges the Member States to promote and implement fully the Erasmus+ programme, and especially its apprenticeships facet, thereby fostering further cross-border career and labour mobility among young people, whatever their academic qualifications or skills may be; stresses the importance of supporting young people in their mobility projects, given their age and often unstable financial situations, including by removing certain indirect constraints on mobility, such as accommodation and transport difficulties;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 64 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Encourages Member States and academic establishments in border areas to step up communication with young people, and particularly apprentices, on the mobility opportunities that exist and the benefits they can draw – in terms of acquiring skills, language learning and discovering other cultures – from a cross- border experience which will also be easier to organise;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 70 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
7. Urges the Member States to implement fully the Youth Guarantee, for example by putting in placeby making full use of the funds the EU has made available to them, in order to implement measures to promote youth employment such as creating career guidance systems and compulsory registration for the unemployed in order to gain a picture of the real situation as regards youth unemployment. ;
Committee: EMPL